Fluttercord Adventures

by VanillaShine357

Inches from the End

Fluttershy flew in place and stared at a dead end. It seemed like there was no way out. But then she heard a whistle. She listened again, and it repeated. Fluttershy didn't know why, but she knew she had to follow the sound.

Suddenly, a creaking sound filled the maze. Fluttershy looked under her to see the spikes from the ground slowly start to rise up, same with the spikes on the ceiling. Panicking, she flew quickly in a different direction.

She knew she had to follow the sound and retrieve the creature before it was to late.

The whistle repeated and soon she found her self in the dead end the creature was trapped in. The critter jumped up and whistled. Fluttershy swiftly swooped up the alien and flew away. The spikes below were inching closer. She soon heard Discord's voice.

"Come on, Fluttershy!" Fluttershy's heart pounded and she dodged the spikes closing in on her. Soon, she could see Discord, Sylvia, and Wander. They cheered when she came into view. Fluttershy landed safely next to Discord as the spikes closed in and smashed against each other. She had got out just in time.

Sylvia picked up the pink critter in Fluttershy's hoofs.

"We know what planet this little guy belongs to. After we escape and give you back your magic we'll take him home." Wander jumped off of Sylvia and stood in front of Fluttershy.

"That was AMAZING! The way you swooped in there and saved him right before the spikes closed in on you! IT WAS A-"

He was cut off by Sylvia covering his mouth with her hand.

"Yeah. Good job now lets get your magic back." Sylvia's voice moved fast. She turned around and saw another wave of watchdogs coming. "Now!"