//------------------------------// // Luna's case (Epilogue) // Story: Celestia's Favorite Hobby // by MLPCrystalMoon //------------------------------// Later that night... "Oh, hi Princess Luna," Twilight greeted. "Why, Twilight, shouldn't you be getting to bed?" Luna replied, with a bit of concern. "Maybe later," Twilight said, "I see you're making tonight's sky very beautiful." "I always do my best for every night," Luna answered, "and besides that, I have to prepare my attack." "Your attack? Is there another war going on, Luna!?" Twilight asked, concerned and worried sick. "Yes, there is...," Luna murmured, "I must prepare the metallic waste." "Metallic waste?" Twilight murmured too, "hold on... are you telling me..." "Yes, the ultimate war of trash against Celestia! And this time, MY GARBAGE SHALL COVER THE SUN!" Luna shouted, using her Canterlot voice in the last part. "Oh great, not this one again... you know what? I'm going to bed. Good night, Luna," Twilight said, walking back inside the castle. "Good night, Twilight Sparkle." And for the rest of the night Twilight dreams about a trash war.