Pimp Spike's Swag Vol.5: The Comeback!

by trahzo

Cha-cha-chapter 34: Something I Started.

"Next is Gimme Moore, but what does he mean by something he started?" Asked Trixie

"In this picture: https://derpibooru.org/902489?scope=scpeb4cb6a69778b9b4f37cb93aa220f659cac472f1f In the 2nd page of the comments, he wanted know this one's name, and the fandom established a name for this Griffon, and her name became Gimme Moore."

"Really? That's awesome, like when he wrote the 1st Sunsetspike fic, with the 1st Sunsetspike pic, and then wrote the 1st CocoSpike fic, or when he wrote tons of new Spike Shippings with this series!" Brak said happily.

"Yes, and if it was him who caused Gimme Moore, then it will be him who writes Spimme!"

Spike went to Griffonstone to check-up on Gilda, and as it turns out she was doing pretty well considering the buildings have become something cleaner.

"Wow, Gilda had been doing pretty well, Twilight will be pleased to see all these happy faces, socializing, singing & dancing, eating scones."



"What're you doing here kiddo?"

"I came here because Twilight wanted to see how you're doing with the whole friendship thing. And after just coming in, this is amazing."

"Thanks, you feel like staying for a while?"

"Yep, I wanna see what your culture is like, now that you guys don't hoard bits anymore."

"If you wanna know what our culture is like, you can gimme some bits." Said a voice.

Spike turned around.

"Oh Spike, this is one of my friends."

"Hey, the name is Gimme Moore."

"Best Griffon name ever." Spike commented.

"Heh, thanks." Gimme said with a smirk.

"Alrighty, so here we go, some bits for you to teach me about the culture of Griffonstone."

"I was just joking."

"Yeah, I know you guys aren't that greedy anymore." Spike joked.

"But, I will buy a griffon scone before you take me on a tour."

So Spike bought a scone from Gilda, then Gimme Moore's tour began. Spike was riding on Gimme's back, learning, taking notes, amazed by the history, taking in the views, learning about the enemies they fought! He was amazed by the majesty of the kingdom.

"And, that ends our tour......"


"Oh right, sorry, I didn't get your name since it was only said once."

"Don't worry about it...though, I wish I should have asked Gilda if I can stay with her for the weekend."

"Say no more, you can stay with me."

"For a fee?"

"Nah, for free."

"Sweet, you know, with that blue hat, you remind me of this griffon that my friend Rainbow Dash told me about."

"Was she the cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane?"

"Always going into things blindly without as so much as a thought?" Spike added.


Then the both of them shared a laugh.

"Yeah, I kept on asking her for bits whenever she wanted something from me, if she were here now, I'd give her a refund for my services." She then began laughing at her own shenanigans.

"It's good to laugh at yourself." Spike said.

"Yeah, if you can't laugh at yourself, then you're us before we got friendship." Gimme replied.

They laughed again.

"Spike, you're fun, maybe dragons should gain friendship next."

"Well, the dragons in Dragontown know what friendship, but yeah, the giants we'd usually see should know about the importance of friends as well."

"There's a Dragontown?"

"Yeah, a district in Manehattan."

"Cool, I should visit some time."

"You gotta check out the comic book shop, great selection...well, considering if you do read comics."

"No, I don't."

"Nevermind then."

"Maybe if I go to Dragontown you could teach me about your culture."

"I don't live with dragons, I live with ponies."

"Nevermind then."

Then both felt a slight giggle from both of them both saying Nevermind then. Spike and Gimme then made it to her home.

"Wow, what a nice little shop."

"You should've seen what it's condition was like before, I didn't even pay a single bit during the reconstruction."

"Cool, so what do you sell? I forgot during Rainbow Dash's story, you learn to tune out someone who rants and raves."

"I learned to tune out anyone like that by not caring."

"Good one."

Spike looked around. He liked this cleaned-up version of the shop, all the rope in one pile, but not together because it'll get tangled. The headlamp helmets were on a shelf behind the counter, other supplies in another shelf, pickaxes hanging on the wall.

"I'd like to go spelunking one day."

"Don't you live with a Princess? Don't you get lots of money?"

"I don't go into the mountains that much after the dragons kicked the Diamond Dogs out of their territory."

"Now that just isn't right. So I guess you can't get anymore gems to munch on since the dragons now own those mountains"

"Yeah, I miss eating a bowl full of gems everyday."

"Well, I think I may have some gems in my treasure pile. Wait here, I'll get you some."

Spike loved spending time with Gimme Moore today, offering to show him around, teaching him about Griffonstone, making fun of Rainbow Dash behind her back, laughing together, offering him a place to stay for the weekend, even accommodating to his natural diet.

"Okay Spike, it may not be a bowl full, but I got you some gems." Gimme said while holding them in her talon.

Spike's lit-up, it had been a while since he last ate gems because of those jerky dragons.

"Gimme, please." Spike said while salivating.

"Okay, okay, here, didn't think you'd go nuts."

"Sorry, mineral withdrawal."

"It's okay, here."

Spike then swiped the gems from Gimme Moore's talon and savoring the flavor. "*Sigh* So good."

"Wow, you definitely did miss eating gems."

Spike then hugged Gimme.

"Thank you!" Spike then kissed Gimme's beak.

Gimme then blushed harshly from the sudden kiss. Spike then let go, and stepped back.


Gimme's mouth was agape.

"Gimme, are you okay?"

"...Give me more." Then they began making out.

"(Well, this'll be a fun weekend.)" Spike thought.

"Yeah, this is why the author hates it when there's a hiatus, he wants one girl per episode, but these damn hiatuses just force his hand...why June 13th for the 100th Episode anyway? Hey, I know, maybe for the season 5 finale, we'll get a hiatus until the day the author finds a date!" Brak remarked.

Then an anvil fell on Brak, but then Brak cut the anvil in half with his light saber ponytail.

"Phew, hate it when that happens, get the next letter."