//------------------------------// // I is for Intervention // Story: The Heart of Worlds // by Alchemystudent //------------------------------//         The cold and heavy feeling that filled the air of the city seemed to have no effect on Pinkie Pie as she skipped through some of the more destroyed buildings, "Hello! Anypony here?"  Twilight walked to a destroyed structure,"I don't think we'll find anypony here." She rubbed her hoof along it, the crystal reflecting her face. "Sunset, look around you." Mozenwrath said. Sunset looked around the group, and noticed several shadows moving,"That's not good, is it?" She thought. "Those are Heartless. Their main purpose is to take various hearts, including the hearts of various worlds. They must've taken this one too. Be careful, don't let them take your hearts." Mozenwrath said. "Why? They don't seem to be doing anything right now..." "They are sizing you up, seeing your hearts in their eyes. Right now, you and your friends look like a banquet to them.” Sunset raised an eyebrow skeptically,"Why are you helping me?" "I don't want you and your friends to lose your hearts and become... worse than I need you to be." Mozenwrath said. Sunset turned to Applejack,"AJ, do you notice something?" She whispered, motioning to the shadows. Applejack began to look around her, watching the shadows at first appearing to be still. Then she let out a small gasp as some of them began to move, "The shadows, they're movin. Hey, Twilight!" she yelled “You see them too?" Twilight said, turning away from the building she was inspecting,"I thought I was seeing things at first, too bad I was wrong." She looked around, seeing one of the shadows creep up on Will. The shadow began to form into a pony like creature with yellow eyes and tendril-like ears. Twilight fired a beam from her horn as the beast tried to snatch Will. "Twilight, what are these things?!" Asked Dash as she pulled Fluttershy away from one of the creatures. "Well, they certainly need a better dresser. Black, uggh," Rarity groaned, backing away from another creature and blasting it back with her horn. "I don't know, Rainbow," Twilight looked around them,"But there are a lot of them!" She said as more creatures began to appear and surround them. Dash turned and bucked a few in the face, watching as they dissipated, while Fluttershy led them away before flying behind them. Panting, Fluttershy wiped her forehead and flew away. Only to be flanked by several more flying heartless from her side. As she watched them come after her, she flew under them and hid in a back alleyway. A heartless came up behind her, and was quickly bucked by a kick from Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy smiled and followed her friend out of the alley. Pinkie quickly dodged tendril after tendril in a bit of acrobatics. Leaping up, she knocked some heartless together. Rarity looked to some of the crystals that laid around, levitated them, and sent them flying at the monsters. Sunset and Twilight stood back to back, firing several beams at the monsters. Moving in perfect sync, the two students began to strike shot after shot upon each heartless. One creature slinked up behind them, trying to attack them. As the heartless lunged, Applejack bucked the creature hard into the side and sent it flying. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew to catch up with their three friends, knocking off the weaker heartless before they landed. After setting Fluttershy down on the ground with her friends, Rainbow Dash took to the air and began to striking down  airborne heartless. Two heartless swiped her claws at Fluttershy from behind, but they were thrown aside by Rarity and Pinkie Pie. The seven mares began to stand back to back, each one striking out against the heartless and protecting the other. Each creature that leapt at them was swiftly taken down by a bolt or a punch from one of the seven protecting mares.Will ducked under a few of the creatures slashes, trying her best to summon her lighting magic, but finding it gone. Seeing the others circling against each other, Will flew to join them, switching to physical combat instead. The creatures began to scurry away. A look of shock and fear in their eyes as they ran off. Panting, Dash looked to Sunset as she dusted off her legs, "So, does Bacon hair have any explanations?" “Bacon hair?” Sunset panted and shook her head,"I wish I did." Twilight looked ahead to a large crystal castle,"Maybe we should look in there." The bearers and Will nodded and followed Twilight towards the gain castle. Looking up, Rarity commented, " It almost makes one think of the crystal palace back at the Empire." Twilight nodded in agreement, then gasped when she noticed a blackened heart under the palace,"Girls, I think this is the Empire!" "WHAT?!" Exclaimed the group as they ran to the blackened heart. "But how?" Applejack asked, watching as the black heart shone like a diamond. For a moment, she thought she could hear a voice from the stone. "Did we go backwards or forwards in time? OH, what if I meet my grandpa and we fall in love and I end up getting knocked up and end up giving birth to my mom?" Pinkie asked. "Does that mean I would have to call Maude grandkid?" "Sometimes-" Will began hearing a voice from the past "There will be times, girls, on your travels you will encounter a version of your own world. you will see horrible things that may have happened to the ones you care about.” the old mare told Will as she walked in front of her "- we encounter alternate versions of our worlds. Sometimes, those versions aren't always pleasant." Will said solemnly. "So," Twilight walked close to the blackened crystal heart,"somehow we ended up in a world taken over by whatever those things are. Those gates must lead us to other worlds, but why?" She turned and looked at the group,"Let's head inside the castle, maybe we'll find answers." Applejack walked behind Twilight and pt a shoulder onto her shoulder, "Hey, Twilight. We might see Shining Armor or Cadence in her, you know that right?" Twilight shuddered and looked away,"I know. I was... trying to get that out of my mind." She kicked a pebble. She could still feel Applejack’s comforting hoof running along  along her back in a comforting manner as she watched the pebble roll away from one of the castles stands. Turning away, the mares walked into the castle proper and up the flight of stairs. For the longest time, the only sound that could be heard from within was the sounds of their footsteps and their breathing. The crystal palace was wide and cavernous, echoing each step that they took. They did not notice a set of dragon like eyes watching from inside a sealed room. "Who's there!?" a voice shouted. Twilight blinked, turning to look at the direction where the voice came from" Who is it? Are you a survivor?" "... Mom?" The voice said. Out of a door, a black unicorn head with dragon-like eyes peeped out,"You're alive?" "Um, hello dear, it’s ok, we're your friends," Rarity said, waving a hoof for the unicorn. "Oh, you poor thing. Where you left here all alone?" Asked Fluttershy. "Mom?!" Dash asked, looking to her friend. “Twilight, what has your other self been doing?” Twilight shrugged at Dash,"How would I know!?" The unicorn was about to step out, but she stopped herself. "How do I know you're not a trick by the Heartless?" the unicorn said. She looked at Fluttershy"I wasn't left here, at least, not technically. I had to watch my friends turn into-" She stopped herself before heading back into the room,"Come inside if you are who you say you are." Applejack was the first to walk in, followed by Will. The room was a small library with a window overlooking the decayed empire.”Who are you?" Will asked. The unicorn turned in surprise, her wings briefly visible, under her cloak,"I guess you aren't a trick by the Heartless, or you wouldn't have gone passed my spell. So you are either real, or figments of my imagination. No matter." She turned to a journal,"My name is Nyx, and I'm the last survivor of this harsh world.” "You're an alicorn!" Pinkie exclaimed as she saw the wings. Nyx looked behind her,"Yeah, I kind of am." She sighed as she walked to a bookshelf. Her cutie mark of a shield with a crescent moon became visible. “Wait, how did Twilight get an alicorn daughter?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I was adopted after Mom saved me from an attempt to resurrect Nightmare Moon,” Nyx said calmly. "Were you a royal guard?" Twilight asked. She wasn’t about to get into the details of the resurrection of Nightmare Moon just yet. "Yeah, and yet I was unable to stop them..." Nyx growled as she hit one book in frustration. Twilight looked at the journal on the desk and walked towards it . She noticed the title said,"Heartless." "Nyx, just what happened here?" Rarity asked, her mind looking back at the ruins of the city. "How did the... heartless as you call them, manage to do all of this?" "It started with a small portal. First there were a few, which me and my mom managed to drive off," Nyx began. Twilight flipped the page to see one of the few they had fought, named "Shadow." "We didn't know where they came from and just assumed they were just a random monster attack, but then more started to come," Nyx continued. Twilight turned another page, to a large black dog labeled,"Gemhunter." "They became stronger, they started to take creature's hearts, turning them into Heartless, then" she shuddered. Twilight gasped as she saw more pages, with dark versions of her, the princesses and her friends,"Loneliness, Deceit, Treachery, Hatred, Cruelty, Avarice, Nightmare Moon, Corona, Decadence." "They took Spike first, then my aunts, then the princesses, then." she gulped,"Oh, Mom, why didn't you let me help?" she started to cry into the shelf. Fluttershy walked over to Nyx and gave her a hug, rubbing her hoof along the alicorn's back, "It’s ok, it'll be alright." "You mom was probably trying to protect you," Pinkie said with a grin. "And, then they did all this," Rarity said with a shocked look as she looked out of the window. Her eyes began to water as the realization hit her, "No, Sweetie Belle..." "Can't start thinking like that, Rare, Applebloom and the others could be ok,"Applejack said, the small shudder in her throat betrayed her though. "No, it won't be alright!" Nyx pulled away from Fluttershy,"They're all gone! Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo... all of them!" Will walked to Twilight and looked at the nightmare forms of each bearer as well as the other heartless that was in the book, "Did you make this book?"  She picked up the journal with her magic,"I wrote that book when I was studying them, trying to find some sort of way to fix them, but now I'm only trying to survive! How did I survive so long?" She began to chuckle madly,"Apparently, the dumber ones, the ones that weren't my aunts, Mom, or the princesses, thought I was one of them! I guess being Nightmare Moon's reincarnation helps!" She laughed,"What cruel joke!" She yelled suddenly, slamming the cracked ground with her hoof. The mention of the fates of their sisters caused Rainbow Dash and Applejack to furrow their brows and almost stepped out, were it not for Sunset's magic, "Girls, this is no time to go half-cocked into a vengeance spree." Sunset said. "She's right, ladies do not take vengeance," Rarity said with a low voice, "They wait for the opportune time to honor their sister's memory." Her hair covered her eyes as she looked down at the ground. "Its not a joke, cause I'm not laughing," Pinkie said, rubbing Nyx's back. Will looked at the book, and then back to Twilight, "Do you think there is a way to fix them?" “Well, if we-" Twilight said, but was cut off by Nyx. "If I couldn't find an answer, how could she!?" Nyx shouted, tears in her eyes. She looked away and sighed,"Although, there is something..." "What is it?" Fluttershy asked. Nyx picked herself up walked over to a box with six gems on the top and kicked it open,"Here are objects used by the Queens of Harmony. I am unable to use them, but if my aunts and Mom were here..." Twilight walked over to the box. Inside a purple sword with a star hilt glimmered. a vision of a purple alicorn with a flowing mane using the sword came to her mind. "Equinox." A voice whispered. Twilight pulled it out. There was a white rapier with a diamond on the hilt. An image of a white alicorn with a flowing mane thrusting with it came to Rarity,"Vorpal." Four shiny orange boots with green apples on the buckles shimmered. An orange alicorn with a flowing mane had them on, and was bucking entire mountains,"Gaia." A pair of cyan wing blades with red lightning bolts glimmered. A cyan alicorn with a flowing rainbow mane was slicing tornadoes with them,"Chrysaor." A pair of yellow wing blades with vines surrounding them, before stopping at pink butterflies glimmered. A yellow alicorn with a flowing mane used them to block a dragon's fire,"Mediena" A large golden party cannon, with a blue balloon on the top shimmered. A pink alicorn was seen using it to make more parties,"Party Cannon MK 2000” Rainbow Dash flew over to look at the wing blades, a smile on her face, "AWWWWW YEAH! That is what I am talking about!!!"  As if by magic, the blades came onto her wings in a red flash "My word, what excellent craftsmanship in the weaponry," Rarity said, looking down at Vorpal. As she stared into the reflective image, she fixed a little bit of her mane while it glowed a light white. "Yeah, and some of these weapons are pretty nice looking too," Applejack said, smiling. Much like with Rainbow Dash, the boots flew onto her hooves, glowing faintly orange. "Oh, my. Twilight, do you think these are for us?" Fluttershy asked, looking down at the wing blades as they glowed a bright yellow. "Ohhh, please let me have the cannon!" Pinkie Pie giggled, as the cannon glowed blue. "I believe so." Twilight said,"Though it's rather convenient that they would be here and our other selves didn't get them." She took Equinox out. The sword glowed a bright purple in her grasp. Nyx blinked,"That... didn't happen when I tried to use them."  Will looked at each of the weapons, "Maybe, Nyx, its because it belonged to them." "That..." Nyx looked at them,"Yes, that's why you all came here isn't it?" "Where did you find these?" Sunset asked. "How did the pink one put that cannon in her mane?" Mozenwrath asked. "It's Pinkie." Sunset thought "They just appeared." Nyx said," I only found them after my friends..." A hoof slammed outside of the room,"Nyx..." A voice hissed,"It's Aunt Cadence, please come out this time..." the hoof slammed against the door again. A smile came across Pinkie's face as she bounced to the door, putting her face to the door,"Not until you bring some cake!" "... Pinkie? I thought you were a heartless now..." Decadence said. “Can she get through the door?” Twilight asked, looking at the large library doors. Nyx gasped as the heartless slammed on the door again,"No, we're safe. She can't get through the door, not with my enchantment." Twilight walked in front of Nyx, Equinox in her magic,"Come on, girls, let's fix this problem." She looked at Sunset,"You stay here with Will and protect Nyx." The girls smiled to Twilight, and nodded. Sunset took a step back towards Nyx and placed a foreleg around the little alicorn defensively, her brow furrowing in sheer determination. Will took a step forward, but a look from Sunset caused her to back away a little. “I want to help,” Will growled, rubbing her hoof  into the ground, "But, what can I do." "You can keep her and yourself safe and," She smiled at Nyx,"You can reassure Nyx that we'll be fine." Sunset nodded,"She's right, Will." She put a hoof on her shoulder,"We need to be here in case anything happens. Will nodded and sighed, "Kind of wish I could be with them." As the six made their way to the door, Dash asked, “Do you two know how to use those things? I mean, basic wingblade training is something that is taught in the academy, but you-” “Me and Shining used to spar with swords when I was little,” Twilight said. “I got interested in the art when I was doing some light reading and Shining offered to teach me.” Rarity smiled knowingly, “I am quite fascinated by the finer arts in life: archery, fencing, and that sort of thing. For me, I love the art of using the sword, the swift movements of the blade, and the use of it as a sport. It is one of the few sports I am into.” “And yet, ya won’t be caught dead in a hoofball match,” Applejack chuckled as they opened the door. Slowly the door opened and the bearers of the elements stepped out of the door in a line, a faint mist at the bottom of their hooves. Twilight walked in front of her friends,"Hello, princess." She smiled at the pink and black form in front of her. A black mare with pink eyes stared at them. Pink armor adorned her body, and a blackened heart was where her cutie mark should be,"You... think you can take... me?" To answer, Rainbow Dash smirked and said, "Watch us!" Several shadows leaped at them, before Twilight cut them all in a flash of light. Several hearts flowed up from them. Looking to her friends, Twilight’s expression darkened, “Just remember, they are only shadows. Just like the fearcats.”  Instinctually, Rainbow Dash flew off through the black creatures, letting her wing blades cut through them. She then turned up and flew through another row of the heartless. Rarity took a step back and used Vorpal to cut through two heartless, watching in shock as the creatures faded while a pink heart floated out. Giggling Pinkie Pie exclaimed, "Hey look, these guys have something inside them!" "They look like hearts," Twilight said, grabbing a gemhunter and slicing it,"Perhaps these weapons are freeing captured hearts and those hearts are going back to their recipients!" She looked at Decadence,”I’m sorry, Cadence,” She muttered as she ran at her. Decadence smirked,"How... gutless... suicide's the cowards way out!" She produced a black sword with a rose hilt and slashed at her. Twilight blocked it, then returned with a thrust, which was blocked by Decadence. Fluttershy looked up at Applejack, as the hearts were released, "So, we're really helping them?" "Yeah, so don't worry about killing them sugarcube, like Twilight said" Applejack said with a wink. She then slammed both hooves into the ground before punching two heartless in the face. Then, she helped Fluttershy down and hit a heartless that was behind her. Rarity went to Pinkie's side slashing at them all the way. She watched as Twilight began to fight her former foalsitter, "Pinkie, go to Twi-" she stopped as she watched the pink ball of energy running to Twilight's side. Rainbow Dash flew in from above, “Why is Pinkie heading towards Twilight?” “She is fighting someone she cares for, do you think it will be easy for her? What if you had to fight Scootaloo or one of us?” Rarity said, thrusting at a few heartless. Rainbow Dash said nothing, choosing instead to fly in the direction of the heartless and strike them down. Fluttershy let out a gasp as she watched some heartless come at her, and flew at them to cut them down. Realizing she had her eyes closed as she took down the heartless, she turned around to watch them fade into the ether. Letting out a sigh that her opponents were gone, she began to focus on her flying and getting to a safer spot. That was when she saw one heartless trying to stab Applejack from behind. Growling, the yellow pegasus flew through the shadow, her wingblade giving a clean hit. Turning to look down at her orange friend, Fluttershy smiled as she watched Applejack tip her hat in gratitude. Rainbow Dash smiled as she cut a few more creatures down, letting her wing blades cut through the air, "Ok, we have got to see what these babies can do!" The air turned into blades from Dash's wings. The air blades cut through more heartless. Dash’s eyes went wide, "Ok, that is awesome!!" Applejack and Rarity stood back to back, slamming down heartless after heartless. Rarity watched as five earth pony heartless backed up and ran at her, only to be swiped by Applejack’s legs. In return, Rarity slashed at three pegasi heartless behind her, before  ducking under one more which she thrust her blade into one. Then she ran her hoof through her mane to quickly fix it. Decadence and Twilight’s duel continued on, through the castle and into the throne room. Each blade clashing together in a shower of sparks and light. The fight was only interrupted when Pinkie Pie appeared on the top of Decadence head, “Hi, Twily!” the party mare said with a flutter of her eyes. “Pinkie?” Twilight asked in shock as she blocked a swipe from Decadence. “What are you doing here?” “Helping! Whoa!” Pinkie exclaimed as Decadence began to buck and thrash about in an attempt to throw her off. With a timed flip, the young mare jumped off from the wildly thrashing princess and landed in front of Twilight. Before she had a chance to say something else, her tail quickly began to flail. Eyes wide, she jumped out of the way of Decadence’s lunge. Decadence growled,”Annoyance...” she stepped to the side as Twilight struck at her with her sword. "I prefer to think of myself as peppy!" Pinkie squealed as she rolled under and lightly began to punch Decadence's underside. Decadence screamed as Pinkie hit her, and began to desperately try and get to Pinkie under her. She did not see Twilight as the purple pony flew up and sliced at her side, cutting her deep. Blasting out a wave of  magic that blew the two ponies against the wall,  Decadence put up a shield around herself. Pinkie got up, shaking some of the dizziness way as the shield went up, "The big silly." "Silly? How... am I silly?" Decadence demanded. "You trapped yourself with my cannon," Pinkie giggled, pointing to the cannon beneath the alicorn. "And...boom." The alicorn looked down,"Aw... shoot." She said as the cannon exploded, sending her backwards. Then Twilight flew and stabbed her, causing her to disappear. A shimmer was seen as a pink alicorn lay limp on the ground.A small smirk came to the pink pony's face as she looked to Twilight to hoof bump her, and then began to look into her saddle bag. The others, watching as the creatures began to dissipate ran into the throne room where their friend awaited. From within the library, Will put her ear to the door, “I think the fighting’s stopped.” “Good, that means we can stop waiting,” Sunset remarked, putting away one the books that she used to occupy her time. Reaching for the young teen alicorn, the yellow unicorn smiled, “Trust me. It’ll be ok.” “You know, that could also mean that your friends have failed,” Mozenwrath said. Sunset shook her head, “They didn’t, trust me. If they are anything like my world’s friends...” As Will went for the door, Dash quickly opened it from the other side, “Come on guys, Cadence is awake.” Nyx ran out and gasped when she heard the news. Sunset chuckled to Moznewrath as she followed Nyx and the others out of the library. Nyx beamed as she saw the alicorn,"Cadence!" She shouted, running to her aunt. Twilight held Cadence's head up, trying to get the love alicorn to her feet,"Cady?" Twilight said. The pink alicorn's eyes fluttered open,"T-Twily?" Tears filling her eyes, Twilight forgot for the moment that this was not her Cadence and gave her a giant hug. This embrace was soon joined by Nyx who hugged her just as tightly, "Princess?" Rarity asked, stepping forward with a bow, "Are you all right?" Applejack smiled and tipped her hat, "Welcome back, yer majesty." Pinkie Pie skipped to Cadence and offered her a cupcake, "Hungry?" Cadence took the cupcake and ate it happily,"I'm fine... now. Everypony else?" "We're all doing ok," Fluttershy said, smiling. "Princess, how could've all of this happen? Ah mean, the heart or the elements should've done something!" Applejack said. Will stood back and sighed, looking at the group, "And I did nothing." she sighed as the others began to talk to the princess. "Do you know where we are? I mean, where the other we are? OR Tia and Luna?" Pinkie asked. Cadence shook her head,"I don't about that. The heart, for some reason, couldn't stop them. The heartless took the bearers before they could use the Elements." Twilight put a hoof to her chin,"Hmm." "What is it Twi?" asked Applejack. "Well, since these things can apparently purify heartless, I was thinking we can apply the magic in these weapons to the Crystal Heart and fix the world." Twilight said, taking a look at her sword. "That's what I was thinking, other Mom," Nyx said with a nod. “But it’s not going to be easy, is it?” Rarity asked. "No, I'm pretty sure our heartless selves are going to stop us." Twilight said with an affirmative nod. Rainbow Dash smirked, "Oh, and I thought you said we were going to have something tough," brushing down her wings, she let out a grin, "I always knew I could beat myself in a dog fight." Fluttershy gulped, "Not to mention, there might be a chance Luna and Celestia are there. Oh, Twilight, I don't know i I could fight any of you girls." "Well, one thing to remember is that they are not us or the princesses," Twilight said, walking to a nearby window and looking out at the destroyed city."They're just shadows of us." "Even so darling, it will be tough," Rarity said, looking down. Applejack then put a hoof onto Twilight's shoulder, "Now, who are telling that to Sugarcube, us or to yourself?" Twilight looked at Applejack, then her pupils went down,"Myself." She whispered. Applejack slowly wrapped a foreleg around Twilight and hugged her. Rainbow Dash looked to Cadence, “But, the heart was black when we saw it downstairs. Doesn’t that mean its dead?" Cadence shook her head,"It's only corrupted, not destroyed. If you can purify it, you can fix it." "Oh, great,” Dash rolled her eyes at this. “Think these weapons can do the job Twi?" Dash asked. Will looked at the group and stepped forward, “Um, Twilight. I would also like to try and see if I can purify the heart. ” Rainbow Dash let out a scoff at this, “And what makes you think you can do anything?” “That pendant did cure me of the hate plague that was in me,” Sunset said. “It might do the same for the heart.” Twilight looked at her sword and then to the pendant on Will’s neck, “It is a possibility. I am still quite curious as to how that gem works, and I wish I had a chance to study it.” “Well, it makes a great flashlight! Look at it glow.” Pinkie giggled. Will turned her head down and stepped back, “What? Wh-when has it been doing this?” Nyx arched an eyebrow at this, “You mean, it wasn’t supposed to do that? It was glowing when you came in the library.” “Interesting,” Twilight said, walking to the pendant and lifting it with her magic. “Maybe its glow has something to do with the Crystal Heart. Maybe if we could get to it and place this pendant on it, we could revive the heart.” “Hey, Twilight, think that monster could help us down?” Pinkie Pie asked. “What monster?” Twilght asked, before letting out a small eep as a giant eyeball appeared outside the window. Nyx looked at the eyeball,"Not a behemoth..." She gulped. "Ok, what is a behamoth?" Asked Rainbow Dash. "Well, it's big, breaths fire, and I do believe it came from the heart of a dragon," Nyx said, taking a step back as a clawed hoof slammed against the castle. "A dragon?" Flutterhy squeaked at the rumbling of the toner/ "Wait, a heart of a dragon?" Applejack asked, as she started to realize the horror of what that could mean. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes at this, "Bucking great, who wants to go outside and sya hello?" Twilight looked out the window, her body shivering,"Don't think about it, don't think about it." She opened the window and leaped out. "TWILIGHT!" the five mares shouted. Applejack turned to look at Nyx, "Is there a faster way outside?" "No Time! I can fly-" Dash said, beginning to fly out the door. But was quickly blocked by Will. "No! We don't need two reckless ponies out there," Will said, looking into Dash's magenta eyes. "We need to plan something else. "What do you know, newbie? Out of my way!" Dash shouted. "Rainbow," Fluttershy whispered, to which Dash sighed and floated down. Nyx nodded,"Down here," She said as she ran towards a corridor. Quickly, the mares followed Nyx downstairs to where the behemoth was attacking," No, Spike..." Rarity said, noticing the faint purple color in the behemoth's body. "Where's Twilight?" Asked Fluttershy. Applejack turned to look back at Nyx, “Nyx, you go and keep an eye on Cadence. That’s an order!” “Yes ma’am!” Nyx saluted, unable to refuse a command from her aunt. Twilight's body flew down in front of Fluttershy. She got up, feeling a little dizzy,"Bad Spike, take your medicine..." She shook her head and growled as she got up. "Twilight, are you all right?" Fluttershy asked, looking over her friend. Twilight looked at Fluttershy,"Well, my faithful assistant is now a dark being and I'm trying to get help him as fast as possible without endangering my friends, who in this world are also heartless, but other than those things, I'm just peachy!" She yelled, as the behemoth breathed fire. The fire was blocked by Sunset's shield. Fluttershy let out a squeak as Twilight yelled, hiding it behind her wings. Twilight stepped back a little,"I-I'm sorry Fluttershy. It's this world." She looked at the behemoth behind her,"It took you, the princesses, and Spike." She sighed. Sunset nodded,"No problem, but could you girls maybe come up with a plan before I lose this?" She felt a bit of unfamiliar magic bolstering her shield,"Mozenwrath As I've said, I don't want these things to kill you all "W-well, he's a little big, but I can try," Fluttershy nodded "Alright you try to stare him down," She turned to Applejack and Rainbow Dash,"You two take a piece of rope and tie it around his legs." She looked at Rarity,"Rarity, when he goes down, you and I swing up at him. Pinkie?" She looked at the pink mare with a smile,"Party Time." Each mare nodded in response, before breaking away from the group as Sunset dropped the shield. The dragon let out another roar as he saw his prey expose themselves from the shield. Taking a deep breath, Fluttershy flew straight up towards the dragon and landing on his nose. Narrowing her eyes, she looked deep into the dragon’s eyes, giving him the full power of the stare, “Spike, what on earth is the meaning of this? You are breaking you poor Twilight’s heart by being so destructive and cruel. Now, you stop attacking us right now or else I will give you a time out.” The beast shuddered as it stepped back, not seeing Rainbow Dash and Applejack pulling a rope taught around the dragon’s legs and causing him to trip. This allowed for Twilight and Rarity to swung up with their sword. Pinkie Pie, finding a broken building, aimed her cannon, "Ready, ready, aim and fire!" she squealed, firing the shot at the monster as he fell backwards. The monster screamed as it hit the broken building. A heart flew out as it disappeared. Twilight took a step towards the building, and then she  shuddered,"Anypony else feel a little cold?" She said, her air visible. A figure drew near her. "Y-yeah," Rainbow Dash said, shuddering. Which was surprisingly for her since pegasi like her didn't get cold. Will looked towards the heart and saw eight figures approaching, “Guys, look ou-” her voice was drowned out by a severe gust of wind. After several minutes of strong wind blowing them back, the eight mares found themselves in town center, facing the castle and the path to the heart. Rainbow Dash swore under her breath as she watched six mares approaching from the path. One in particular caused her horn to glow and appear closer to Twilight, "Do... you feel it?" Twilight's voice whispered in the alicorn’s ear," the Loneliness?" Fluttery barely had time to let out a yelp of surprise when she was hit by A yellow and black shape tackled Fluttershy,"Can you run? I think not!" Cruelty said, through jagged teeth. “Fluttershy!” Yelled Rainbow Dash when a black and rainbow blur flew around her. "Oh look, it's a poser!" The thing said with a laugh. A pink and black hoof slammed the ground before Pinkie,"Not you, I hate you!" A white and black form danced through the air,"Oh, my, I hate it when ponies copy me!"  She said, beckoning Rarity to come away from the group. A orange and black hoof stormed towards AJ,"Howdy, Ah'm here to be yer friend!" Twilight took a step back,"Sunset, you and Will go for the Heart, now!" Will looked back to Sunset and then to Twilight, "But what about you?" Twilight looked up at her evil self, who was standing a small distance away from her, a sword drawn,"We'll be fine, we've got each other after all." She said with a smile. Will calmly nodded and flew off, Sunset turned and followed her, her horn glowing as she got ready for the first sign of trouble. Fluttershy grunted as her opponent landed on top of her, putting her foreleg to the evil her throat, trying to hold her back. "Who are you?" "Cruelty," She hissed,"and I'm feeling hungry for a little filly’s heart!" She snapped at her. With a grunt, Fluttershy managed to push her evil half off,  looking at her with concerned eyes"Why?" "Because that's what I do!" Cruelty screeched. "You don't have to," Fluttershy said calmly, looking into the monster's eyes. "You have to hurt others or steal their hearts." "Yes, I do!" She shook her head,"Don't confuse me!" "No, you don't. You don't have to hurt others, pain only brings misery and that only brings loneliness and hatred," Fluttershy said, watching as the evil her stepped closer. "I am not trying to confuse you, I am telling the truth." Cruelty shook,"No, you're lying." "No, I'm not," Fluttershy said, shaking her head. " You have a wonderful life, friends you can spend time with, and a world to live in. It might be terrifying, but there is so much to explore and live with." Cruelty went back, her body shivering,"Shut up... please!" Fluttershy walked up slowly, putting her hoof onto her heartless's shoulder, "No, you need to hear this. Hurting others will get you nowhere, all it will do is leave you alone. You are more than just a mindless monster, you are a pony." "I... am a pony?" The heartless shook her head, stopping. "Yes, you are," Fluttershy said, looking into the eyes of cruelty. "You are not a trait, you are a pony with your own thoughts." Cruelty looked down,"I... am?" "Really?" Cruelty said. "Yes," Fluttershy smiled. Cruelty teared up,"Thank you..." She said as she faded.         Avarice walked slowly towards Rarity, bringing out her own rapier. Rarity said nothing, but calmly brought up her sword and looked straight down at the heartless. In her mind, she began to size her opponent up, letting her dressmaker side to kick in and look at a body for flaws and traits. Avarice pointed her sword at Rarity, her gaze trying to cut down the dressmaker. The two mares stood there for a moment, not moving, allowing the wind to blow through their manes. In a flash, Avarice launched into a thrust towards Rarity.Rarity parried the blow, and returned it, adding a slash to her attack. Avarice parried that, and went with a thrust. Holding her sword upwards, she blocked the thrust with a swipe of her sword and slashed at a low angle. The heartless took a step back to dodge the blow. Across the square, the two mares duel took them past ruined building after ruined building. Each thrust and slash was returned with a similar strike, as if a mirror was placed between them and they were just following each other’s motions. There was almost a faint smile on Rarity’s face as she blocked three thrusts in a row from her opponent. In return, she copied the move in perfect sync, with the heartless blocking in the same manner. Then, the heartless slashed across Rarity’s chest, causing her to wince from the blow, and just barely dodging the next thrust. From her crouching position, the dressmaker swiped up and then thrusted at Avarice left hoof, catching the other mare off guard. The other mare growled and sent a slash at Rarity, and Rarity managed to block that, only to get nicked in the leg by the strike from the heartless. Another swiped was blocked by Rarity’s upward strike, and then lowered her sword to block and then swiped in an upwards fashion, "Avarice, greed. Quite a detestable sin if I do say so." "Really? Quite a lot coming from you, considering that you skirt the line of greed." She jumped back and then did a horizontal swipe. Calmly, Rarity blocked the hit with her sword. She then did a diagonal swipe with her blade, " True, I admit to my flaws. However, I also remember to be as generous as I can be to offset it. For My friends, my sister, and my business, I would give it my all." Avarice parried,"Your all? Hmm, I'd say you haven't done enough!" She did a swipe downwards. "How so?" Rarity said, blocking the attack. "You need to give more of yourself, because that greed is all that your so called friends ever see of you!" She thrusted. Rarity narrowed her eyes, blocking the thrust with ease,"That is where you are wrong. They see how often I give my time, and how I construct my business. They know that, while I am generous, I am not an idiot. I make sure to keep myself in balance," pushing the unicorn off, she swiped, twisting her sword into a thrust. "But what does your sister think!?" Avarice felt the tip nick her body, and returned with a slash that managed to make a nick along Rarity’s chest. Rarity looked down as she sliced at Avarice, "She does think I am selfish, that is true. But, deep down, she also realizes the work I put into my career and respects that." Avarice backed up, and lunged at her. Rarity smirked, dodging the blade and swiped at the pony, only to watch it go through, "What?" Rarity blinked “... I hate you,” growled Anger. "Shame, because I like you! You look kind of funny," the pink pony giggles as she looked to her heartless. "You think this is funny!" Anger growled. Pinkie calmly nodded, the smile never leaving her face. Anger growled,"you annoying little snot!" Pinkie Pie giggled as she rolled out o the way and brought out a pie, "I think I am more energetic." Anger growled, and looked down at the pie,"Don't show me that.” She turned away. "Ok, how about this?" Pinkie asked shoin her a cuppy cake, with her face one it. Anger growled,"Stop it!" "I would stop, but I can't" Pinkie said, looking at Anger with a big smile. "What do you mean you can't!?" Anger screamed and stomped her hoof. "I can't, because you are still upset," Pinkie said, offering a sponge cake and then put a silly hat onto her opponent. "And I never leave a pony with a frown!!" "But... I always have a frown!" Anger said. "You don't have to!" Pinkie giggled. "You can have fun instead! Or, you could be thinking of a joke, or your favorite word. Mine is pumpernickel, because you can't spell it off the top of your head!" Anger frowned,"Maybe, maybe having fun again would be nice..." She said as she began to fade. Rainbow Dash looked at her imposter as she said the word poser, and could only smirk, “"Hey! At least I'm not a shadow bolt wannabe!" Dash said, growling at herself. Deep inside she could feel the anger boiling within her, like she wanted this version of her dead. "Wannabe!?" Treachery exclaimed,"I'm way cooler than a wannabe! You're lamer than I am." "Yeah, you're lame, and a bit of an idiot," Dash grin as she took off. "Because you challenged me. Now, come on, jerk, let's fly. "and with that she took of. Treachery flew after her in a rage, reaching out with her front hooves in an attempt to punch her down.Rainbow Dash flew just enough to keep ahead of her counterpart, turning her head to keep an eye on the heartless’s distance. After flying down a few streets of the city and through a few broken buildings, the cyan mare caught sight of a broken beam of wood. Slowing down just enough for her counterpart to almost get her tail, Dash flew around the beam before flying back to hit Treachery from the top and into her back. Treachery growled, as she felt the hooves strike her back,"That was low!" Turning around in mid-flight, she threw a hook at Rainbow’s face. Smirking, Rainbow Dash managed to block the hit to her face, but was unable to block the double jab to her chest.Dash gruted as she felt the blow hit her chest, " So, how does it feel to be a lonely old fogey?" she panted, delivering a few blows of her own. Treachery grunted,"I'm not lonely!" She swung at her, her attacks being blocked as much as they connected while they flew through the air and the city proper. Dash blocked the shot, "You betray ponies, yeah... that leads to loneliness." she then retaliated with a kick and punch. "No, that's Loneliness!" Treachery pointed to the heartless in question, blocking each strike," but I'm going to hurt ya anyway for that comment!" She flew up and struck at her again. Dash grunted as she felt the blow to her stomach, and stumbled in the air from the hit. Shaking her head, she grinned, "Yeah, not seeing the difference here." she then flew in a circle around the pegasus, creating a small tornado. Then the pegasus drove her leg into the back of the heartless. “You betray your friends, you lose everything and you probably run off from your own goals. I bet you can’t even perform a Sonic Rainboom!” Treachery howled in pain. She landed and looked up at Dash with her yellow eyes,"Oh, you'll see!" She flew up into the air and began to fly down, picking up speed. As Rainbow Dash watched her opponent fly up past her, she landed back down on the ground directly underneath and looked up. Smiling a knowing grin, moving her legs into a launching position and taking off in a streak of rainbow colors. Aiming herself straight at her heartless, the speedster thrusted her forelegs forward as a cone of air began to form around her, “Like I said, you can’t.” "Oh, yes I can!" Treachery flew down faster, a similar cone of air forming in front of her. "No, you can't, cause you see..." Dash smirked, her speed kicking up. "That little Rainboom of mine? Its special, because I can only use it on one condition." "And what is that!?" Treachery screamed, her voice drowned out by the noise of wind brushing past her. "That it comes from a need to do something you could NEVER do!" Rainbow Dash shouted her speed increasing. As she spoke, a killer look came to her eyes, wanting to drive her forelegs through the heart of her opponent "A need to be there for somepony else!!" Treachery was about to say something, and then she felt the hooves go through her. Applejack began to circle her opponent, "Ah don't really like liars." "Shame, 'cuz Ah do!" Deceit jumped at her. Applejack stood her ground, waiting for Deceit to come at her, and then uppercutted her with both fore hooves. Deceit stepped back from the blow, and sent two punches at AJ. Applejack let the two punches hit her face and shoulder, before smirking. Deceit arched an eyebrow at this and began to lay blow after blow onto Applejack, and still she stood unmoving with a smirk on her face. The only change in expression was when would wince from a particularly hard blow. The earth pony let out a roar of rage as she delivered a hard buck into Applejack’s chest, making the earth pony stumble a bit and spit out some blood. Deceit looked confused as Applejack stood by up with a cunning smirk, Deceit "What are you so happy about?" "Nothing," Applejack smirked, waving her hoof, beckoning for another strike. "Hit me." "Well, Ah won't hit ya," Deceit turned, then bucked at her. AJ took the hit, not flinching. Her smirk now turning into a cunning grin. Growling, Deceit laid a flurry of blows onto Applejack, only to watch in horror as it seemed to barely hurt the farmer. After another hard blow, the dark pony began to growl, "What is with ya? Not that I'm getting worried or anything..." Deceit stomped towards her. "Nothing," Applejack said, almost taunting. "Ah'm just gagging." Deceit cocked her head,"Gauging?" "Just how weak ya are," AJ said. "Ah ain't weak!" Deceit yelled,"Or am Ah?" She cocked her head. She growled,"Whatever, killing ya now!" She bucked at AJ. Aj took the shot, "Yeah, ya'll are kind of weak... because that shot was weaker than last." cracking her neck to the side, she smiled, "and that means, its time for ya to go down!" slamming her hooves to the ground, she caused the earth to shake beneath Deciet's legs. Then, she laid a series of punches into the body of her opponent. Lonliness brought out a sword,"Do... you know how lonliness feels?" She said, her breath visible. "I do." Twilight said, blocking a sword strike,"But you don't have to be lonely!" Twilight put a hoof out towards Loneliness,"We can be friends." She blocked another sword strike.Twilight walked forward,”You just need to embrace friendship again.” “Friendship? Have you seen where that has gotten me? The only reason we are together is to take the hearts of you and your companions!” Loneliness said, striking her sword down at Twilight. Twilight quickly blocked the blade and struck out with her own attack. Loneliness received the blade and stuck out with two strikes, following up with a fire wave. With a little clumsiness in her swing, Twilight blocked each blow with her blade. Then, when the fire wave approached her, she quickly put up a shield of frost; however, Loneliness took the opening and slashed across her chest and hit her chin with the pommel of her blade. Growling, the alicorn princess pushed Loneliness away with a telekinetic push and slashed at Loneliness, “Yes, friendship got me these.” she waved her wings for emphasis. “A title? Further separation from your friends? Was that your reward?” Loneliness demanded, slashing hard at Twilight. “Separation? No, not at all,” Twilight said, slashing at her opponent to block the blade. “If anything, they are still my betters.” Loneliness glared at Twilight, “How?” “My secret,” Twilight smiled softly as she struck out with three strikes, each of with were blocked. Flying over Lioness's head, Twilight used some mist to block her opponents vision and struck out with a thrust, cutting into Loneliness side. In pain, the mare struck out with a few slashes at Twilight.  Twilight winced as one sword strike connected, then she did a slash at Loneliness. Twilight flew above her double, and slashed down, as Loneliness blocked and struck with her own. Twilight and Loneliness' blades struck each other,"You know, all this is going to do is break the swords!" Twilight said,"Theoretically, this is not a good idea!" She pulled away and slashed again. Will looked up ahead of the path towards the castle, "There, the heart!" Then a blast of shadow and flame hit the ground before Sunset and Will as they approached the castle center. Sunset gasped as she saw two black alicorns guarding it,"Yeah, and there they are!" She pointed. “Remember Corona, we kill them and then I go after you,” Nightmare moon said, looking at the pegasus and unicorn. Corona just shrugged, “On that we agree sister.” she sent a wave of fire at them. "Aw, buck," Will said, trying to close her eyes against Corona's flames, "how many do you think you can take alone." "Well,"She shielded her eyes against the flames of Corona,"1/2, but I think I can try to manage." "Good,because with me, that should be one that we can take down," Will gulped as she looked at Nightmare Moon. She felt a small shudder as the black alicorn glared into her eyes and straight into her heart. "Yeah, and then the other one kills us!" Sunset said. She looked between the two. "Sunset, keep Will distracted, I have an idea." Mozenwrath said. Sunset turned to Will,"... Run to the Heart," She sighed, her horn glowing,"I'll try to keep them both off you." "Right," Will nodded and flared her wings out before taking off. “If I could just get this stupid lighting to work!!” "Ok, so Cornelia gets earth, Irma water, Hay Lin blows wind, and Taranee fire," Will said to the old mare before her. "Why do I shoot lighting?" "Lighting is the spark of life, what you are throwing is your quintessence manifesting in an elemental form. Life energy," Yan Lin said, looking human for a moment. "Just use the power of you heart" Will's eyes narrowed as she began to charge lighting in her hooves, and then threw it out at the two alicorns. With a grin, she moved between them before making her way to the heart. THe two alicorns put up shields to block the lightning. When those shields went down, they turned to strike at Will, but they were stopped by a teleporting Sunset. Sunset gulped,"Now what, Mozenwrath?" She thought,"I'm about to get myself killed and ruin your plan here! And while ruining your plan would be a good idea, I don't feel like dying!" A greenish black spark came from her horn and to the ground. The two alicorns charged at her, but they were struck back by a unicorn stallion with a curved red horn. The stallion turned to Sunset and bowed. "Oh, King Sombra!" Mozenwrath said,"I wasn't expecting to grab his body. Sunset, this is a Mamluk, he will distract one of them for you, until the others get here. He's already dead so you don't have to worry about him. Just protect yourself." Sunset blinked for a bit, then shook her head,"Distract her!" She said, pointing to Nightmare Moon. She turned to Corona, and was sent flying from the alicorn's hoof. "I said protect yourself, not get hit." Mozenwrath said. "Thanks, Mozy, how about I run from  the big monster like I’ve been doing!?" Sunset growled. Will walked to the heart, looking back over her shoulder, "I should go and-" she was interrupted by the light of her pendant glowing brighter. "Ok, we'll go with Sunset's plan. But, whatever you are, we are going to have a long talk about helping others!" she grumbled, walking closer to the heart and watching as the two began to resonate with each other. Sunset put up another barrier, as Corona fired a beam at her. Sunset gasped as the barrier shattered and the beam hit her. She got up slowly, and watched in horror as Corona walked slowly towards her. "Ok, now what am I supposed to do," Will thought to herself as she held the gem in front of the heart. Its glowing began to increase as she neared it. "I don't know what you're supposed to do, but could you hurry it up!?" Sunset yelled, dodging Corona. Sombra smiled, generating three crystal blades at once and sending them at Nightmare moon. Nightmare Moon blocked the blades and sent a beam towards the undead king. Closing her eyes, Will placed the pendant onto the heart, and her world went white.  At the same time, Applejack kicked a broken and beaten deceit into a building. Before she could walk a step further, the life seemed to fade from her eyes and she walked to the heart, dodging the battles around her. Slowly she placed her hoof onto the heart, and the Gaia boots began to glow a green color. Twilight cut down her heartless. The life then faded from her eyes. She turned and walked towards the heart, her magic pushing Corona away in front of her. She pulled Equinox out and placed it on the heart. Will slowly woke up, finding herself in a white void, "Hello? Is anypony there?" "What, where on Earth am Ah?" Applejack asked waking up slowly. "Twilight?" she asked looking to her friend. Twilight looked around,"I don't know." "Guardian of Harmony, Guardian of friendship, you are here to open the gate to the Heart of Worlds, correct?" an echoing voice boomed. Twilight looked up, trying to find the voice,"Yes, we're looking for the gate. Who are you?" The voice seemed to ignore Twilight, "Then, the bearer of the heart, step forward. Guardian of Friendship, you must watch." Will stepped forward slowly, "The heart? That’s what Valtor said this was, the heart of Kandrakar." she then looked down at her pendant. “ My memory has been jumbled up so much lately, I am surprised I can even remember my name.  “Is that what this is? A heart?" "The heart of Kandrakar bearer is the one who must help open the gate," the voice said. “What about my memories? Why can I remember being some sort of guardian and a hero sometimes, but in others I can’t even remember why I have this thing!” Will yelled. "Ain't Kandrakar that place Celestia told us about? That dimension with all of the magic and dragons." Applejack asked In a flash of light, four tan unicorns appeared before the three mares. Each one with manes of blond and green eyes, Will recognized them immediately, "CORNELIA!!!" She ran to them, but was blocked by a barrier. "Scion of friendship, you must complete the test as well," four Applejacks appeared before her. "You must pick which one of these four is your true friend. Honesty, it is your task to help them find the right one. Each pony will say something to you, and you must choose." "And if we choose wrong?" Will asked. "Then this world and everypony in it, will be swallowed by the darkness. This world will fade and become no more. Including your friends." "Okay, " Twilight gulped,"Will, I hope you really know your friend." She looked at the four. "I do too..." “Guardian or normal girl? Are you a mare who saved the empire time and again, helping the bearers protect Equestria, or a human superhero who has protected the multiverse, who are you?” a voice echoed in Will’s mind. “You forget if you are a guardian, but yet, you remember them. Who are you? What is real?” Will shook her head, trying to focus. The four unicorns looked to Will, the first one on the left huffed, "Will, I know you are the leader, but what kind of leader almost gets us killed! Next time, tell us your plans before you do something so foolish." "Will," the next mare sighed, "I am sorry that this happened. But, don't worry, we are going to do everything we can to help." The third mare held out her hoof, "Whatever your problem is, don't worry...I'll be right by your side." "Will," the fourth mare turned away from Will, crying. "I am fine, I don't need the help." The Applejacks looked to Twilight, "Twilight, Ah know you are pretty smart, but there is a difference between book smarts and common sense." "Twilight," the second Applejack said, pulling her hat to the chest. "Ah know you are going through a rough time, but don't worry about it. Ah'll take care of it, everything will be fine because Ah'll handle it." The third Applejack stood in front of them all, "You mess with Twilight, ya mess with me. And brother, you better not be messing with me!" The fourth sat down, "Twilight, it’s ok," she said, holding back her tears. "Ah'm fine, really." The real Applejack looked to the two mares, "Wait a minute... something ain’t right here." "Honesty, you will have one chance to help them with their choice... be ready. Twilight bit her lip as she looked around at the different Applejacks,"They're all pretty convincing. Come on Twilight! You're the Element of Magic, you should be able to figure this out!" Twilight said to herself. "That's easy, it's-" Will was about to say "Wait," Applejack objected as she walked to Will. "Ah just realized... can you really define your friend by one little trait or thing they do?" "What do you mean?" Will asked. "Ah mean, think about it," Applejack said. "Is your friend always helpful, or angry, or distrustful?"she asked, hoping Twilight would hear. Twilight overheard Applejack. Her eyes sparkled as her mind raced through her memories of the farmer. She looked up and said,"They're all Applejack. She is protective of her family and friends. She can be the sensible one, especially when I'm going through my own brand of crazy," she chuckled at that one,"She tries to put other ponies problems on herself, even she doesn't have to, and she always tries to hide her feelings.” "She's right! My friend isn't just one personality," Will said, looking around her. "She is a person, and people have different sides to them. We argue, yes, but she is always by my side. Because she is the type of girl to hold onto the pain for me." "You have chosen, wisely," said the voice as the light washed over them. Will found herself seeing a scene of a unicorn standing before a Will lying on the ground in pain,"You made a mistake," the unicorn said, standing in front of Will as she laid behind her. "You messed with my best friend. Now, you mess with me." "Twilight," aid an image of Applejack, placing her hoof on to Twilight's shoulder. "You will always have a place here, no matter what. Ah will keep you going when you fall." Will saw an image of her sitting in a car with Cornelia, as Cornelia finished isnging, "Light, of a true true friend," Cornelia smiled. "Our song. Whenever you hear that... you know we are close by." As the two images played out, a white earth pony appeared, "Why Ah do declare, I am so glad to meet you three. Honesty, Friendship and the bearer of Kandrakar. It is a pleasure to meet y'all. Oh, and you look just like your little ol ancestor," the earth pony smiled as she rubbed Applejack's cheek. "Oh, and my name is Truly Love" Twilight gasped,"Truly!" She walked up to her,"Amazing, I've never thought I'd actually meet a legend! Oh, there is so much I have to ask!" she squealed. "A legend? You mean little ol me? Well, Ah'm flattered," Truly smiled at Twilight. "Tell, what type of questions do ya need answering, sweetie?" "Well, what were Terra and Majesty like in their foalhood? How was the alicorn city? What was Mimic the Wise like? Why are you here? What was the world like? Did you fight any ancient evils?" "Well, Ah've never actually met Queen Terra and Mejesty when they were little foals, the alicorn city was fantastic, like nothing Ah had ever seen before, Ah am here because you girls have opened mah gate, the world wa a little more dangerous than this, and yes...  a few," Truly said. "You called me the Bearer of the Heart, what do you mean?" asked Will. “And what did Valtor mean when he called me a guardian? Why can I use lighting powers?” "Ah don't really know. When Mimic activated this spell, she set it so it would recognize the bearers of Harmony and the bearer of the Heart of Kandrakar," Truly said, looking at Will's pendant. "Beyond that, Ah am mainly here to activate one of the four gates." "So, I guess you wouldn't know why the key sent me a vision of the past, would you?" Twilight sighed,"Or why we went to this specific world." Then she had a thought,"I thought there were three gates!?" "I don't really know. Mimic said she set those up for the ones in the future so she could learn the secrets of the past. Ah'm not entirely sure," Truely said. "As for this world, Ah don't know that either. Ah guess it has something to do with looking for the Heart. Ah can only guess that you gals will be sent to another world like this. An of course there are four little gates. Didn't you hear the legend? The three gates will open the light to the fourth Where Faith must continue after Forgivenesses falls And some other little ol things that Ah can't remember. Ah was too busy fixing my mane to pay any attention." "But, why me? Why am Ah here?" Asked Applejack. "Oh, its because each of Harmony's chosen has to be there to help the bearer unlock the door," Truly said. "It's a failsafe. Harmony can't do anything without the guardian and the bearer can't do anything without Harmony. At least that's how Mimic described it." "I... didn't really see that part in the book I read, but I could've missed that part..." Twilight muttered. She looked up,"So the bearer of the heart needs the bearers of the Elements of Harmony." She smiled at Truly,"Thank you, Truly. I'm starting to understand what we have to do." “You are welcome, oh and thank you kindly, Honesty," she said, walking up to Applejack. "You were the best one to help get them through this." "Aww, shucks, tweren't no problem." Applejack blushed." "Hey, it’s what we Earth guardians do..." "Ah know Ah can seem a little small, but Ah promise you darlins...I  will get your through all of this. You can put all of your problems on my shoulders and I will help you," a memory of Truly said. That was when their dream worlds shattered. The heart in the real world began to glow brightly, the four lights on the weapons of the girls began to glow bright and hit the heart head on. The heart shone, causing a large wave to wash over the world. Everywhere that the wave touched, the damage caused by the heartless seemed to fade. Places where the innocent fell, now was restored with the noise of ponies celebrating their return to life. Sunset raised her hoof, but saw that Corona, Sombra, and Nightmare Moon had vanished. She turned and ran towards Twilight,"You did it!" Will struggled to her hooves, only to be helped up by Applejack and Fluttershy. Dash landed next to Twilight, "Did you see that?" "It was all like, whoose, and blast, and beam!!" Pinkie shouted. Twilight shook her head,"Wait, it's over?" "Mom!" Nyx shouted, running over to a purple unicorn body. "I guess it is." Twilight said,"Are you girls alright?" She looked at all of them. "Well, I'm a little banged up, but I'll manage." Sunset winced Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie noded. Rarity ran her hoof through her mane to how how she managed, while Rainbow Dash winced a little on her leg. Applejack moaned a little "A few hurt ribs, but Ah'm ok." Sunset went to Twilight,"And you?" "A few cuts and bruises, but I'll be fine." Twilight said with a smile. Then she was tackled by Nyx. "Thank you all so much! I thought I would go crazy in here! But you saved everypony!" She said with a grin. "Hey, it’s what we do best," Rainbow Dash said with a cocky grin. Pinkie then nudged Rainbow Dash, "Don't say that! That's usually when the big bad amps up the ante and we get hit with a giant Godzilla or a giant pony eating cake monster or a pony-turned pretzle or Trolls who like to riff on good fanfics. Fluttershy shuddered at the thought.Twilight chuckled as Nyx ran to the awakening forms of her friends,"I don't think that's going to happen here." She said as a large doorway opened behind them. "I think this is our cue to leave." Sunset said, looking at the doorway.  Will could only chuckle as the heart of Kandrakar began to dim, "So, I have name for you, huh? The heart of Kandrakar. A pleasure. Now,if I can only figure out what she meant by guardian, and that voice that called me hero." “Thank you, guardians. The heart is safe and you saved the kingdom,” Cadence said, looking to the five ponies. “No problem Cad-leon,” Irma said, switching from a pony to a human. “There it is again, a vision,” Will said. “Am I a guardian, a pony, or that wierd ape thing?” she whispered as she looked to the other ponies.