//------------------------------// // There is Dirt EVERYWHERE!! (Rarity's Point of View) // Story: The Long Road Home // by yourlocalhetheydisaster //------------------------------// This place is an absolute mess. It really is. The one singular toilet was stained with other test subjects... Waste, I should say. The tiled floor was stained with dirt, mud, anything that was dirty was on that floor. I gagged in disgust. "Where in Equestria is the janitorial group? They should really clean this place up!" I said. Unlike the room, the bed was neatly made and seemed fairly clean. Though, with all of these ponies, I mean, people in the room, it probably wouldn't stay that way. The voice came back on again saying, "We hope your brief detention in the relaxation vault has been a pleasant one." The voice, presumably female, continued talking; until something appeared. We all stopped and stared at this... thing, that had just appeared. The Voice told us to exit through the thing(now given the name as a portal.) We stepped through, single-file. The Voice was about to say other things, then stopped. "Wait a second, I don't remember there being ten to twenty test subjects inside the enrichment center. Where did you come from?" I flipped my hair to give it a better fluff, then cleared my throat. "I am, Rarity, and we came from a different, what did Twilight call it? World, no, universe still not right... Oh! Now I remember, dimension. The dimension that we came from is called Equestria, you must have heard of it." The Voice didn't come back on for a while, and we were getting anxious. It seemed like it had been forever when the Voice finally spoke again. "I have searched every database around the world, there is a place in South Africa named Equestria, is that where you live?" Apple Jack face-hoofed, while Fluttershy stared at a camera that was on the wall. "Well, no. Equestria is its own country. Maybe you should check your, um, database was it? Yes, check that again, becau-" "I have already check my database again. There is no other place in the world other than Equestria in Africa." I huffed. "Are you sure that your mental stability is intact? We cannot properly test until your mental stability is in check." "I am positive that my mental stability is intact. Perhaps your database is broken, hm?" I was starting to get frustrated. How could this thing, whatever it is, not know where Equestria is? It's a computer, all computers know everything. The Voice returned. "I have run a test to see if my data-base is broken, which it is not. Your mental stability is fine... which is different. We will now begin testing no matter where you are from. Please pla-" "What in tarnation do you mean by, testin'?" Apple Jack asked. I turned to the camera, also wanting answers. The Voice came on again, sounding slightly irritated. "Please place the cube on the button." Apple Jack mumbled some profain words and glared at the floor. I gave a slight hmph and tried to pick up the cube. I began sweating and stopped. "Ew! Sweat! I'm sweating! If this sweat gets in contact with this dirt then I will be covered in dirt!" I shouted. I looked around for anypony who could possibly pick up this cube. I looked at Apple Jack and smiled. "Apple Jack, would you be a dear and place the box onto the button?" I asked. Apple Jack sighed and started to mumble under her breath. She picked up the cube and placed it on the button. She mumbled and gave me a nasty look as she walked by me. The voice returned again. "Here at Aperture Laboratories, failure is not an option. Please, if you find yourself stuck in anyone of the tests, try until you get it right. As Thomas H. Palmer once said, 'If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again." "Yeah Rarity," Apple Jack said, "try again." She glared at me then back at the box. I began to get annoyed and walked to the door. I stopped as I looked at a blue, shimmery thing that almost looked like film. "That is an imancipation grid, it will incinerate any unauthorized testing equipment. Thank you." We walked into an elevator, and passed the next test. Upon entering the next chamber, the voice told us to grab the item in the middle of the room. Apple Jack and Raindrop jumped through the portal and grabbed the gun. "You have now obtained the hand-held portal device. Unfortunately, since I expected only one tester, this is the only portal device I have placed inside of the test chamber. Thank you for your co-operation." Apple Jack shot a portal through the glass where we were standing, and let us run out of there. Dear sweet Celestia, everything in this room is repulsive. Even the device thing that Apple Jack is holding is covered in dirt. "Apple Jack, dear, please when you finish with that... thing, could you wash your hands?" I asked Apple Jack turned her head and rolled her eyes. "Rarity, clean hooves-" "Hands," I corrected her. "Ugh, washing mah hands are not mah biggest concern," she said, annoyed at my correction. I gave a huff and continued to walk towards the elevator. Fluttershy had caught up with Apple Jack and I, hiding her face with her mane. "Um, girls, maybe we should stop fighting. After all, we're supposed to help these ponies have a good time in this universe. So, let's um, not fight." Apple Jack and I gave a glare at each other, then looked away. Apple Jack, if we weren't here to help all of these ponies, I would...would... give you the biggest make-over of your life. Dress and all. I huffed again and walked with the group, my nose in the air. "Please refrain from fighting. With all of you here, I have decided to make this a co-operation test. Thank you." I huffed angrily at the voice. "We can fight all we want. You ca-" "Also, stop being so dramatic. It is just dirt. Dirt is a fact of life, live with it." Apple Jack laughed a little at the voices sentence and I glared at her harder. This was going to be a very long testing session.