//------------------------------// // New in town // Story: Minako's new life // by Smrrt //------------------------------// 7 days until the Summer Sun Celebration Ponyville was a rather small and mostly unknown town, even though Canterlot was only an hour train ride away. And most of the Ponyville residents liked it that way. Even the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration didn't change that. For reasons unknown to the pony folk, the Monarch of Equestria decided to hold the 1000th Summer Sun Celebration in Ponyville. Nopony questioned the princess' decision and overall the townsfolk was honored at this chance to impress the princess and everyone prepared for the upcoming festival. Which included the Ponyville Hospital. Of course nopony wanted to put any disgrace on the town, but at least a few ponies get drunk on large events like this and with cider season every year, the hospital staff had a lot of experience. Doctor Stable had just come out of a meeting, when news arrived that he had a new patient. Pinkie Pie, local party planner, crazy, yet a overall lovable pony, found an unconscious pony outside of the bakery she was living. Pinkie then quickly proceeded to bring the unknown mare to the hospital, who was now lying in the bed in room 207. She was a pegasus mare with brown coat, red hair and red eyes. Her cutie mark seemed a little unusual to say the least. It was a heart shaped lyre, indicating she was good with the instrument and the heart shape could mean that she was good with love songs. The unusual part of her cutie mark was the background behind the strings. It was a blue card with a black/white mask in the middle. Doctor Stable would have to ask the mare herself what it meant, once she woke up. He was certainly curious. But right at the moment he had to give a diagnosis to Miss Pie, who incidentally was accompanied by her friend and local fashionista Rarity. "How is she doctor? Is she alright for a party? Mr. Cake said I can't throw her a 'Welcome to Ponyville' party as long as she doesn't feel well." Rarity rolled her eyes, but didn't hide her smile. Sometimes she had to wonder how she became such good friends with the pink party pony. But then again, her being friends with Rainbow Dash was even stranger. They had nothing in common what so ever. "Well, we couldn't find anything wrong with her, physically at least. She just seems to be asleep, however nothing we did managed to wake her up so far, indicating her sleep is somehow magical nature. For now we decided to wait and monitor her conditions, but if she doesn't wake up on her own soon, we might have to call an expert from Canterlot or even transfer her." For once Pinkie's expression became serious, which unsettled Rarity. "There's more and I'm half inclined on calling the royal guard for this matter." "The royal guard?!" Rarity exclaimed, wide eyes. Doctor Stable nodded. "Yes, you see hidden under her count we found scars. Battle scars." "A-are you sure?" the white unicorn asked meekly. Doctor Stable nodded again. "I have been serving as a doctor in the royal guard for 5 years. I know how those look like. What's more, after further examination, we found out that her wounds had been healed with healing magic that closes wounds instantly." "That's a good thing, right?" Pinkie Pie asked, feeling at least a little better. "That highly depends I'm afraid. For you see, instant healing magic is highly dangerous. Only Princess Celestia is allowed to use it without special permission or when the circumstances require it. Because if not done correctly, you could do more harm then good." There were times Doctor Stable hated his job. Such a time was now. Not only was he bringing bad news (not the worst luckily), but he said it in such a routine fashion, it made him look heartless. He decided to spare them with the rest of details, the magical scars they found. "In any event, whoever used that magic did a decent job on keeping her alive. The only thing we can only wait-" "WHAT THE HELL?!?!" A scream came out of the room the patient was in. The words were in a foreign language, but it was obvious enough that the mare was distressed. The three ponies rushed into the room, finding the mare staring at her own hooves. When the other three ponies entered the room, the eyes of the now awake mare grew even smaller. "P-ponies? B-but...you....eh...doctor? Am I on morphia by any chance?" "I'm sorry, but I don't understand the language you're speaking." The pegasus mare blinked a couple of times before speaking up again, this time in a language everypony understood. "Uh...sorry. This is...not my first language, you see." "That is alright." the doctor said. He was about to speak up again, but Pinkie beat him to up, by zooming in close to the pegasus' face. "Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie. I found you outside of Sugercube Corner and thought to myself: 'That's a new pony! Why's there a pony sleeping outside? Isn't it cold?' Then I tried to wake you up, but you wouldn't wake up. I tried everything: playing loud instruments, throwing a bucket full of water over you, but nothing worked! Eventually the neighbors started complaining, but when they saw you, they stopped and told me to bring you here. And then-" Rarity shoved a hoof inside the pink pony's mouth. She still continued talking as if nothing happened, causing the mare in the bed to giggle. "It's...nice to meet you Pinkie Pie." she spoke carefully. "Please excuse her darling. She always gets excited, when she meets a new pony." "It's alright...eh..." "Oh where are my manners? I am Rarity Belle. My friend here found you unconscious, in case you didn't understand her. I met on the streets and decided to accompany her here." Rarity explained. "Thank you two. I really appreciate it. Oh yeah, where are MY manners?" she giggled. "My name is Minako. Minako Arisato." "Well then, Miss Belle, Miss Pie, if you would please excuse us for a moment. There are some things that I need to talk about with Miss Arisato." "Of course doctor." Rarity and Pinkie Pie left, with the pink pony hopping out of the room. "Miss Arisato, I am Doctor Stable. There are some things I need to ask you. You see, while we did a routine check-up, we found more than a few battle scars under your coat." he explained. Minako was slightly taken aback by the statement and checked her overall body once more. Doctor Stable waited until the mare was a little calmed down, before he continued. "We also found out that your wounds have been healed with instant healing magic. Now I'm not sure if you're aware of the laws in our country, but this kind f magic is under normal circumstances only allowed to be used by the Princess. I don't want to pry or anything, but in cases like this I am obliged to call the Royal Guard." Minako swallowed the information she was given. She took a whole ten minutes before she answered the doctor's question. "About those scars...I guess there's no use denying it. I did need to fight at one point in my life, but...that's over. It happened in my country and...I'd rather not talk about the time I had to do it." To Minako's surprise the doctor nodded understandingly. "I see. No need to look so surprised. I was doctor in the royal guard myself and have seen some things I'd rather forget. I assume, you were..." "I er...you could say I was in a special squad. I...can't really tell you more." "Alright. I can keep this between us as long as you can promise me nothing threatens this country. Oh but I already gave my diagnosis to Miss Belle and Miss Pie, so you might have to talk to them about this individually." the doctor informed her. "I see." "Now on another note, why were you lying outside of Sugercube Corner, that's a pastry shop, seemingly unconscious?" Minako frowned at the question. She knew it was coming, but "That's something I want to know. The last thing I remember is falling asleep. And I was back at home the time it happened." The doctor frowned as well. He picked up the clipboard and looked through the data once more. "Hmm, ah I might have an explanation. Miss Arisato, we found a light fracture on the back of your head. Are you suffering from any headaches by any chance?" "Now that you mention it...yeah, but it doesn't really hurt. It's more annoying, you know?" "Hm, alright. My best guess is that you suffer from a light, most likely a light temporary amnesia. They're not uncommon in flying accidents." "Flying accidents?" Minako parroted, only to be made aware of her wings again. "Oh." She stretched them experimentally and inspected the feathers a little. "Don't worry, your wings are fine. The only question that needs to be answered now is why we couldn't wake you up." "I think I can answer that. I'm a really heavy sleeper. I'm not kidding when I say that my friends at times electrocuted me in order to get me up. That's at least one of their favorite methods." she muttered, but was still loud enough for the doctor to hear her. He still had his doubts about the mare and had a half-thought of still informing the guards. But then again if it had been non-Equestrian affairs and the mare wanted to forget about her time in her country's military, which was understandable in the doctor's mind, so at the end he decided to let her be for the time being. "Alright then. Now, I just need you to fill in some paperwork and if you're feeling alright, I can release you." the doctor said, glad to be the bringer of good news, finally. "Um, about the payment...I...am broke." Minako stated bluntly. Luckily doctor stable expected that kind of situation, after all, they didn't find any saddlebags that could belong to the mare. "Hmm, well you could get Job and pay a certain sum every month, until you paid your debt. I'm sure Miss Pie and Miss Belle can help you find something. Miss Pie works at the pastry shop where you have been found and Miss Belle runs a boutique. Both might be able to help you. Incidentally, our library has been lacking a librarian for quite some time. It's a little messy in there, since only volunteers have taken care of it." Minako laughed a little. "Funny. I've been in school clubs for all of those things." She finally decided to get out of her bed, but instead of landing on all of her hooves, she landed on her face. "Ow..." she whined. "Are you alright?" It took a while before Minako managed to balance herself out. Doctor Stable grew worried once more and wanted to run some physical tests, yet the pegasus reassured him multiple times that she was simply a little out of it and needed a bit of fresh air. Paperwork was fairly simple, compared to what Minako was used to. Of course she couldn't give them a place of residence, but her doctor reassured her that wouldn't be an issue, as long as she came back and told them later. She also learned the name of the place she was in: Ponyville. "Kind of unimaginative." she had commented, to which the doctor only chuckled. Despite the paperwork being simple, it took a while for Minako to write everything down. She awkwardly used her wings to hold the feather (which was ruined afterwards). Afterwards Rarity waited for her at the hospital lobby. Pinkie Pie had gone back to Sugercube Corner, for work, as Rarity stated. The fashion pony wanted to stay until Minako got out. "Thanks for waiting for me. But that wasn't really necessary." "Oh but I insist. After what happened...oh hmm. What did happen, if you don't mind me asking?" Minako smiled sheepishly. "I had a little flying accident. I don't remember it that good, but the doctor said I'll recover in time." "Oh dear. I'm glad you're okay." From what Minako could tell, Rarity said everything in earnest, even if she said almost everything as if she was in the middle of a drama play. "Yeah, hey, uh...the doctor said you might be able to help me. Finding a job, I mean. You see, I literally have nothing due to...circumstances. I know that sounds like-" "Do not say another word, dear." Rarity held a hoof in front of Minako "you can stay at my humble home until we've found something permanent for you." "R-really?! Thank you, so much! You don't know what that means to me. The doctor said you run a boutique, right? I could help you out." Minako said enthusiastically. Rarity on the other hoof wasn't so sure about this. "Oh...thank you, but...you see, I don't want to appear rude, but fashion...is...oh how do I put this?" "Don't worry." Minako waved off. "I may be no fashion designer, but I've been in fashion club in school. I'm sure I can help you out with some minor things, even if it is simply bringing you coffee or anything." "Oh in that case, I suppose I could use the help what with the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration. Besides, a second opinion is always welcome." Rarity nodded. "Well then, dear. Shall we go?" Minako nodded eagerly. "I was never a fan of hospitals. Aaaand, if you don't mind, could we take it slow? I'm still a little uneasy on my legs." "Why of course. We don't want to have you back to the hospital so soon, now do we?" "A kimono? Hmm, no I never tried myself on one of those." Rarity stated. "I never thought of designing one, after all it is rather rare to find anypony wearing something like this in Equestria." "Hmm, yeah, I guess a kimono is rather exotic around here, isn't it?" Minako agreed. Her walking at least had become steadfast, even if she had to take it slow for now. "It's pretty hard to move in them, though. And when I first wore one I was surprised just how much clothes you had to put on." "Oh, now I just have to try myself on one of those. It's too bad that I won't have as much time as I wish I would have. Always keeping up with the fashion world, always preparing for the next season, it is simply sad how much a designer such as myself needs to hold back her own imagination. It is hard not to drown in the stream." Rarity let out a sigh. "That's always annoying. And it's not only in fashion, from what I have heard. If you experiment you either loose your business or you're lucky and hit it big time. There's no middle." The two walked past the town hall, where a older looking mare was coming out. Rarity quickly informed Minako that this was the mayor of Ponyville, who approached the two quickly. "Ah, Rarity. Glad I could meet you here. Oh and I belief we haven't met." the mayor noticed Minako a second later. "I'm Ivory Scroll, the mayor of our little town." "I'm Minako Arisato, nice to meet you. Yes, I am new in town." "Well then, I welcome you to Ponyville. Now Rarity, I quickly wanted to ask you if you wanted any help for decorating on the town hall?" "Oh no, I'll be fine." Rarity waved off. "As I already said, it is no problem what-so-ever. The town hall will simply look stunning, when I'm done with it." "Yes. Excuse me Rarity, but I'm just nervous. The Princess herself will come and I don't think any of us want to disappoint her." The mayor looked a little tired, Minako noted. "You worry too much, dear. I think a day at the spa would do you some good." Rarity suggested. "Maybe after this is all over. Well then you two, I have places to be. It was nice to meet you Minako. I hope we see each other soon." "Me too. Goodbye." The mayor left and the two continued towards Rarity's home. On the way they continued their small-talk until they finally arrived. "Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is chic and unique. Look around a little, while I make some tea for the two of us." "Alright." Rarity walked into the kitchen, Minako at least presumed. In the meantime she herself looked around a little. Rarity's home was a little girly for Minako's taste. A few mannequins (ponyquins?) stood around, wearing all kinds of different dresses. They looked pretty good. Minako had expected the dresses to be similar girly to Rarity's house, but surprisingly they weren't. While she waited for Rarity to come back, the former human collected her thoughts. The obvious question was: What the heck was going on? Last thing she remembered was falling asleep and becoming the great seal. Okay she remembered her time as the great seal as good as a dreamless sleep, so yeah. What happened to the seal anyways? Did the fall actually occur? Or was she no longer needed? She considered that as wishful thinking, since the only time she wouldn't be needed would be when humanity wouldn't wish for the fall anymore. Again, wishful thinking. There seemed to be some weird magic going on. Not to mention the fact that unicorns were all around this place. But at the moment she had not enough info and not enough time to think this properly through. For now she would play along and see.