//------------------------------// // Taxi! // Story: Fluttercord Adventures // by VanillaShine357 //------------------------------// In the distance Fluttershy could see a red figure slowly approaching. Fluttershy's face was covered in curiosity and fear. Discord kept his eyes on the the object, but then looked down at Fluttershy. "Don't worry, we just have to take a short taxi ride to an area where I can access the dimension." Discord stared at the taxi as it came close enough to where Fluttershy could observe it. It was a red and yellow bus shaped vehicle. The inside was glowing light blue and the side read 'Dimensional Taxi Service'. The bus appeared empty except for the driver, who seemed to look a lot like Discord. The taxi stopped right next to the triangle and the doors opened. Fluttershy got a good look at the the driver. He must have been related to Discord, for the only differences between the two were colors and the driver's face was more wrinkly. The driver's upper half was a light blue and the bottom was a dark orange. "Hey Discord," the driver said. "Haven't seen you in a few hundred years." Discord and Fluttershy both stepped in the vehicle. "Hey Bruce!" Discord said as he fist bumped the driver. "This is Fluttershy," he gestured toward her. "It's her birthday, and I need you to take us to dimension 174 please." The driver looked at Fluttershy with a curious expression. "You-" Bruce started. "Discord, the spirit of chaos, is taking a pony to THIS dimension? This is not the Discord I know." Discord gave him a dirty look. "Just take the money and do your job." Discord handed Bruce a wad of cash. Bruce smiled as he took the money and placed it next to his seat. Discord and Fluttershy headed toward the back of the vehicle and sat down. "So," Fluttershy said. "Is it a taxi or a bus?" Discord looked around. "Both I guess." The engine started and the flying vehicle zoomed off.