Pinkie's Guardian Angel

by Timewarp321

Ethan's day

Ethan's day

The day begins as it usually did with the usual routine which was about to be thrown out the window because this was the last day of school. It would be the last time anyone would see each other till the next day or later for a end of school party. but there was one who couldn’t do any of this. His name was Ethan. He couldn’t do anything with his classmates because he couldn’t drive and also he couldn’t make a proper friend to save his life. He went home and he laid down on his bed, put in his earbuds and played some dubstep remixes to popular songs, and proceeded to fall asleep for a “hour” nap.

 In his dream he saw the weirdest thing. There was this horse-like being who was all alone with no friends. there then was a pop-up that said “Do you wish to be her friend?” He hit the yes button and another popped up saying “Are you sure? You will leave everything you ever knew on Earth and by everything I mean EVERYTHING.” He gave a frustrated sigh and hit yes again. The last pop-up that came up said “Ok, suit yourself. One way trip to Equestria initiated.” Ethan gave a confused look before feeling a falling sensation and then waking up…… in the middle of falling towards a solid, what looked to be, marble floor. He did the only thing he could do in a situation like this… scream his head off.

When the ground finally met his body there was an audible thud and he groaned at the pain he felt, not just from the fall but from something else making his whole body hurt. he opened his eyes to see where he was and then when he turned his head he saw her, the horse-like thing from his dream. when he saw this and his surroundings he couldn’t take anymore and he passed out from pain and shock.

When he awoke he found that he was no longer in the room he was in before he wondered if this was a dream or something. He looked around and saw her again for the third time and then started to freak out in the form of a mental breakdown this is basically how it went between the two.



Ethan then calmed himself and thought out loud “Wait what am I doing… ladies first.”

“Thank you” she said “Now, what is your name?”

“My name is Ethan what is yours, if you don’t mind me asking.”

“I do not mind at all, my name is Princess Luna”

“Luna? Like the moon Luna?”

“Yes, why do you ask?”

“Because I love to look at the beautiful moon in the equally as beautiful night sky.”

“Y-you love the night?”

“Of course! I prefer it rather than the daytime.”


“Because I’m not that good around people that I don’t know and at night most people are at home to going to sleep.”

“You are talking to me and we don’t know each other well.”

“I know But I feel different around you.”

“As do I.”

“Want to talk about this further awake because this dream scape is a little disconcerting.”

“Why not.”

When both of them woke up they were about to talk when the doors to Luna’s chambers burst open revealing a taller slimmer and angrier version of Luna. And she was looking right at him. Ethan mentally said, “Aw crap, this cannot end well, for me at least.” he then was levitated and thrown into a wall where the angry newcomer looked him straight in eyes and had what seemed to be a horn pointed right at his midsection. he had to think of something before he got blasted to kingdom come.

“Wait! Wait! This is all a big misunderstanding! I can explain.” He squeaked out.

“Then you better explain why I find an unknown stallion in my sisters room, one who happens to be an Alicorn as well! Who are you and where have you been hiding for all this time?” The newcomers horn lighting up to almost painfully bright levels.

“Well I-I am not from this world and when I fell asleep and I saw what seemed to be your… wait did you say sister and that I’m an ali-what now?” Ethan asked with confusion and terror, leaning more towards the former than the latter.

Celestia looked at the stallion with narrowed eyes. The shine in her horn settling somewhat she let go of him with her hooves but kept him in place with her magic.

“Sister, what do you have to say about this?”

“He is not from here, I know that much and why he is an alicorn is beyond me but look at him ‘Tia he looks like he’s about to make a mess of the floor.” Luna said very cautiously to her sister hoping that the stallion would be spared from a fate like she had to endure.

Celestia looked at the stallion and noticed his face was as Luna described.

“Fine! I still need to get myself my morning cake anyway. It’s far to early for this.” Celestia said as she decided it was no longer her problem and left through the door she first entered, forgetting why she had been there in the first place.

“Well that certainly was a thing that happened.” said Ethan with a dazed look on his face. ”Who was that again?” he asked turning his head towards Luna while rubbing the back of his neck.

“That, Ethan, was my sister Princess Celestia and I think she was annoyed by something.”

“No kidding. Quick question… is she always like this?”

“No she’s usually calmer than this when somepony has her annoyed.”

*CRASH* tinkle tinkle*

“Well apparently she hasn’t vented All her frustration yet against said per- pony, sorry different world different terms.”

Suddenly Celestia bursts back into the room and looks at Luna with a look of scepticism while holding a half eaten cake in her magical grasp while trying to wipe the cake stache she had acquired from eating it with her hoof.

“Ok. Now I want answers. Real answers.” Celestia said, convinced that they had both lied to her.

“Princess… My name is Ethan and I come from a place called Earth and I went to take a nap and when I did I saw what looked like your sister and these pop-up questions asked me if I wanted to be her friend and I hit yes and then sent me here. As for how I became an Ali-corn? I don’t know after I fell I thought my body hurt worse than than I thought it would. Then I took in my surroundings saw your sister my mind told me enough and then I passed out. Then your sister and I had a conversation in my head?” he asked looking at Luna who nodded. “Yeah in my head  and woke up to you throwing me into a wall and giving me what seemed to be a death sentence. I asked Luna if you were always like this and she said you are usually calmer than what you were. So I ask what’s got you so worked up?”

Celestia facehooved and sighed. “It’s Blueblood again. He’s being far too stubborn about not going into the royal guard training, which I keep telling him would be more than a valuable experience. And now I’m getting swarmed with extra work because he refuses to do the little work he was actually assigned to do.”

“He sounds like he’s as much fun as cat claws on chalkboard and the only relief is beating your head on a wall, or bashing his face in but looking at you and seeing what looks to be a mother-like personality you wouldn’t take the second idea unless you were really stressed out.” Ethan said choosing his words very carefully.

“That sounds about right. I barely managed to lower his allowance and now he’s threatening me with destroying everything in his own company. He doesn't even realize I don’t care about it as it is his, I sold all my shares long ago!”

“But he just keeps going. It’s like his special talent is to be the most annoying family member there is. And I can’t revoke his title without changing the law, so such threats are out the window.” Celestia continued her complaining, once again forgetting all about why she was here, but now feeling a lot better getting it off her chest.

“Well who said it had to be you to revoke the status?” Ethan asked.

“It’s almost the only thing I can take away from him that he is completely unable to take back. He uses his own status and social standing to get himself anything he wants. And it’s only getting worse!”

“What it wasn’t you who took away his title?” Ethan asked with a devilish smirk on his face.

“The thing is, it would have to be someone of higher power who isn’t blood related to him. Thank Faust we aren’t actually related by blood. But his adoption into the royal family still protects him from me or Luna. And Cadance doesn’t have a high enough status for it.”

"Why not lie about who I am and my power and I take it from him?" Ethan asked.

“As tempting as such an idea sounds, Blueblood is actually well read about politics. He would know something wasn’t right if a sudden Alicorn turns up to take his title away. We would have to give you a coronation first…” Celestia said thoughtful.

“Well, that could be arranged.” Luna stated.

“Luna! You can’t be serious, we barely know this stallion. What if he turned out like Sombra?”

“Sister, he’s an Alicorn. Besides, if he truly went to our world purely to befriend me, then he could not be a bad pony!”

“Surely you jest, dear sister. We can not simply hold a coronation for a completely unknown stallion. Even if he is an Alicorn! What would the nobles say?”

“Sure we can. We are both Princesses. Are we not? And the nobles, we can just threaten to take their titles anyway if they disapprove.”

“You’ve changed, sister.” Celestia calmly stated.

“No, you’ve changed. I’ve been much the same the past thousand years…” Luna said, her mood dropping a little with her statement.

“Woah woah wait you said a thousand years right? Well that explains why Celestia acts like she does. But if you’ve been around so long Luna why do you say you’ve stayed the same, what happened to you something that couldn’t make you get friends?” Ethan asked.

“I’d rather not talk about it right now, maybe when we get to know each other better I’ll tell you.” Luna said in a demure tone.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to hit a sore spot.” Ethan said.

“It’s alright you didn’t know.” Luna said with a slight smile.

“Just tell me when I hit a touchy subject you two ok?” Ethan asked.

“Thats agreeable.” they both reply.

“Now back to how to get Blueblood in the training camp…” Ethan said.

“I’m sorry but I don’t think we can do any of what you were hinting at planning.” Luna said

“Why don’t we just say that all guards have even bigger reputations than other ponies?” Ethan asked.

“That does sound like something that would catch my nephew's interest… We will have to see. You have given me a few more options to consider. I would invite you to converse over tea, but it seems more appropriate for my sister to do. If you could excuse me, I have a certain prince to talk to.” Celestia said before leaving with a fair few of new ideas brewing.

“So what we're talking about before all this?” Ethan asked wearing a sheepish grin.

“I really don’t really remember… But what is Earth like?” Luna asked.

“Well…” Ethan explained the workings and all he had learned to this point in time of history, math, and  the basic workings of the universe, which earned him a strange look from Luna. “What’s wrong? Did you not understand something?”

“We both did.” Luna said gesturing to somepony behind him. He turned around and saw a new pony who was purple, looked like Celestia and Luna and seemed to be confused and annoyed at the same time. And next to her there was what seemed to be a dragon and a… human?

“Hello Princess, do you know that there is a dragon and what appears to be a human next to you?” Ethan said while getting to his hooves and bowing politely.

“H-hello. And yes, this is Spike. But what do you mean Human?” Twilight asked as she gestured towards spike.

“I think he means this “Guardian Angel” you got last night. What was his name Solrace?” Spike asked with a hint of confusion of both the new alicorn and twilights guardian angel.

“Solace, Spike. And yes, that would make sense I- WAIT! You can see him?!” Twilight suddenly exclaimed looking at the alicorn with wide eyes.

“Um yeah... “ Ethan said warily towards the outburst.

“H-how? Why can’t I or Spike see him, and yet you can? I mean… You’re pulling my leg aren’t you?” She suddenly asked suspicious of the male alicorn.

“No he’s right beside spike and looking at me with eyes of confusion and his jaw is slack.” Ethan said pointing to the general area he was at.

Twilight looked to her side at where Ethan was pointing. “Solace, is it true? Can he actually see you?” Twilight asked, concerned by Solace’s silence.

“I-I don’t know but he might. Alright you point at me wherever I go ok?” Solace asked while moving behind twilight in which Ethan moved his hoof  to where he was.

“Solace, where are you now?” Twilight asked as she saw Ethan's hoof point towards her. Giving her a specific memory of Discord dancing on the head of her glass look alike.

        “Behind you. Why?” Solace said.

        “Nothing, just a thought… Actually, how does it work being a guardian angel? If you try to interact with anypony, what happens? For example, if you were to try and stand on a pony, would you just sink through them or would you be able to stand on top of them as if they were as solid as rock?” Twilight started musing about different tests she would have to conduct. “Spike, do you have some parchment and a quill with you?” Twilight asked.

        “Yes not on me though.” Spike said.

        Twilight looked at Spike to try and see if he was joking or not.

        “What? I don’t I left them in the room.” Spike said.

        “Fine, I guess it’ll have to wait.” Twilight said as she returned her attention to the two other alicorns present in the room. “So… how come there’s another alicorn all of a sudden? No offence.”

        “None taken… well to be honest I wasn’t an alicorn where I came from. I was a human and that’s why I knew what he was when I saw him.”

        “Huh, maybe that’s the reason you can see him and others can’t? Because you already know how a human looks? Or it’s purely because he’s supposed to be a guardian angel… Where you are an exception.” Twilight said rubbing her chin trying to connect the dots.

        “Either that or I am a tangible guardian angel and somepony else brought me here and this is an exception to the rule of intangibility.” Ethan said.

        “I guess that is a possibility. But we should hold this conversation another time when I have access the appropriate tools. Until then I guess I welcome you as an alicorn and… Is he going to be a prince?” Twilight asked Luna.

        “I-I don’t know. Maybe… Why? Do you like him?” Luna asked with a playful smirk.

        Twilight’s face immediately turned beet red. “W-what? N-no! That’s not it at all. I was just trying to point out the fact that as I turned into an alicorn myself, I was crowned as a princess. But he wasn’t even a pony before, he knows nothing about our laws, culture and world. How would he ever be able to be a prince?” Twilight pointed out as the heat in her cheeks began to die down.

        “I could fake it till somepony teaches me. And I would like Luna to do it if you don’t mind.” Ethan said.

        “Why me?” Luna asked “Twilight is more suited for this job than I am.”

        “Because there is something nagging me to stay by your side and I can’t make it go away.” Ethan stated flatly.

        “A guardian angel.” Luna muttered.

        “Wait, how’s that possible?” Twilight questioned, having overheard Luna’s muttering. “If he’s a Guardian Angel, how come I can see him? Shouldn’t you be the only one to be able to hear him?”

        “I don’t know, again I put my idea of me being a special guardian angel and something else dragged me into this world on the table.” Ethan said.

        “Well, that is mighty unhelpful… Actually, what are you supposed to do? I mean, if nopony can see or hear my Guardian Angel but me, and the fact that he is unable to interact with our world, how is he actually protecting me?” Twilight asked. “Did any of you get any kind of manual or instructions beyond “Protect”?”

        “To be the best friend that the pony being guarded had or in your case another of your best friends and that you can be tangible if and only if they want to or the pony they are guarding wants them to be..” Ethan said in amino tone voice with a glazed over look I his eyes.

        “Who told you that?” luna asked.

        “I don’t know but it was in my head like I memorized it after a while.” Ethan said.

        “And I don’t suppose there are any other sudden memories that suddenly come to mind?” Twilight asked.

        “Not much just that you can get married to your guardian angel.” Ethan said while rubbing his chin.

        “Well, that’s certainly something.” Twilight said before seeing the look on Luna’s face and began laughing.

        “What’s so funny?” Ethan asked while turning around and then said “Ohh. So you like me? I don’t know what to say I’ve never had a gir-er mare like me before.”

        “Really? I would have thought that a handsome stallion such as you would have mares crawling all over you.” Luna said

        “Nope, too caught up in reading and being myself to make friends.” Ethan said with a shrug.

        “Well, I can help you with that! This must be why Celestia called me.” Twilight exclaimed with a smile and a twinkle in her eyes.

        “Either that or she wanted to talk about why you suddenly have a guardian angel and for what reason, which from what I can gather, is that Luna can summon at least two with a slight margin of error being that another one comes out as well for the summoner. I being the margin of error.” Ethan said while giving a blank look.

        “I wonder… could there be even more Guardian Angels then? Is it certain that because of these two summons a third one happened on it’s on and not several more?” Twilight questioned.

        “There usually is only one that falls if there is more it usually matches the number summoned.” Ethan said.

        “Wait, usually? Have you been a part of something like this before?” Twilight asked.

        “No I picked that up from Luna's mind when she does it.” Ethan said with a grin and with an audible *squee*.

        “You read my mind, how?” Luna asked in shock.

        “You gave me a tour, remeber?” Ethan asked.

        “You do realize active mindreading is against Equestrian law, right? Only reason Luna can do it is because it’s her actual job to prevent such things from happening by checking other ponies dreams, and the only thing she learns is what’s in the dream.” Twilight stated with a little disgusted look on her face.

        “Don’t worry I did the basic same thing just accessed memories instead.” Ethan said.

        Twilight facehoofed. “That doesn't change the fact that you were actively mindreading. The reason it’s forbidden is because it’s a breach in privacy. The mind is supposed to be a pony’s own haven, the last place they can retreat to. Take that away and they can’t hide anything. And being that exposed is not pleasant. If you’d asked her first, then there wouldn’t have been  problem. But you checked her memories without her consent! Do you see what I’m getting at? You don’t just look into anypony’s head and shrug it off like that! You just don’t!” Twilight shouted in the end, clearly showing how upset she was about Htennek shrugging it off as “just accessed memories”.

        “She didn’t mind, she actually gave me a tour to the memories that’s why I say it’s no big problem.” Ethan explained.

        “You did that?” Twilight asked, turning towards Luna.

        “No. Unless…” Luna said.

        “Unless, what?” Twilight asked.

        “Unless a personification of myself showed him around my head. Now which one?” Luna asked.

        “Does ‘Woona’ ring a bell?” Ethan asked.

        “Yes it does why, is she in your head?” Luna asked.

        “Yes.”Ethan said with a slight smile on his face. "She's so adorable and cute!"

        “... Does that count?” Twilight asked after thinking it over herself for a bit. “Because I don’t think our laws cover that detail…”

        “It’s fine if I let him in but I’m just surprised that it’s my inner child.” Luna said.

        “Well, I have nothing about that… So, Solace. Anything you’ve been keeping from me or do i have a reason to be more trusting of you?” Twilight spoke.

        “Hey, I didn’t know about half of this. even though it was very nice to learn.” Solace said.

        “That’s nice to know. It was nice meeting you Ethan. And it was nice seeing you Princess Luna.” Twilight said.

        “Please, Twilight. We are both princesses. There is no need to refer to our title when not in public.” Luna said with a slight smile.

        Twilight smiled an apologetic smile herself. “Sorry. I keep forgetting. Anyway, I believe my business here is concluded. I’ll be in the library if anypony needs me. Hopefully there are some new additions.” Twilight said as she left.

        “She seemed nice and there is now another guardian I need to meet.”Ethan said.

        “TWILIGHT!!!!” *Crash* “Oof!” “Hi Twilight!" a pair of new voices said.
        “What was that?” Ethan said in a confused voice.

        “I have no idea.” Luna said getting up from her bed. "Let's find out shall we?"

"Lets wait a few minutes just in case it doesn't involve our immediate presence."

"What would you like to do instead?"

"If I'm to be your friend, shouldn't you get to know me better?"

"You do have a point. So where should I start..." Luna began as she thought of questions to ask him.