A beginning in a new life?

by Night_Striker

chapter 5 Magick! or chaos? may be both? why tha fuck not

"So Spike, can you go and get our guest he's upstairs"

"sure thing Twilight" Spike says and giving a smart salute and head to where Night Striker are staying.

Shadow was keeping an eye out for that alicorn, he doesn't trust her by the way she reacted by seeing him, those crazy eyes she got when she looked at him made him feel uneasy, shadow heard his friend. He helped in the everfree forest saying something, it was distinct but he could hear it, and it sounds like Night was singing?

"du gamla du fria du fjäl höga nord de tysta de glädje ricka köna jag vet att du är och för blir vad du var ja jag vill leva jag vill dö i norden ja jag vill leva jag vill dö i norden"

that last part off the song caught Shadow off guard, a moment later there was a few knocks on the door, when no one answered the one behind the door open it a bit and ask out,

"hey Twilight told me to get you to eat dinner with us" when spike didn't got an answer he open the door fully and saw that the pony was to get was a sleep, "sight, why dose this stuff happens me" he said low to himself, he walked up to the sleeping unicorn until he heard a 'squawk' sound coming over him "huh?"

looking up he saw a black Phoenix staring at him "um hi there you dont mind me waking him up?" spike asked not sure why tho, the Phoenix flew down and landing next to the sleeping unicorn looking at his friend and back at the small dragon, Shadow then walked up to nights head and starting picking on him,

spike don't know why the phoenix doing that but after 3 pecks the stallion just rushed up and glaring at his Phoenix,

"Shadow! don't do that to wake me up damn that hurts" I noged the place he picked on, i heard someone clearing their voice next to the bed, and next to me was a small dragon or rather Spike,

"um Twilight told me to get you we are about to eat some food" he said with little confidence in his voice,

shaking off the rest off my tired nees i responded with "yeah sure just gotta go to the bathroom and i will come with you spike, oh and before you ask Twilight told me your name not that you was a dragon tho eh" and he saw the unicorn go to the door on the left side off the bed and went in.

the rest of the day went uninvent full we ate had a small conversation, and ending up with twilight feeling embarrassed to forgot to tell about spike being a dragon and shush. Night came and everyone was asleep except me and Shadow.

'sight' Shadow looked at me with a question glance, i just spoke to him cos i know he understands me more than i do to him, "it's nothing Shadow just thinking off my family and what they may react to that they will celebrate my birthday without me. . ."

Shadow looked out the window i had opened which is the one next to the desk in my room, but suddenly we felt something was wrong in the air and there was a flash of light and-

"well well well what do we have her?" i heard a manly voice and i know exactly how it was.

"i know who you are Discord and i don't feel to have you around" Discord appeared in front off me and Shadow wearing a baseball cap? and hawaii shirt and in his griffon claw he had a drink off martini.

"well is that how you fanks a friend when he helped you out off your boring life in that just so wonderful chaos world now" he said with a smile on his face.

Discord saw that he had my full attention but when he saw my eyes he don't quite know what to fink.

"what did you say just a moment right now?" i asked now i'm not angry yet but i know perfectly well what he said but i dont know how i will play dis out,

Discord just smiled and said "well i was the one who made you come to this world but i'm afraid that you won't be able to get back, cos i just by so happens to come across your world and saw your wonderful chaotic dreams, i finking off,hmm i do wonder what would happen if i took this boy to a world he doesn't just know about but also make wonderful chaos" he finished and flashed next to me,

that was until he felt something did entstand right, now i'm not easy to make angry but when Discord felt the air got cooler and he also felt Dark magick coming from Night Striker and he slowly backed away,

"now now. now isn't the time to be too hasty off us now if you-" Discord tried to teleport away but it didn't work cos i don't know how but i blocked his magick.

"NO you listen to ME Discord, i did not only got teleported her by some unknown reason BUT also stuck HERE, i'm gonna show you why you should never make a human angry by being the resonto send me here" my eyes slowly started glowing with blue and yellow flame, Discord realise that he is actually in trouble and maybe even life threatening moment,

"now i'm sure that the pri-" i cut him off again but this time my horn started glowing dark blue aura and my tail and mane started move a little off the intense power coming off me,

"SHUT THA FUCK UP i have enough off you and now i'm gonna kill you a hundred times over to make you feel how ANGRY i'm right now and you will wish that you, NEVER made the mistake to tell me that you are the reason to all off this!!!" my voice was so loud that even rivals off Lunas candelot voice in comparison,

when i was done speaking i shot a dark bolt off magick toward Discord, he fast ducked and barely got hit by the bolt but it passed him just inches from his head, the bolt hit the far wall but nothing happen discord was about to say something when he got hit by the spell i cast, it somehow went straight for him after it hit the wall and he could feel the pain from it, he falled down to the ground and grouting off the pain,

and to Discors horror when he touched where he got hit he felt something wet and when he looked to his paw he saw blood.

"Discord dis is a warning. If you ever plans to do anything or tell the princesses off me or fluttershy what happened with you" i bend my head down straight to Discord head "i will find you and kill youin the worst possible way i can imagine, have i made it clear"

Discord looked to me with a truly horror on his face for the first time in his life, gulping he said "c-c-crystal" and with that my horn flared and there was a flash and Discord was gone, seeing that there was still blood on the floor i just used a little magick and just like that it was also gone, when all of that was done and Discord not around i passed out,


in the distant off Canterlot did Celestia woke up in a rush off her bed and looked to the far distant towards a village she knows werry well,

moments later did her sister brake in to Celestia's bedchamber "TiA!" Luna said with a bit urgent in her voice, turning to look at hers sister,

"yes lulu what is it?" she said some what tired off being so rudely woken up by that powerful magical energy she felt possibly hers sister also,

"Tia did you also felt that powerful magick energy coming from ponyville?" Luna said a bit more calm now after what happened,

"yes i did sister and i hope is not something bad, who ever poses shoush powerful magick we most make sure to meet that pony"

Luna nods in agreement and decided to return to hers work to watch over the night,


"uuuggghhh my head" i say when i woke up, i slowly pulling myself up and set a hoof on my forehead, "what happened last night, and why do i feel like cutting Discord head off and putting it on the wall" i shakingly walks to the open window and close it, so no more cold air are coming in.

Looking out the window i see that the moon haven't even gone down fully yet. "how long have i been passed out? and why can't i remember what happened, i know its something to do with Discord but what did he do to make me? angry. . . odd" i spoke low to my shelf, i heard a squawk coming from my left, and there i saw shadow wearing a frown? expression on his face?

"shadow something happened last night didn't it?" shadow nods it's head, "uúughh okej thats it i just gona go with it this way"

"shadow are you a boy?" shadow just looks confused by the question until he nods when he answered,

"well now i don't have to call you it any more"

Shadow just go with it and ignored me mostly for the part. I walk to the door to my room when it suddenly got blown open, by no one else than Fluttershy. "woah" I jumped backwards to avoid getting hit by the door. Fluttershy looking to me with a werry angry frown.

"eeeh can i help you with something?" Fluttershy just walked straight up to my face and said.

"HOW dare you HURT! my friend mister, just because he's different doesn't it means you can hurt him and injuring him badly!!" She screamed in my face and poked my chest. backing a bit and holding up my hoofs for my self defense,

"woah woah, take it easy, who is your friend you claim i have hurt? cuss i don't remember hurting somepony, and if i did i'm sorry for doing so"

fluttershy was still mad at me for who knows why possibly pinkie, after she calmed down she spoke, "My friend Discord come to by my cottage and was werry injured, i didn't know he could be this badly hurt but when i ask him who hurt him, he didn't want to say it first. That was until I manage to get him to talk and you was the pony he told me about" fluttershy looked to see what my reaction was but she just saw me staring blankly at her.

"say what now? I don't even know how to levitate a freaking CUP, how am i supposed to hurt him when i can't even do magick????" i say with a slightly high voice but just to put my point through. fluttershy got this werry conflicted expression.

"but but, if you can't do magick why did he told me about you then?" I just shrugged and went with it.

"Dont ask me coss i have no clue and the only reason i can think off is if i did, hurt him it must be something WERRY seriously to me to get me do something like that" Fluttershy was about to say something but i have one thing to say she gonna say any thing "but do i look like i'm that kind of pony how would hurt somebody or somepony without a reason? no i'm not and i'm not angry or anything just out most blown by what he claims i have accomplis, how do you not know he hurt himself? and put the blame on somepony, just because chaos?"

Fluttershy was quiet for a moment before she spoke "Well he have done it before and that isn't nice off him to do, well i’m sorry for me yelling at you Night Striker" i just waved it off.

"Dont worry about it, no hard feelings and it nice to meet you miss?" i say while holding out my hoof.

"oh! my name is Fluttershy and it's nice to meet you too Night" she said with a shy voice and shaking my hoof, "well i'm going now and i hope we can be friend?"

i just went with this "yeah we can be friends if you want to it's no must and have a nice day?" i said the last part not sure really. Fluttershy smiled and we went out my door and said our goodbyes.

"why does this keep happening to me? stupid murphy's law i didn't even said the words!!!"

heading down stairs and i still do not believe that Twilight is a sleep, eh stuff happens. I come across a door i fink leads to all the books in this castle opening the door and yupp inside was a bunch of books, and in the corner i saw a sleeping Twilight, i laughed an little to my shelf at the typical Twilight reading until she falls asleep.

i walking to one off the bookshelf and looking to witch book i want to read. "history of Equestria no, how to learn a pig to fly WTF?, how to make a stallion to- move on!, aha! here it is how to learn basics of magick" I took the book and went for the few couches in the room and took a seat.

"okej now its time to see what its takes to levitate stuff. hmm, when it comes to levitate objects such as a rook you need to have high concentrations on it and imagine it to fly or that you just picking it up, but remember you can't make magic do as you wish it to but allow it to flow and letting the energi help you. okej i fink i'm trying this" so closing the book, and i place it on the table in front off me and did what the book said just imagine it to float and after a little while it did. my magickal aura is apparently black colored with a small hint of blue.

"huh that was eas-" suddenly there was a flash of light and i waiting for my vision to fix it shelf and i was in a room, white walls and pillars and in front of me was. "IT'S JUST MY FUCKING LUCK ISN'T IT?????" in front of me was Celestia and Luna. Luna looked happy to see me and Celestia worn no expression at all and she then spoke to me "hello Night Striker i fink we have some things to speak about"

"jag hatar mitt live (i hate my life)"