//------------------------------// // Chapter 69.5. A New Beginning // Story: Dust on the Wind // by Sparky Brony //------------------------------// Walking down the street, Henry looks at the different places in New Beginnings, he knows this town well. Though, since the spell he knows the place will soon have a much different feel to it. His first stop though, is the Hospital. He’d have to get a kit together. Walking in, he smiles at the little earth pony mare behind the desk. Nursing ponies often have a red cross like his, though without the stars. It is so hard to tell pony ages, but she seems fairly young to be a nurse. "I'll need the first change vaccination set, for a stallion. I'll also need two vials for blood typing." Sighing softly, he looks over at the linen rack. "Um, any chance I could also get one or two pairs of scrubs for a human? I'll pay for them." "Oh is someone you know undergoing the change?" "I am, I'm a trained medic with the US Army so I know how to do the shots and take the blood for the typing." Looking through his wallet he put down his Military ID card. "Yeah ok I'm going to need to get that updated too." "Aren't you a little bit... old?" She says, looking a bit skeptical. “Tell me about it, I’m almost 29. It’s a special case, if you have questions, you can call Lightning Dust, Moon Shadow or Sunset Shimmer. They are aware of it, and make sure to tell them it’s Henry, or Star Crossed.” Waiting quietly, he looks at the posters on the wall. The nurse places the call, though immediately wishes she hadn’t. Apologizing, she hangs up and goes into a storage room to prep the items. Shortly she returns, “Sorry sir, what are the scrubs for?” “Day two, when the hooves come in, as well as day three. Regular clothing can be problematic, especially in the final stages of the change. Scrubs are loose enough and stretchy enough not to interfere. If necessary, they can be ripped off or cut off easily on day four, when I’m fully a pony.” “True, sorry.” She looks more than a little abashed, “Do you know what tribe you are?” “Unicorn.” He says softly. Nodding, she finishes gathering the supplies, while not common anymore, some ponies still show up now and then. They are likely to be referred directly to New Beginnings for starter kits on their change. For most it is a scary time, not knowing what was going to happen, only that they would become a pony but not the steps. The only questions he has are, how long would it take him to remember how to walk? And how long would it take him to remember his magic? Turning, Henry walks out of the building and looks around. There are ponies everywhere, doing work, talking, daily life. At the same time there were very few humans here, those that are here are usually accompanied by other ponies. Really, Henry hopes it wouldn’t become an issue that he is a lone human. Next up is the big market. He had been here before, it combines a grocery store, along with a farm supply store. Entirely owned and run by ponies, He knows what he needs here. Idly he wonders if those who are going through their first changes these days are as calm. Walking inside, he picks up a basket and grabs some type 1 and type 2 alfalfa bits. Chuckling softly, he notices they had changed the packaging. What was used to be a basic horse food, is now boxed in bright colors, much like any cereal product. He probably doesn’t have to hide for the entire change, like ponies in the past did. Though it still looks somewhat silly in some stages of the transformations. Picking up a saddle bag off one shelf and some hoof boots, he wants to have some basic clothing for himself. It is mostly essentials he is buying. Glancing around, he does notice he is getting a few looks from other ponies. He is still human right now, or at least he looks the part. He wonders if some of the younger ponies here have even seen a human that often. Yes, they come through town all the time but, still few would shop in a pony store for pony items. Grabbing the basic Velcro straps for phone, wallet and ID he rolls the basket to the front checkout. “Looks like someone’s going to be a pony.” The clerk giggles. “Yes, me.” “Oh, having the 3 day spell cast on you?” She asks. Henry hadn’t thought of that. But then why would a human buy this for just 3 days? “Nope, I’m reverting to pony form.” “Oh, you don’t look too thrilled. I guess it’s hard to accept, me I couldn’t imagine not being a pony now though. Don’t worry, there are lots of ponies around to help you with this. Just don’t think of it as an ending, think of it as… A New Beginning.” She says, with a bright smile. “It’s ok, I’m not worried or afraid. Friends, family, and work are all supportive. How much?” Henry asks, looking at the saddle bag. “Free, I’d never expect a person going through the change to pay, that would be just mean.” She smiles tilting her head, “Consider it a birthday present. One thing I need to fix though, can I see your mark?” Henry blinks, looking at the little unicorn clerk, “Um isn’t that a little…” “We all see the marks after the change, few of us walk around with clothing on most times. Trust me on this, its just fine.” She says in a gentle voice. Sighing softly, he lowers his pants a bit to show her. It feels strange doing this in public but there are not many shoppers in the store right now. Nodding, she touches her horn to each of the clasps on the saddle bag. With a flash of light they change from a flat piece of steel, to a star and cross. Puffing she looked up, “There you go, now your bags are proper.” Henry leans over, giving her a hug. Loading his things into the saddle bag, he slings it over his shoulder and walks out. Standing outside, he inhales deeply, then pulls out his cellphone. He dials quickly, calling the familiar number. “Ok Dust, I’ve got my change kit. Is there a hotel or motel room I can use? It’s going to be a long three days and I’m already getting strange looks from ponies.” Pulling the phone away from his ear, he cringes. Dust is definitely in one of her determine moods, so there is no arguing with her. Her house is where he is staying for the foreseeable future. Hanging up, he looks around again. Walking back to Dusts place, Henry finds himself watching to foals playing. Many of them were born on earth, and have never known Equestria. Earth is their home, but he wonders if any of them feel the calling to return to Equestria at times. Knocking at the door he squawks in surprise as it is flung open and Hannah bounds through and hugs him. “Hi Henry, dad told me you’re here to help Irony. She said you were going to turn into a pony for her.” “Yep.” He says, “Dust and Moony have a way of talking you into things.” “So you’re really becoming a unicorn?” She asks with a bright glow. Shaking his head henry chuckles, “Nope, I’m really returning to unicorn form.” “Mom’s got a room set up for you for your visit.” Smiling, she leads him up to a nice bedroom with a big bed. “Now you’re not going to hide here the entire time are you?” Helen walks in, shaking her head, “Don’t worry he won’t, now go have some fun Hannah. Henry here needs to relax.” Hannah bounces out, and Henry spies a pink earth pony that Hannah bounces over too. He had heard Diamond Tiara was found and was adopted by Lightning Dust. They laugh as they bound down the stairs. “I’m fine. Thank you.” Henry laughs softly. “Want one last steak dinner or perhaps venison before your change?” “Ugg, no, this is going to sound strange but I’ve been on a pony diet for the last five years anyway. Ever since I went through the gate the first time in 2020.” Henry smiles, “Except I couldn’t eat alfalfa then. So I picked up a box for myself.” “Oh don’t worry, there’s so much more to eat than just that.” “I know. My friends ate it though when they changed, in some ways, I’d like to say its tradition.” Hellen laughs softly, “I didn’t take you for a traditionalist.” Helen heads out and closes the door gently. Henry lays back on the bed and takes out his cell phone. The light on his phone is flashing, and the box comes up, 72 new text messages. Velvet, Feather, Candy, Cloud, Snow, The Captain, Sugar B, Cipher, cipher, cipher, Starbucks gift card for unicorn sized coffee, Ballad. Shaking his head he chuckles. The unicorn club and everyone else are sending him congrats, and happy birthdays. In some ways, this is his new birth day. Watching some TV, he just relaxes until Hellen calls for dinner. It is a nice meal, his last as a human but it doesn’t feel that way. His diet hasn’t changed since the mirror so it is pretty strange, it is just another normal meal. Once done, Henry heads up to bed. It is going to be an early night for him… *** Screams, dark mist fills the streets slowly, guard ponies in their steel grey armor walk down the pathways. Their eyes glowing green with red and black auras around them. Red crystals grow up from the ground everywhere. The two sisters yell out in challenge, but the dark creature stands, defiant. The form of a Dracolisk flits through the mists. Crying, a pink mare holds fragments of a crystal in her hooves, tears filling her eyes “Princess Amora”. The cackling laugh. “Falling, falling… Gallifrey falls.” *** Bolting up, Henry shakes his head, “argh, I knew I shouldn’t have watched that movie last night.” Ruffling his hair a bit, he heads to the bathroom, he looks at himself in the mirror. Yep, human, that wouldn’t change till later in the day. He takes a quick shower, then heads back to his room and gets dressed in some clean clothing. Heading outside, he walks down to the market. Even here, ponies opt for an open farmers market, to show off the freshest and best grown foods. Looking through the selection, Henry picks up a few carrots, celery sticks, and some fresh bread. It is a strange breakfast, but he’s had stranger. Heading down to the reservoir, he sits and looks up at the Rim. Munching on a carrot, he watches the pegasi training. Formation flying, they are probably a weather team, practicing cloud control formations. Pegasi can generate a fair amount of force on impact. Luckily, they heal quickly. Henry’s side however… The force of the impact send Henry rolling and tumbling a good ten feet before he comes to a stop, looking up at the pink form sitting on him. “What’s up, doc.” Henry says, with a laugh. “The Rim of the Sky.” Feather responds innocently. “Happy belated birthday.” “Thanks, how’s my little niece doing?” “Hey, I’m not that little anymore.” She protests. “Trust me, I know, you’re sitting on me… not like I’ll need those ribs there tomorrow anyway.” Getting off of him quick Feather laughs, “Sorry Star Crossed.” “Why do I think you had a hoof in this somehow?” “Nope, but I support it one hundred and thirty two percent.” “Well that’s an odd number.” Giggling, she fluffs her wings, “And think, when you change you’ll be able to visit the Rim.” “I’m a unicorn, not a pegasus.” “And unicorns can learn to cloud walk.” Feather says, with a firm nod. “Fine…” Henry chuckles and sticks a celery stick in her mouth. Going back to the carrot, Henry dusts himself off and smiles at the young mare. “Let’s go shopping and see the sights.” Chuckling, Henry follows Feather around. The town has a nice shopping area, other than the farmers market. It is fun to see how many of the common things, from furniture to household fixtures have been redesigned for pony use. In fact several things could simply not be used by a human anymore, due to height differences. They have lunch at a nice little café by the river. Henry still has to watch what to order, he can’t eat full pony food yet. He has to remind himself to get things he can safely digest. That isn’t hard though, there are lots of human friendly meals. Heading back to Dusts in the evening, Henry is greeted by a rude sneer from a mare wither foal. She is an earth pony, and her foal is barely two years old. First guess would be it was born on earth but really, there is always the chance that was a cursed one too. Feather blinks, putting herself between the mare and Henry, spreading her wings somewhat. “What is your problem?” Looking to Feather the mare shakes her head and shifts to Eponese, “A friend of yours?” Blinking, Feather whinnies back, “Yes. I’ve known him for years.” The mare shakes her head, continuing to whinny in the Eponese language, “We’ve been seeing more and more Brony fans around here. We’ve asked Mare Mayor and Lightning Dust to do something about it. Walking around with wigs like that is just insulting to the rest of us.” She says, looking up at Henry. Looking up at Henry’s hair she giggles and whinnies, “Ok yeah, it does look a little funny, except that’s his real hair, he’s going through his change to pony form.” The mare does a double take, then she changes her tone and demeanor right away. “Oh Celestia, forgive me, I’m sorry. I thought you were some Brony, making fun of us.” Henry shakes his head, “You know I didn’t even notice the mane starting to grow in.” Putting her hoof against his leg, she nods, “Trust me it looks fine, and will look great on you as a pony.” Finally getting to Dust’s house, he arrives with Feather beside him, just about dinner time. Hellen takes note of the hair and chuckles, “Wake up with a brush cut go to bed with a mane.” “Yeah, an army barber’s worst nightmare.” Henry has dinner with the family. They even invite Feather to stay. Alan, Helen, and Hannah are there, as well as all of Dust’s equine family. Henry bites his tongue though, noticing the look on the turquoise mare’s face, and he feels worry starting to well inside him. Is Dust mad at him? Was Dust upset with the fact that he hasn’t changed faster? Irony is in trouble, looking at her sitting there, lethargically putting food in her mouth, but this magic, the change only goes so fast. Lowering his head he extracts himself from the table and apologizes, heading down the stairs Feather following him. “You don’t need to watch over me Feather.” “I’m not, I wanna watch a movie on franks 2000 inch TV.” She says, smiling. Chuckling Henry sits down on the sofa, Feather joining him, lying on her side stretched out. Hannah joins them a few moments later. Turning up the TV a bit, they relax, letting Dust and the rest of the herd talk upstairs. After a while, Feather sits up, yawning hugely, “I’m going to head up to the Rim for the night.” Nodding, Henry gives her a quick hug, then stands up, his tail swishing. Giggling softly, Hannah looks over, “Tail and ears are out.” Henry looks back at his tail and chuckles, “Yep, means I get my horn and hooves tonight.” “You’ll be able to start practicing magic soon, to get yourself in shape.” Looking up at the stairs he shakes his head. “I know. I’m dreading it. I need to talk with Moony.” “Why are you dreading magic?” Hannah looks confused. “Not magic I’m dreading, it’s the practice. Fundamentals are just evil.” Hannah giggles, though she pales a bit herself. As a magic user human, she’s had to go through many of the same exercises that Velvet and the other unicorns did. Standing up, Henry heads upstairs and asks Helen for Moony’s room. After getting directions he takes a deep breath and knocked on the door to the master bedroom. Swishing his tail, he waits quietly for Moon Shadow. Yawning, Moon Shadow opens the door, “Oh hi Henry. See you have your ears.” “And tail. Moon Shadow, I’m not a cursed unicorn, but I had weird dreams last night. I hope it was part of the brain re-wiring but…” Henry shakes his head, “I didn’t have dreams like that in Equestria.” “Hmm, mind if I take a peek tonight? It might be a problem with the spell. Best to be safe.” “Thanks. I’m heading to bed now.” He grins and gets a grin in response, “Thought I’d let you know.” *** Her golden eyes burn bright. Her peach pink fur and bright pink mane flow, blown by some ethereal wind. Her horn flashes brilliantly as she screams, then she turns to dark red crystal. A heart beats, but the crystal heart is gone. Sombra’s hooves slammed into the ground shattering Amora, sending fragments flying in all directions. Laughter, the hissing laughter of Sombra fills the darkness. The scream of Celestia and Luna in rage rises above the laughter. Radiant Hope opened her eyes, tears flowing free as she holds the crystals. The heart beats again, thumps out loud and clear. Out of the mist Discord’s eyes appear, a claw reaching out, he strokes Radiant Hope’s mane. The heartbeat again… A flash and the crystal fragments are gone. Amora is gone, Radiant Hope stands alone on the ice. What’s left of the Crystal Empire is fading in the distance. Discords eyes fill the dream and a crystal flies straight towards… *** *WHAM* Henry awakens to striking the floor as he rolls out of bed in his sleep. “Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.” Lifting his hand, he rubs his forehead and horn with a moan. Glancing down to the floor he sees a divot in the wood and groans. Of all things, he had hit horn first. Sitting on the floor he looks at his new hooves. Poking one of them with a finger, he examines it, just making sure it is real. It isn’t that he doesn’t believe it, or doesn’t expect it. More of just a reflex. Moon Shadow opens the door at a gallop with her magic, she skids as she stops, “Henry are you okay?” Blinking a bit, Henry just pulls the covers over his lap to give himself a little dignity while still sitting on the floor. “Oh um, sorry. I was just worried. I was watching your dream, I saw the gem.” She shakes her head. “I’ve never been thrown out of a dream so violently before. My head is still ringing.” “Not horn?” She shakes her head with a smile, “Dream magic doesn’t require a horn, or wings, it’s inborn. There have been pegasi dream walkers, and a few earth pony dream walkers. Even Princess Celestia cannot dream walk, though she can use spells to access the world of dreams, she’s not a Dreamer. “I fell out of bed and landed horn first on the floor.” Moving over he motioned to the chunk taken out of the wood. “I’ll pay for it.” “Nonsense it was an accident.” She lights her horn, and the floor is good as new, she sits down and takes a deep breath, “Ok that wasn’t a Five Score dream, at least not the normal type.” “I’ve heard about a lot of them, honestly that was just weird… I kept expecting to hear someone say the sleeper has awakened, or see a worm come up out of the ground yelling Melange.” Moon giggles softly at that. “It wasn’t a first person dream either. So I’m not sure. It might just have been your mind playing games. I’ll talk with Dust and Sunset Shimmer about it. I’m not sure I recognize the ponies.” Glancing up at his horn, he thinks for a moment. Closing his eyes for a second he makes it glow. “At least I still remember how to do that.” “Ok now I’m jealous. It took me a while to figure out my magic again.” “I’m not cursed though remember. So I remember how I used my magic before, plus I remember all the magical training and theory from grandfather. May have been years ago but I have a good memory.” Shaking his head he looks down. “It kind of gives me an unfair advantage over the true ponies,” he says softly. “Nope, no being down or saying this is the worst thing ever. You are NOT Rarity.” Moon says before getting up. “I’ll tell Dust see what she has to say.” Watching Moon go, Henry leans over and opens his saddle bags. Pulling out the scrubs, he gets himself dressed then puts on the hoof boots for traction. Finally comes the snack food. He feels his teeth with his tongue, they’ve already flattened out so he opts to have some alfalfa bits while he relaxes. It is a fast day for changes. He knows a lot would happen to his body. Walking downstairs he hears the doorbell. Dodging quick to the side he laughed as Hannah runs by and skids to a stop before opening it, Diamond Tiara hot on her heels also skidding to a stop with a giggle. On the other side Feather stands, wiggling her tail. She has a shopping bag in her mouth from Walmart. That is a bit of a flight from here, Henry muses. “I brought you a change kit.” She says, looking innocent. “Thanks Feather but I already made one up for myself.” Henry chuckles. “Oh? Did you include these?” Feather pulls out a 5000 piece puzzle and a Child’s Gears, Gears, Gears set. “NO!” Henry quickly moves so he has Hannah in between himself and the creations of pure evil, she’s backing up from them herself though, “Not on your life. 5000 are you nuts!” “Mom said you’d need practice.” Feather nods firmly. “No, seriously… NO take it away.” Henry shakes his head. Diamond Tiara blinks and looks over as Moon Shadow comes up to see what the commotion was. “What’s the problem it’s just a puzzle and toy.” Diamond looks at the puzzle. It is a normal Ravensburge edition. The puzzle is a picture of a town and bridge, nothing special at all. “It’s not what it is, it’s what it’s used for. Unicorn torture methods.” Henry scowls at the boxes, and notices a nod from Hannah. “Torture?” Moon Shadow has a faint smile as she looks at the puzzle and gears, then at the two other magic users. “Oh it’s fun. Velvet did, than trained the Unicorn Club in it. To practice fine TK work, you assemble the puzzle, one piece at a time, while holding the puzzle in the air.” Feather giggles. “Feather, Velvet and the club worked on 200 and 300 piece puzzles, not 5000.” Henry protests. “They didn’t have any kid’s puzzles, and since you’re an adult and not a foal, I figured an adult puzzle would work.” She says, putting on her innocent face. “I didn’t do much of that training, so what are the gears for then?” Moon Shadow asks. “Oh those are more freestyle play. You put one up and start it turning, then you keep adding more and more gears, as they all keep turning until you can’t lift or control anymore. Also you’re not supposed to build in 2 dimensions it’s supposed to be 3 dimensional.” Feather giggles, “It’s so cute to see, especially if two or three unicorns are doing it together…” “It’s called fundamentals. It’s the bane of unicorns trained by Velvet.” Hannah gulps, “Sunset was trained by Velvet back in Equestria, these are similar to some of the lessons she’s put me through. Though the puzzles were metal, and three dimensional, though five thousand pieces…” She shudders. “Let’s get started!” Feather says, dragging Henry to the downstairs entertainment room, Hannah looks at Moon Shadow, and sighs, following the pegasus and unicorn to be downstairs, her earth pony friend in tow. Quickly Moon sees why Henry was reluctant to take part in this. It is exhausting, especially given the size of the puzzle Feather had bought. A skilled unicorn would have problems doing this. Poor Henry who is still mid change, out of practice, and never really used TK past touch mode and short range is in agony. Trying to sort and build the puzzle is bordering on painful at times. Just because of the number of pieces he has to sort through before finding one that he needs. This sort of training was so far below Moon Shadow all she could do was feel sorry for Henry. Though Hannah doesn’t need any prompting to help, saying that Sunset always says the fundamentals are something to keep working on. Feather has him taking breaks getting him snacks, juice, and food. Well food other than just the alfalfa bits he had been snacking on. Even then however, by dinner time he is totally wasted. He remembered how Velvet, Sugarberry, the Cottons were after this training. Even Cold Front and Black Marble were on their backs after a day of this. Standing, he ends up having a little trouble keeping balance and he is more than a little dizzy. With help though, he makes it up to the dinner table. Hellen smiles softly, “You look exhausted.” “Feather had me practicing my magic all day. I didn’t even notice the pink fur starting to grow in.” “Well you were occupied so you didn’t worry, that’s a good thing.” Helen says. Looking up Henry watches Lightning Dust come in, though she still seems to be brooding. Lowering his head, Henry goes quiet, he doesn’t want to give Dust more reason to be upset. Tomorrow he should be a full unicorn and be able to do what she needs.