My name's Todd

by ginger468

Chapter 2: RariJack Chapter

Man another hour of me answering questions. This was just getting ridiculous how many questions she was asking. I swear if I have to waist another hour of being asked questions I'm going find the nearest cliff and do a back flip right off the fucking thing. Twilight then said "Oh I must be bothering you with all these questions aren't I?"

Without hesitation I said "Yep." What, honesty's a good virtue. I hoped that now she was done asking questions so I can see the rest of the town. I mean this has been kind of cool but really these questions are getting annoying.

Twilight then said "Well your clothing you don't need it, right?" My face turned red with embarrassment. It be kinda weird if I was walking around camando style. Twilight then said "I'm gonna take that as a yes. Don't worry my friend Rarity can fix you up a dress." A dress? I imagined my self in a dress and turned red once again. Twilight said "Oh I guess you a male. Don't worry Rarity can make a dress for anypony." Yeah anypony. Well I just hoped for the best and Twilight lead me to Rarity's House.

When me and Twilight were walking to Rarity's house every body, I mean pony was looking at us. They didn't say anything one with a harp on her ass was the only one that was excited as hell. It felt weird to be looked at it and it felt like I was some weirdo. I was glad we finally made it here and then I saw a little kid or filly whatever they called it. It said "Wow what are you?" I tried to resist picking it up cuddling and rubbing my cheeks on it's head but I couldn't.

I heard someone yell "Hey, put my sister down right now!" I put the filly down and my face turned red when I realized what I did. Did I really just do that? I do that a lot with cats but not like that.

Twilight said "Sorry he's a bit new to this world. Rarity could you fix Todd up some clothing." So the unicorn who yelled at me was Rarity and the adorable irresistible, uh little one was I believe Sweetie Belle. Rarity came up and measured me. This was a bit weird how she measured me because she did it almost everywhere.

Rarity said "Hmm Twilight you present me with a challenge and I'll gladly accept. Now I presume he's male." Twilight nodded and Rarity spoke again "Well I won't make anything too fancy but I'll make something so good, he'll just die to put it on." Well Rarity was weirdly generous to make clothing for a possible pedophile. I kinda felt at home. Home, shit I'm homeless. I knew I couldn't stay at Twilight's she's busy with Friendship stuff.

So I asked Twilight "Hey Twilight I need a place to earn money you know a place?"

Twilight responded "Well I heard Apple Jack needs a helping hoof." I thought this was great and then I realized. That means I'll have to work on a farm. Now it wouldn't be so bad if I weren't as weak and flimsy as a dam stick! I'm so used to saying would you like some fries with that and taking orders. A farm? Well it won't be too bad decides I never worked on a farm it might be easy.

Instead of Twilight leading me to the farm she told me where to go. I went to the farm and when I arrived I was wowed to see the Apple Family Farm looked bigger in person. Those apples looked delicious not the family the ones growing on the trees ya sick bastard. I climbed over the fence and reached for a apple. Then I thought is this wrong? No it's just one they're not gonna miss it. Then I saw another filly with a bow. She said "You have to ask first."

I apologized and asked for a apple and she said sure. I sat down and laid back on the tree. I took a bite of the apple and dam was it good. That god blessed food theory looked pretty confirmed because I've had farm fresh apples not that store bought stuff and this was way better. I just know I'm gonna love working on the farm. I looked at the filly with pink bow "So what's your name."

The filly responded "Why my name's Apple Bloom. What's yours?"

I decided what's wrong with telling her and said "The name's Todd."