//------------------------------// // Ch.31: Damnit, Can't Think of A Pun for High Heel! // Story: Pimp Spike's Swag Vol.5: The Comeback! // by trahzo //------------------------------// Trixie and Iron Will lose the fight! Now it's just down to Brak & Luna. *Grr!* *Mrow!* "What the? Did you just go mrow?" "Duh, don't I look like an lien cat? I thought living in space for 1000 years would teach you about aliens Nightmare Moon!" "IT'S LUNA!!!" Then the fight reignited! "Trixie says that the next character is High Heel, a villainess from a official Power Ponies Comic Book. What's with all the villains? So far we got: Headless Horse, Queen Umbra, Shim Sham Sisters, Garbledina, Solar Flare, Starlight Glimmer, and now High Heel?" "*Pant!* Iron Will says do not question it." "Exactly." the pie family agreed. "Enough of this prattle, just begin the story and after that we see who wins the fight. Brak or Luna. Come-on Luna!" Spike was in another adventure in the Power Ponies Comic, as Humdrum........who had just been kidnapped by High Heel, a villain who likes to always be in style, kinda like Rarity, except an evil bitch...oh wait, what am I saying, she is a Rarity copy, except with a Catwoman like feel. Okay, so here's the description, well the best I can before you decide to see what she looks like on Derpibooru. She had on a red jumpsuit with a ribbon tied at the front, she wore a light blue head band to hold her mane up. she had the boots with tied ribbons on the black sleeves as well, but the shoe part was a light blue. Her mane & tail were 2 shades of dark purple, oh, and speaking of her tail, it was tied-up in a..........come-on, I know you can guess this...........her tail was tied-up in a....ribbon! Her eyes were yellow with dark purple eye shadow, finally, she had a cream colored coat. If you're wondering how she's kidnapping Spike, I'll tell you, if you read the comics, you'd know her getaway vehicle is a car shaped like a red heel! Fili-Second tried to catch-up but High Heel pressed a button, dropping miniature bombs all over! Fili Second had to stop and run away from the explosions! "Ha! Ha! Ha! Later bitches!" Then She boosted ultra fast back to her lair! Later... "(Okay, sounds like she'll go for a ransom, I've never read this comic yet, but I bet the Power Ponies are gonna refuse the ransom and then kick her ass!)" Spike was sitting on a chair, tied-up still. "Geez, it's so dark, can someone turn on a light?" That's when 2 candles lit up. "Not exactly what I was thinking but okay thanks." That's when a door was kicked open, then out stepped High heel, in a red dress, her mane was down, and wearing black heels. "What in the?" "Oh, yeah I kidnapped you for a date." "What?!" Yeah, you should have read the comic before going in blind as a...is there anything besides a person who's blinder than a bat? If you know, thank you. Anyways, this was in fact a spin off comic series of the Power Ponies known as Bigon Lovers, and Spike thought it was just another Romeo & Juliet situation, but no! He had no idea he entered the 1st issue a spin off comic starring Humdrum & High Heel. "Yes, Humdrum." "Why though?" Warning, stupid reasons for shipping, and I mean something as stupid as shipping Gilda with with Matilda just because both of their names end with 'da' and no Matilda will not be in this series because I refuse to ship anymore canonically married characters, and for those of you who don't know, Cranky & Matilda will tie the knot in episode 100, sadly it's too late for them to have a kid because of Cranky's search for Matilda and that disappoints me. Anyways... "You see Humdrum, our names both start with an H and our names have 2 syllables." I told you it was going to be stupid reasons for shipping fuel! I TOLD YOU!!! So anyways... "What?" "Just kidding, the reason was when we had our little showdown." "(Oh yeah, in issue 23 High Heel said...'You know, I'd definitively date you if I wasn't such a clever girl.')" "You remember what I said right?" "Yeah, it was back in Maretropolis's sister city when G.Q.V.F the Black Chimera was trying to takeover, you used the confusion to try and steal the Metallic Ruby Sun Gem." "Which would have been worth millions on the Black Market, but then you me by accidentally dropping the Ruby and breaking it to pieces, b-but I have no grudge against you, didn't you notice I did not take back what I said after the showdown was over?" "Y-yeah." "So, here we are, I kept my word, except for the clever part, but I still kept my word." "Hehe, I guess you did...could you untie me now please?" "Sure thing, then the date can finally get started." So after Spike was untied, he decided to just stay and go through with the date, after thinking it over, High Heel is very beautiful, and she actually wants this from a guy who'd normally have no chance with her, who's also a kid! As the date went on, he was wondering, what was taking the Power Ponies so long to save him. "Oh, if you're wondering why you friends aren't here, I summoned Giga, Gigi, Gaga, and Gagi to wreck havoc, and you know how many hours it takes them to send those destructive children back to their home world, so we can have as much fun as we can." "Oh, great idea, I'm actually having fun." "Speaking of which..." "What?" "If we were to have kids, would you want kids?" "*Voice crack!* Uhm, yeah, are you planning something suspicious to end this date?" "Maybe I am, maybe I'm not." Then she got up from her seat, pushed the candles out of the way, and then put her fore hooves on the table, then put on a seductive face. "Though, I hope we can get married once you're an adult." "I hope so too." "Then again, that's a word I don't feel like keeping." "What?!" That's when High Heel jumped over the table and got on Spike & did pedo sex to him, ignoring the building burning down. But that's when Spike & High Heel were kicked out of the comic just in time to avoid burning, so they had sex unaware of the surroundings changing from an evil lair, to the Castle of the 2 sisters. Brak then gives Luna a finishing uppercut! *Bam* *Echoed Bam!* "Haha! I win, Brak, the champion of the hosts! Also, what were we fighting about? All well, get the next letter."