//------------------------------// // The Beckoning of Darkness // Story: The Fanning of the Flames // by supersmashfighter //------------------------------// Like the cowards they are, all these ponies flee from my very presence, only to be engulfed by pillars of fire. Their screams of pain and agony echo throughout the lands before they are forever silenced. Their very flesh burned right off of their husks as they fall to the ground, lifeless and silent. The only parts of them that remain are but the bones that keep them together. Many I see are crying out in sorrow and misery over lost loved ones until they too are burned by my flames. As time passes, nothing more remains of the village that I had walked through, save for a few of those ponies who somehow managed to survive. How Pathetic... Do they not realize that being purged in my fire is one of the greatest honors of all? How their spirits will rejoice when they are reborn into a new world, one which is created in my own image? They should be more accepting, more submissive to my power. The fools that dared to stand against me were no more than a nuisance that I had to dispose of rather quickly. This body I inhabit is still able to feel mortal wounds, but with my dark magic, I have cast a curse on this mortal body, one which will haunt it forever, even if I am to one day be destroyed. It will allow the cursed creature to feel every ounce of pain and agony, but will render it unable to die. A "zombie" or "undying beast" as these ponies would call them. The only problem now is getting rid of the consciousness that inhabits the body I am using. However that is easier said than done. I close my eyes and drift into my mind, allowing me to enter a pitch black room, which houses one more resident within. It is similar looking to that of a pony, save for the antlers that adorn its head, the scales that appear along its underside, the longer tail ending in a fur tip, the mixture of feather and leathery wings attached to its back, the cloven hooves on its long, slender legs, and the tiny horn that sits atop its nose. The limbs of this creature are bound with chains, preventing any means of escape. This is my vessel. The one the ponies call "Swift Spark." He looks up at me with an angry glare. That is also another thing about my vessel. I share a link that allows me to feel what he feels, though I am able to just brush them aside like they are bugs on my back. "What do you want from me now, you vile beast?" He hisses at me with disgust and hate. I merely scoff at him trying to sound as though he is a threat to me. "Must I have a reason for visiting my vessel?" I ask him in a mocking tone. He just spits in my face, which stings a bit but doesn't hut. "Still your tongue, demon, you cannot trick me with your feeble lies." He states. This, unfortunately, turned out to be true when he found my sealed chamber some time ago. No matter how much I tried, I could not seem to tempt him into darkness. "You act as if I want something from you..." I say to him as he looks away, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. This is a first. I think as he has not done so much as turn his head away from me in either disgust or rage. "What more could you possibly take from me?" He asks, sounding so frail and weak, as if he has no fight left in him... How strange. "Just go and do whatever you wish, I can't do anything to stop you anyways." He says somberly, "But know this..." He looks up at me again, with a fire burning in his two cobalt eyes, "One day, you WILL fall at the hands of someone greater than you . Someone who will have much more power than all of Equestria combined. And on that day, I will laugh in victory and reclaim my body once again. And on that day, YOU will know what the meaning of fear really is." How annoying. "Yes, well, until that day, I will continue to spread my flames across this world, until I rebuild it in my own image.And oce I do that, who would ever think of standing up against me?" I ask, somewhat irritated at my vessel's constant babble. Suddenly, his mouth forms a smirk as he looks up at me once again. This time, his face showing into the one thing I despise other than water. (Confound those sea ponies and sirens I think to myself quietly.) Hope. "That day may come sooner than you think." I start walking away from him, irritated once again by his prattle. The last thing I hear from him is a phrase that sounds muffled, but I am able to make it out as something like this: "Forgive me." I open my eyes once again, and notice something coming from the distance. To my surprise, it is none other than the two foolish alicorn princes, Luminous and Solaris. Flying alongside them is what appears to be a draconequus of all things, a large changeling, a pegasus pony, a dragon, and from the distance, I see, to my surprise yet again, a centaur. This was adorable, yet also worrying. To think that they united all kinds of tribes and creatures to face me in combat was admirable at best. Is this what Swift Spark meant by my defeat was soon to be? Was this all a challenge? Well then... I spread my legs, ready to counter any thing that these fools can try to muster can throw at me. Challenge Accepted.