For the Future

by celticwolf72

Chapter 4: Meeting the Crew

The following day found Coaldust back on the road to Ponyville from his little encampment. He had slung his saddlebags over his back, but as it was a wonderful and clear day he went without the duster and slouch hat. Both bags appeared full, but one rode noticeably lower than the other. His preliminary work on the mine had lead to some finds that he wanted looked at by professionals.

Not having to haul his cart meant that he made good time. His cantering slowed as he once more approached the Library, he didn’t want to break down the door, after all. As had happened the first day he had been in Ponyville, the door opened before he could knock. This time, instead of the violet mare that had greeted him, a smaller blue-indigo filly practically walked into him as she was looking over her shoulder. “Thank you again, Twilight. It was a most enjoyable… meep!”

Coaldust smiled reassuringly at the young filly, hardly older than a foal, as she backed up from the sound of his cleared throat. “Pardon, miss. Didn’ want ya to run me over.” He watched her watch him for a moment, something going on behind her large aqua eyes.

Twilight came trotting up in a hurry, concern on her face. “Selena? Are you okay? I heard… oh. Hi Coaldust. I see you met my student, Selena.” She grinned and nudged her student playfully. Selena, on the other hoof, turned her head and looked away from the stallion, obviously embarrassed.

“N..nice to meet you, Mr. Coaldust.” The younger filly's voice was soft, just loud enough to be heard. “I’ll see you next week, Twilight. Okay?”

Sensing the young filly was in a hurry, Coaldust moved to one side of the door. Twilight just grinned at her student. “That’ll be fine Selena. Just keep practicing. Oh, and say ‘hi’ to your sister for me, will you?”

“I will. Thank you again.” Selena hurried past Coaldust, disappearing around the corner a few moments later.

Coaldust stepped into the Library at Twilight’s gesture. “Cute foal. I didn’t take you for a teacher, Twilight.”

“She’s been having a few problems with her studies. Her school is my old alma mater, so they got permission from the Princess to send her here once a week for lessons.” Twilight lead him over to a nearby table with papers on it as she spoke. “The Princess thought it would help me learn a few things, so now I teach her once a week.”

“I wouldn’t have thought that the local folks would’a needed to get the Princess’ permission.”

“Well, I am the Princess’ student, so they would want to check with her just in case it might interrupt my studies. That said, Selena isn’t local. Like me, she’s from Canterlot.” Coaldust could feel his mental gears grinding as he took in the information. He hadn’t expected to meet someone that close to the Princess. “Okay, this stack is the one you need to sign. It lists the geographical limits of your claim, gives you the mineral rights, property rights to build your house, as well as the necessary permits to build both the house and the road.”

Blinking a few times, Coaldust regathered his thoughts and nodded. “Okay. Where do I sign again?”

After another thirty minutes of him reading and signing, Twilight took the papers and wrapped them up to be sent via Pegasus mail to Canterlot, with a copy going to Mayor Mare’s office. “There you are. The mine is officially yours, congratulations.”

“Thank you kindly, Twilight. You coming over to Applejack’s farm for lunch?”

Twilight blinked at the stallion. “Lunch? I knew she had borrowed Spike, but I didn’t know…. Oh, wait. She probably mentioned that she was having lunch and invited me, but I think I tuned her out after she asked to borrow him. I was getting ready for Selena when she dropped by.” A beat passed, and she cocked her head. “How do you know AJ?”

“Met her yesterday after your other friend, Rainbow Dash, um… dropped in to visit.” A slight snicker escaped him as he remembered Rainbow’s parting comment.

The violet mare just groaned and facehooved. “Let me guess. Another one of her tricks that didn’t work out?”

“Yup. Does that often, I’m guessing?”

“Let’s just say that I’m never sure if I’m having an earthquake, or a Dash-quake. That, or she has something metal in her skull and my Library is a magnet.”

Coaldust laughed. Mischievousness lit his face as he playfully asked, “Bucking magnets, how do they work?”

Twilight just rolled her eyes and lead back out into the street.

# # #

The smell of apples was the first thing that Coaldust picked up as they reached Sweet Apple Acres. That was to be expected, of course, since it was an Apple family homestead. As they reached the main building, it didn’t take long for Applejack to come trotting around to greet them. “Raht on time. Welcome to the farm, Coaldust. Twilight, good ta see ya sugarcube. Everybody else is already here, so let’s get y’all some seats an’ get some good grub into y’all.”

Applejack lead them back around the building to an open area where a few tables sat, each one holding baked goods aplenty. It didn’t take long for him to notice the nuclear powered Pinkie Pie nor the multicolored Rainbow Dash, as they were the only other ponies he knew. Nor could he miss Spike, staring dreamily at a very attractive white mare with a deep purple mane. In addition to them, there were three ponies, three foals, and a zebra. The last surprised him, as he hadn’t expected to see any in Ponyville.

“Well, here’s the rest of the friends and family. The green mare, that’s Granny Smith. The big red ‘un is my brother, Big Macintosh. Over there we have my little sister, Applebloom and her friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. The pony Spike’s starin’ at is our friend Rarity, Sweetie Belle’s sister. The shy one is Fluttershy, and the zebra, that’s Zecora.”

As he was introduced, Coaldust nodded to each. Granny Smith was dozing, so he got no response from her. Big Mac just looked at him with what may have been some hostility. The foals bounced and giggled, just like any foal would. Rarity smiled and very obviously sized him up. All he got from Fluttershy was the odd nervous glance. Zecora smiled and nodded back, obviously very comfortable in this group.

“Well, I’m right glad to meet you all. Don’t know what else to say, other than I hope I can get ta know y’all.” As the interrupted conversations started back up, he made his way over to Zecora. Once he got within polite earshot, he started speaking in a strange tongue. Zecora’s head came up rapidly in surprise, then she smiled and responded in the same language.

Coaldust grinned back at her. “And that’s all I know of zebra. Sorry.”

“That is fine, my young friend. Your attempt did not offend. I hope at me, you’ll not be mad, when I say that you sound quite bad.”

He shook his head, still smiling. “Nah, I’m not mad. Never got much practice in zebra. For that matter, you’re only the third I’ve met. Knew two back in Lodestrike, worked with ‘em in the mine. ‘S where I learned that greeting.”

Zecora bobbed her head in understanding. “Then for now, that will do.” She then looked over his shoulder. “Ah, I believe someone has come for you.”

He turned to see the white unicorn heading for him, a smile on her face. “It is so nice to see a new face here.” She held out a hoof to him, “I am Rarity, fashion designer.”

Coaldust took her hoof and kissed it gallantly, all of that reading paying off. “Well, Ms. Rarity, I’m just simple Coaldust. A miner of coal and sometimes other things.”

“Ooh, a gentlecolt. A very nice change from what I normally see here.” Though her voice was pleasant, he could see the unease at his announced profession. She also managed to withdraw her hoof quickly, if still within the limits of decorum. “What sort of ‘other things’ do you mine?”

“Well, I just happen to have some things with me. Maybe you, as well as your friends, can tell me where to have a professional look at them.” He started making his way towards a table, Rarity following in his wake.

“If I may ask, why do you have your mane and tail bound?” Rarity’s fashion-sense was starting to get the better of her, especially since she was used to the free flowing manes of Ponyville.

“Loose manes and tails are a good way to get hurt in a mine, Ms. Rarity. I’d rather not have that happen.” Glancing over his shoulder, he saw that she didn’t understand. “Hair that’s not confined can get trapped in rocks as they fall. They might catch a support. You could even get it caught when your buddy is bucking a seam. So we tend to wrap them up to prevent accidents.”

“Oh, I see.” The white mare considered him for a moment. “Well, you are not in a mine now. Why don’t you let your mane down.”

Placing his saddlebags on the table, Coaldust thought for a moment, then shrugged. Sitting back on his haunches, he undid the knots holding his mane and tail in place. Rarity gasped, and there were a few other admiring sounds as the ice blue hair tumbled free from its confines. He was certainly glad there was no breeze.

“Oh my. I didn’t expect you to have this much! It’s almost as long as the Princess’ mane.” Rarity’s hooves were instantly in his mane, stroking it and feeling its weight.

“Well, I’ve not cut it since I was a foal. Just kept it bound up. Uhm… would you mind not playing with it, Ms. Rarity?”

“But… the things I could do with it.” Her eyes lit up suddenly, “Idea!” A blue glow surrounded a pair of working shears on a far table, which in turn started heading towards Rarity. They stopped when a purple glow started to form around them in turn.

“Rarity, stop it.” Twilight stepped forward and looked her friend in the eye. “I know you like giving makeovers, but he may not want one. He hasn’t cut his mane in a long time, after all.”

Rarity tried to stare Twilight down, then sagged. “Bother, you’re right. I am sorry, Coaldust, I just get carried away sometimes.”

“Not a problem Ms. Rarity.” Coaldust sighed quietly in relief. Opening one of his saddlebags, he tipped out the contents. A large black chunk fell out, followed by a few clear gems. “Here’s what I’ve been able to mine so far. Does any pony know where I can get them appraised?”

“I know someone in town who can see how good the coal is,” offered Twilight. “They have all of the right test equipment. The diamonds though….”

“Diamonds?” It was weird hearing the same word in both male and female voices. Rarity’s and Spike’s voices overlapped as they responded to that word.

“I could certainly use those at my shop.” Rarity’s eyes glowed as she considered the gems on the table. “I have a few dresses that would be all the better for some diamonds.”

“Diamonds….” Spike’s addition to the conversation was simple, and drool filled. Coaldust cocked an eyebrow at Twilight who shrugged.

“Dragons eat gems.”

“Ah.” Looking at the pile, Coaldust found a very flawed diamond and flipped it over to Spike. A crunching sound and a satisfied burp followed soon after.

“Mr. Coaldust, I’d be willing to appraise the diamonds and buy them from you.” Rarity’s gaze hadn’t left the pile of gems as she spoke. “My talent is finding gems, after all. Part of that is knowing the quality, and I assure you I would pay a fair price.”

Not knowing exactly why, Coaldust nodded his head. “Done then. You can have these, since I didn’t really plan on taking them home with me.”

Noticing that all but two of the ponies had come closer during the whole exchange, he thought it was time to handle the second saddlebag and one of the ponies. Picking up the still full saddlebag, he headed for the yellow and pink mare.

Stopping about ten feet away from Fluttershy, he lowered himself to the grass, lowering his head below hers. “Hello, Ms. Fluttershy, I’m your new neighbor.” A nervous glance and a squeak is all he got in return. “Now, I hope you’re not frightened, ‘cause I really don’t mean to frighten any pony. ‘Sides, I need your help.”

That got a confused look, followed by a squeak and Fluttershy hiding behind her pink mane. Pretending he didn’t notice, Coaldust gently tipped over the saddlebag and scooped out a tiny ball of fur. A moment later, two pointed ears appeared from the ball, and a small mouth full of sharp teeth yawned. “You see, I found this little guy in my mine last night. I waited for a while to see if his mama would come, but she never did. I’m not very good with animals, but I did manage to get some warm milk into him. I was hoping….”

Once she saw the little kitten, the yellow pegasus swooped right by him, the kitten now cradled in her hooves. “Oh, you poor kitten. Now don’t you worry, I’ve got a nice place for you to stay. I also have lots of friends for you to play with.” A soft mew answered her, and she looked around. “You must still be hungry. I’ll see if I can find you some milk.” Rotating in the air she looked at Coaldust. “Thank you for saving him.” With a blush, she headed for the farmhouse.

Applejack, and the rest of the ponies, were slightly shocked. She rarely said anything to a new person, especially someone much larger than her. “Well, don’ that just beat all?”

Coaldust shrugged as he sat up and smiled at the other ponies. “I heard she was good with animals. I figured it was the best way to break the ice.”

Rainbow Dash laughed, “Dusty, you are one smooth operator.”

“Rainbow… unlike you, I never.” All the other ponies started laughing as Rainbow Dash lost it, and also lost her perch, falling out of a tree. All the ponies but one, that was.

Big Mac was glaring at Coaldust.

Author's Note: Here you go folks, the next chapter. I'll be honest, I'm not fully happy with this chapter. It feels a bit clunky to me. The introductions are done now, so we can start moving on into some of the more... interesting... parts of the story. Enjoy!