//------------------------------// // Shadows loom. Light Blossoms // Story: My Roommate is a pony? // by Meh121 //------------------------------// We met up with the others around the center of the town. The crisp winter air was refreshing in a way unique and unlike any other, the snow on the other hand or hoof could cease to exist. I watched as my breath and the others crystallized in front of all of us. Their was still an ominous feeling in the air but for some reason the others couldn't pick up on it. It kept drilling at me slowly chipping away at me, my hands started to glow in a golden hue. I saw Twilight give me a concerned look, I took her advise from earlier and took a deep breath, it worked a little bit until I heard a familiar voice. "Tyler is that you?" The voice called out, his voice echoing through the stale winter air. I spun around quickly, to be eyeing one of my professors. "Professor! What are you doing in Equestria?" I asked startled. He responded to the question, as he pointed at myself and Twilight. "When I noticed two of my best students have not been in school for almost four months, I decided to check on the rumors." I gave him a puzzled look, as to ask what the hell he was talking about. He opened his eyes in realization that he didn't specify said rumors. "Right the rumor that you were skipping class and smoking pot in Equestria." He bluntly stated. I looked at him strangely before laughing a bit. "Professor smoking pot does it really look like we are smoking pot?" I asked pointing to the rather larger circle. I looked over, as the large circle wasn't helping. I quickly said something before he could intervene. "You know what don't answer that. If you wish to know the real reason, there is a darkness that threatens the land here, and on Earth. We were put in charge to see if we could put a stop to this." I told him as I mentally face palmed, as I saw him give a confused look. "What darkness? There is no darkness are you lying?" He asked looking around. I was about to speak again before Twilight beat me to it. "You see there is a force known as an Old God, in our version of a prison of the damned. He has been slowly bending things to his will even corrupting the very beings and land on this planet. He is still in a weakened state from a battle very long ago. He has spoken to some of us in our very minds to try and turn us against each other." Twilight tried her best to explain in a short sequence of events. "You are all crazy drug addicts, you two stop skipping class, and next time make a better excuse. Some darkness what a load of bull." The old man sighed. "They speak the truth, and since you seem to ignore their warning mortal perhaps I can help show you this darkness." A voice echoed out from the shadows. The figure that spoke leaped out from the ground and grabbed the professor. "Ahh the six ponies that caused me such much trouble, you took my kingdom of slaves away, now you will soon learn as we take your precious kingdoms from you!" Sombra yelled out. "You are mad!" Twilight shouted as she charged her horn for a spell. Sombra smiled his green and red eyes radiating a smokey trail of dusk behind. He laughed as he put a shield up and vanished into the shadows taking the old man with him. "The Old Gods will take you all!" He shouted before vanishing out of sight. "Where is he now, how will we ever know where he went?" Applejack asked. There was another sound coming from behind us, it was the sound of footsteps and hoofsteps. There was a familiar laugh to me that caught my ears. "Funny that the boy who started out with wanting nothing to do with this, is now perhaps your greatest ally. People might not like the direction you are going, but you choose to do what you wish. You are heading down a noble path, aiding in a cause that you would have never known about if you refused to let this one live with you." The figure called out, his voice catching all of our ears. He made a notion to who he was speaking at as he pointed to Twilight. "Who are you?" Twilight asked the looming human figure. "He's death." I bluntly stated out. The others looked at me like I was crazy. "That pony well it's hit counterpart." I pointed to the pony with a picture of a smiling skull as I lit a cigarette. "Wow, you just take out all of the fun!" His counterpart yelled out. "Now now I'm sure you are all wanting an explanation on why we are here." Death assumed. The other nodded. "As am I." I said walking up. "Oh I'm sure you are looking for the most answers out of all of them." Death told me as he met eye to eye with me. His dark brown eyes and jet black hair coming down past his eyes a slight amount moving as he studied me. "As for the rest it's simple I'm here to train your friend right here." He pointed out his grayish skin extending as his finger moved slowly at me. "Now that ominous presence you feel, it is Sombra I take it you are able to sense his aura? In due time you will even be able to sense the aura of those with the pure of heart." Death told me. "Look this is all fine and dandy, but if you are here to train Tyler why would you make your presence so know?" Applejack muttered out. "Ughh fine I guess I owe a better explanation, firstly you guys took to long to meet at the Everfree Forest so I used my power to teleport here. As for the rest I sensed all of your auras, and well the rest is history. You see Tyler and the rest of you are all in need of training, this power you will come to face....it...it's nothing you ever faced before." Death coldly stated his words slowly drifting in the wind. "Yeah right we have the elements of harmony we just blast this Old God and we win, and we get our pictures on the wall of Canterlot." Rainbow Dash said. "You are arrogant, but I do sense a great amount of power from you, in fact all of you have this potential to grow in your abilities. You two the most." Death said pointing at Twilight and I. "You will learn to grow the most, but your paths will still meet but soon you will need to take separate paths for a while." Death said. "Are you sure he isn't crazy." Rainbow whispered. Applejack quickly yanked Rainbow Dash's ear back. "Do you believe him Tyler?" Twilight asked, her eyes glowing with questions. "I do sense what he is speaking of, perhaps we will need to take separate roads soon, but don't worry it will only be for a while." I smiled warmly at her. "Yep they are both crazy." Rainbow whispered to herself. She looked back at Applejack, she just rolled her eyes. "Uhh I ha-hate to uhhh....bring....the bad news here, but did anyone remember that Sombra just kidnapped someone?" Fluttershy called out. "Right we should continue the prophecy mombo jumbo later, and the questions as well." Rainbow said as she hovered above us.