Pimp Spike's Swag Vol.5: The Comeback!

by trahzo

Ch.25: Age Appropriate Nurse.

"Next is...Nursery Rhyme? Who's that?" Asked Brak.

"Aww, she's the filly nurse from the episode: Read It & Weep." Luna answered.

"This will be cute, begin." Said Trixie.

Spike ended-up in the hospital after being emotionally scarred by Discord.


"Good day my precious Spikey-wikey, my true love."

"R-rarity? (Am I really her true love?)"

"Come here, so I can give you a big sloppy kiss."

"(Can't resist) Right away my marshmallow angel!"

Spike was about to go in for the kiss but that's when Rarity turned into Discord.

"Haha! Gotcha!"


*Flashback over*

So now Spike is in a hospital bed, because now, whenever he sees a hot babe, they'll all have Discord's eyes! Unfortunately, only one nurse was able to help him out because she's not hot, she's kawaii.

"Hello patient."

"Good morning Nursery Rhyme."

"So, how're you feeling today?"

"I'm feeling fine, just as long as I know he who should not be named is present, and that you're here to nurse me back to health, I'll be just fine."

That last word echoed as adult Spike awoke from the hospital bed!


It had been years since Spike & Nursery Rhyme last saw each other. Whenever she came for a visit, she'd bring Spike get well cards from his friends, sure the pain of Discord finally went away from Nursery Rhyme's warmth...but...Spike didn't want to leave, he had fallen for Nursery Rhyme, and would visit her everyday, sadly, when they day came that Spike would confess to her...


"(Oh dear.)" Thought Nurse Coldheart.

Spike entered with a bouquet of Nursery Rhyme's favorite flowers.

"Hello Coldheart, have you seen Nursery Rhyme anywhere? I'm ready to confess my feelings to her."

"Kid...I don't how to tell you this..."

Spike smile then began falling. "What's wrong?"

Then Dr.Horse entered.

"Doc...please tell him."

" *sigh* Spike..."

"Wh-what happened Horse? I-i-i-i-i-is Nursery Rhyme okay?"

"Spike...she left to study abroad to learn how to be a doctor."

"WHAT?!" Then he dropped the flowers.

"I'm sorry Spike, please understand, she didn't want to tell you because it would've been painful for her."

Spike then fell to the floor weeping hysterically, he became so depressed, that his next time in the hospital would be much, much longer. Nursery Rhyme was so buried within her studies he couldn't even see her on the holidays.

*Flashback over.*

Spike saw his friends less & less, he was too upset, he wanted Nursery Rhyme so badly. Spike then looked at the letter she had written to him.

"Dear Spike,

I'm sorry I left for university without telling you, but it would've been very depressing, I just couldn't tell you, please understand that I love you with all my heart. No-one would want me as a nurse when I was little because they saw little use in me, but when you appeared in my life...I finally used what my mentors told me. I was so happy, you made me so happy. But one day when I reached age 21, I received a letter of recommendation to the most prestigious college in Equestria, I just had to take it. I'm sorry Spike, please remember...I love you.

With so much undeniable love:
Nursery Rhyme

"I miss you." He said as he looked at the picture of him & Nursery Rhyme together as kids.

Then the door opened.

"Doctor, I thought I made it clear, I don't want to leave unless Nursery Rhyme is here."

"Well, guess you'll finally be cured then."

"N-Nursery Rhyme?"

"Hi Spike...look, I'm now officially a doctor."

"So...after all this time, I can now leave?"

"Not just yet, you need to pay the hospital bill."

"What would the fine be? I'm sure Princess Celestia would..."

"The fine is so great, not even she can afford it."

"What? What exactly is this fine?"

"Your claw, in marriage Spike."

Spike's jaw hit the floor before he gained a smile.

"Nursery Rhyme, you always know how to make me feel good."

"Why of course, now that you've agreed to marry me, you get your own personal doctor."

Then, Spike got out of bed, though he did wobble, it has been years, and he refused everyone telling him to get out of the bed, but he still knew how to walk.

"Guess I'm a little outta practice with my legs, heh heh..."

"Oh Spike, you silly dragon." Twilight said as she viewed Spike through Celestia's all seeing device. "Finally, you get to come home..." She couldn't fight back the tears of joy. "...Nursery Rhyme, thank you for performing your 1st miracle...*sniff*"

*Sniff* *sniff* All 3 were touched deeply by the story.

"Next letter, and will someone get me a tissue?"

Meanwhile in Anna's Hotel...

"Why are you still fighting me? You've died 2 times already in the Pimp Spike's Swag series!"

"Hey, you know what they say, 3rd time's the charm!" Said Spikerulez302-a-tron 100,000! "This time, I shall finally win a fight! Please tell me I'm gonna win this one!"

Meanwhile on the bottom floor...

"Okay, now to activate my flight mode in order to give them my back-up." Said a familiar looking red robot, if you've read the comments in this story.