Not Dead Yet

by Evil Twilight


        Twilight opened her eyes and found a familiar white surrounding like she first did when she first woke up in this vestibule of Afterlife. She scrambled to her hooves and looked around to find even the slightest clue on what to do next.

        “Congratulations Twilight,” a familiar voice to Twilight called out.

        Twilight quickly turned around and saw not the flowing light she saw when she first got here, but an alicorn. She seemed to be slightly taller than Celestia, same colour coat but a little bit dirtier, and blood-coloured mane and tale. Her cutie mark was an ink cup and quill which Twilight found unusual.

        “Are you, Erishel?” Twilight said unable to look away from her radiant gaze. “Wait, I know who you are!”

        “That’s right, I’m the goddess of all goddesses, Lauren Faust. Erishel is sort of a cover up then I reveal myself when Ponies are deemed worthy of afterlife. I also of course change my voice. But anyways, you are now worthy Twilight, welcome!”

        Twilight ran up and hugged Lauren despite it being rather difficult being she was twice as tall as Twilight.

        “Welcome Twilight,” a different but still familiar voice called out to Twilight.

        Lauren smiled and stepped aside, revealing a pony that Twilight hasn’t seen since she went off to Celestia’s academy.

        “Grandmama?” Twilight said jaw dropped. She ran over and hug her grandma as she looked rather young since the last time Twilight saw her. Twilight got almost all of her body colour from her mother, except her mane and tail. Her mane and tail were white and light pink just like Twilight’s mother.

        “It’s so good to see you again,” Twilight’s grandma said hugging back. For the first time since meeting her friends, Twilight cried happy tears.

        Lauren wiped a tear away from her eye. “How sweet, well come on you two, we’re going to Afterlife!”

        “You’re going to love it Twilight!” her grandmother said walking beside her.

        “I’m sure I will Grandmama,” Twilight said smiling.

        Twilight reflected on her life up to this point, all the decisions she made, thought about her friends before her Ponyville friends, the little she had. Probably not even aware that she’s dead right now. However that didn’t matter, they’re probably living happy lives right now. Twilight then reflected on her newer friends that she wish she got to know better. She knew she wasn’t going to see them anytime soon, however one day she will.

        One Day…

The End