//------------------------------// // epilogue // Story: The Mannequin of Carousel Boutique // by Emeralddragon2 //------------------------------// epilogue Author's Notes Whether or not the 'Mannequin of Carousel Boutique' is a fact or a falsity remains to be seen. The owner of the establishment denies any allegations (as expected) and her younger sibling has proven to be a very unreliable witness. Undercover attempts have resulted in one restraining order and the confirmation that Miss Rarity Belle has excellent hearing. Return investigations have been permanently postponed. My own personal motives for working on this material stem from an attempt to improve my creative skills. Sometimes there are narratives that have to be told, and if I'm going to be telling it then only my best efforts will do. I find that my current best efforts result in a very visual experience in the details but is time consuming in the process. My skills also hold tendencies to follow tropes very closely, which can result in a bit of 'cheesiness' and predictability (like in a popular anime). But I would admit that I write this way on purpose because I enjoy the result. If anything, I feel I need to work on being able to put more story into fewer words, without losing any important detail. In conclusion, as the creator and editor of these documents I would like to thank all those who found an interest in these events, especially the ones assisting in fact checking and formatting, and those commenting during the posting of the documents. I apologize for the extended length of time in publishing these documents because I only worked on these when I was 'in the zone' so to speak. Lastly, Yes I do read every note and comment but I take an extended time in answering them because I am a total gossip and I have a terrible habit of spoiling my own material. BUT, any questions you have about anything I will now be able to answer in the comments. tldr THANKS FOR READING -Emeralddragon2