
by Phoenix Pastel

500 Years Later...Part 2

An audible sigh is heard from the upstairs bedroom. The rich purple unicorn colt who was currently being yelled at pulled away from a large, silver telescope. He blew his long, black bangs from his eyes, and trudged downstairs. He was greeted by an angry light purple unicorn mare, obviously trying and miserably failing to keep her anger in.
"Onyx, what have I told you about listening to me the first time?" She sighed. "Go get washed up. We have somepony important
coming to our house tonight." The colt, named Onyx, sighed once more and nodded.
"Yes, Mum." He turned around and trotted back upstairs.
"And stop sighing!" His Mum yelled up to him. Another sigh is heard, followed by a giggle. She rolled her eyes, chuckled, and walked to her room.
Onyx came to his bathroom and walked to the sink. He tried using his unicorn magic to turn on the faucet, failed, and resorted to using his hooves. He soaked a towel and wiped his face, his purple fur getting soaked, and dried himself. He then proceeded to flex in the mirror, chuckling afterwards. He ran to his room and threw on a black bowtie just as the doorbell rang a melodic tune.

Onyx's mother opened the door. A large stallion was in the doorway, with perfectly groomed dark gray fur and a black suit jacket with a moonflower tucked in the pocket. His deep navy blue mane was smoothed back professionally and perfectly.
"Ms. Amethyst Star. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I hope we will be good friends in the future."
"My name is Darkness Blue. As you know, I am Onyx's new therapist. I hope I will do my job well." He smoothed back his mane nervously. "Now, where is the little tyke?"
"I'm right here!" Onyx cried out as he walked down the steps. When he got to the bottom, he realized he was right in front of a huge
stallion. He nervously gulped as he caught sight of him. "Ummmm... hi." He looked over at his mother, who was wearing large, snow-white pearls. He started staring at them to calm himself down.
His mother caught notice of this. She sighed and ran a hoof through her light purple and silver mane. "I'm sorry, he is a little bad at social situations."
Darkness smiled. "Its alright. Happens to all of us." He looked at Onyx with a gentle smile, and walked towards him. He was now so close to Onyx that Onyx could see his cutie mark- a dark blue heart with a unlocked gray lock and chain wrapping around it.

Onyx relaxed a little. "Um... Its nice to meet you Mr. Blue." Darkness smiled. "Just call me Blue. And what is your name?'
Onyx relaxed a little more. He started to like this stallion- he could see kindness behind his large gray eyes.
"Onyx Star, sir, uh, I mean, Blue." Onyx stammered. He didn't get why he was nervous, he hadn't liked a stranger this much since- oh.
He started thinking about Ms. Blueflower, his old therapist. He had liked Ms. Blueflower, whom he had called Flower. She was fun and had a great sense of humor, until her father fell down the stairs of an office building and she had to go take care of him, leaving poor Onyx behind.
Now Onyx was sad. He looked up at Blue, who in turn was looking at him with concern.
"Is everything alright, Onyx?" He asked, lifting up Onyx's chin with a hoof. Onyx nodded.
"Ok, then." Blue said, concern in his voice. He turned to Amethyst, and said, "I am afraid I need to leave. I have a meeting at 5:30. It was a pleasure meeting you and Onyx. Goodnight!" He shook Amethyst's hoof and walked out the door.

Amethyst looked at Onyx and sighed. "I know its hard, losing your father and Ms. Blueflower. I know you loved them. But be strong.
Be strong for me, for you, for the Lunar Kingdom." She took his hoof and kissed it. "I'm sure Blue is a great stallion and therapist.
Just give him a chance, alright?" Onyx nodded. "Good. Queen Luna would be proud of you." She walked to the kitchen to start dinner.
Onyx sighed, and walked up to his room to look out his telescope. Dad, where ever you are, he thought, Please be alright.
He walked into his room and looked out his telescope once more.

The next day...

"So, Onyx, can you tell me about your father?" Bue asked, looking at Onyx as he tried to levitate a pencil. He gave up and answered, "He died about 2 years ago when a Starapple cart ran into him head-on. I saw it happening, I could've saved him...." He put his head in his
hooves as tears threatened to fall. "Its alright, its alright. Can you go on?" Blue asked soothingly, rubbing Onyx's back. Onyx nodded.
"He was great. He bought me my telescope that I have and showed me star charts... His favorite constallionation was always Orideon,
it was the first constallionation that he showed me..." Onyx buried his head in his hooves again and choked back a sob.

"I'm sorry." Blue could only really say that. He had dealt with cases like this, but this was new. This colt was still overly distraught over his fathers death, and from what he had been informed, it had been over 2 years. He gave a small, sad smile and wracked his brain for a way to cheer him up- wait, didn't his mother say he liked astronomy?
"What is your favorite constallionation?" He decided to ask, hoping that would cheer Onyx up. "Gemanei, its my zodiac sign." Onyx smiled a little and looked up. Ah ha! Blue thought. Astronomy does cheer him up! Blue then started talking about his favorite constallionation, Canter, and the two talked and debated for a long time, even when Amethyst brought in some mooncake.