//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Deflated Balloons // by miriamisahugefangirl //------------------------------// It's been a while since I've seen anypony. I've been sitting under my desk For at least three hours. Man, being this way sucks. I close my gray eyes. How did I waltz into this nightmare? I lower my head and my dark blue mane falls over my eyes. Why me? I sneak a glance at my flank. There it is. My cutie mark. Or as I like to call it; A burden. It's basically a sad face. Well, not really. More like a tear drop. Yes, that's it, a tear drop. Why? Well, I don't know. How I got it still puzzles me. It was a weird evening. Full moon (of course the witching hour) I was a small filly, full of enthusiasm. Hah, just kidding. But it really was a full moon. I was asleep, dreaming. It was an awful dream. The nightmare started off like this: It was pitch black outside. I couldn't see anything but a street lamp. I looked around. Where am I? Outside...yeah I'm outside. But where? I squint. A figure of a pony begins to come into focus. "Carrot Top?" I say as I recognize the female pony that I barely knew. She waves at me, but she continues to have an emotionless face. I stand there for a second, not knowing what to do. Out of no where, a dark pony appears next to Carrot Top. I took one good look at the dark pony's face. I could use one word to describe it, which would be death. Its eyes were pitch black. Pupils white. It was grinning at me with long sharp teeth. I was horrified. I couldn't move. The mysterious pony whispered something in Carrot Top's ear. Then, like a ninja, they swiftly took a huge bite in Carrot Top's neck. Blood gushed out of Carrot Top. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. The mysterious pony dragged Carrot Top away and started eating the corpse. When they were done they looked up at me with black eyes. "You're next." Suddenly I was in an enclosed room. There was a noose hanging from the ceiling. My legs started walking forward, like I couldn't control them. "NO! NO WAIT!" I wanted to scream. But I couldn't. I jumped and my head landed right where the loop in the noose was. It was so painful. My neck was straining. I lost my breathing. And then I woke up screaming. I rub my eyes, waking up from my flashback. I look around my darkened bedroom. My eyes are still teared up. I am so tired. I have been sulking all night. I feel so pathetic. I used to hate the dark And the silence. But... Why is the dark so beautiful now? Why is the silence so...encouraging? As I ponder these questions I hear somepony outside my door. I crouch down even lower As the somepony knocks "Deirdre? Are you in there?" This voice was unfamiliar. "Who is it?" I almost whisper to the mare. She replies cheerfully, "It's me, Pinkie. My senses were acting up I felt like there was something wrong. Soooooo what's your problem?" "Wait...what? Senses? And...what makes you think I have a problem...?" "Oh silly, I had to go through Many ponies before you. 'Do you have a problem?' Yeah I asked everypony around. So if you don't have a problem, I can leave if you want." Pinkie talks Like she has no time at all. I ponder this for a second. Maybe she can help...? I struggle to get up Since my muscles ache. I open the door to a pink Mare, wearing the biggest Smile I have ever seen. "Haha! I knew you'd come out! Why is it so dark in there? Are you having a glow-in-the-dark party Without me?" Pinkie frowns and tilts her head. "Oh...um no. Anyways, You said you were asking if ponies had problems?" I stare at the mare. She seems so spirited. I wish I had a personality like that. "Yep! Do youuuuuu?" She stretches the word As if I don't know what She's asking. "Um...kinda. I guess I just need Some change of scenery. Like far away from here. Better yet, Far away from Ponyville." Pinkie frowns for a second. "Well no wonder my senses Were tingling! You need a travel guide! Here, I can take you ALL Over Equestria if you want!" I look at her in awe. How does this mare have so much energy? Although...traveling all over does sound good right now. Especially in the situation I'm in. Finally, I nod. "Sure you can be my travel guide, But how can I trust you not to Leave me in the dust?" Pinkie looked hurt. "Uh well exc-USE me For not clarifying that I am the most Trustworthy-pony in ALL of EQUESTRIA!" For the first time in days, I grin. "Alright then, where should we start?" Pinkie returns the smile. "Sugar Cube Corner, of course. We need to pack some Necessities!" "N-Necessities?" "Yep! Pack some things I'll be waiting outside." Pinkie bounces away humming. I stay still for a minute, thinking. As I stare at particularly nothing, I think about what I'm about to do. It's just such a huge change in events. I can't believe it's happening right here, right now. This is weird. But a good-weird. I snap out of my daze and turn on my light. "Oh sheesh...what a mess..." I mutter under my breath. There were tissues all over the floor...my laptop still playing music. My blinds were closed...how they usually are. I decide to clean up before anything. Yet, I don't want to keep Pinkie Pie waiting. I mean, I'm kind of hyped for this "trip". Anyway, getting off-topic. Where was I? Oh yes, room cleaning. First, I pick up all the tissues with my hooves And then dump them into the trash bin. Next I shut down my laptop and unplug the charger. I open my dresser and throw a few things onto the bed. After a while of packing, I drag my suitcase outside to find Pinkie Pie holding a big bunch of balloons. "Hiya, Deirdre! About time you came out." "Hi...What's with the balloons?" I glance at the brilliant colors of the balloons, Reminding me of how dull and flat my color scheme is. "Oh, these are for our trip of course!" Pinkie grins at me like I completely understood that. "Silly me, how can I possibly not know that! Seriously though, why do we need balloons?" Her smile fades for a second and returns almost instantly. "It's metaphorical. When you start life, your balloons are full of helium and ready to fly. Sometimes you try and grab your balloon, and you can't let go. This is called 'grief' or 'dread'. When you can't let go, your balloon can never fly. This stops you from taking chances, making use of the opportunity. As soon as you do let go, well, your life can change amazingly. Every now and then, someone is going to deflate your balloon. Just remember, Deirdre, to not let anyone deflate your balloons." I have no response. I finally reply, "What happens if someone does deflate your balloon?" "Well, that I would call 'depression'." My balloon is deflated.