//------------------------------// // Pinkie Pie // Story: Merry Celestmas, Christmas for ponies // by Broneyofnoel //------------------------------// The following recount of Celestmas takes place six months before Pinkie meets Twilight. "Mommy, Daddy, Brother, Sister, it's so good for you to come to Ponyville for the holidays," Pinkie said excitedly as her family walked into Sugarcube corner, all of whom were surprised by how decorated it was, with streamers, balloons, a banner that said 'Merry Celestmas' and even a big ol' Celestmas tree, that had a bunch of colorful lights and more streamers. "We're all glad to be here sister," her first sister, Bleusome said. "I have been waiting to see where you moved to, this is a very nice little town," Pinkie's mother, Dianne said looking at the tree. "Me and Paps agree, this is a nice little town," Pinkie's sister Greenery, said, looking around the bakery. "Dad, what's wrong?" Pinkie asked, putting a hoof on her father's shoulder. "He hasn't been talking very much since the farm got foreclosed," Diane said, looking down at the floor. "I thought you got the farm back," Pinkie looked at Diane. "We did, but it burned about a week later, the silo was hit by lightning, and it collapsed onto the house. so we've been living at Greenery's ever since," Diane said, tears brimming in her eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?' Pinkie asked, sounding stressed. "We didn't want to worry you, but it's okay, your father and I are pulling double shifts at the local coal mines to buy a new farm, it shouldn't take long," Diane said, a weak smile, but a smile, Pinkie loved smiles. "Here, let me show you your rooms," Pinkie said, gesturing for them to follow her upstairs. After bouncing up the stairs, with her family walking ever so slowly behind her, she finally got them to there rooms, her mom and dad would be in her room, and her two sisters would be in the guestroom, but her, she would get to sleep in the Cakes' room. Later that day, Pinkie's mother Diane, walked downstairs and started to talk to her daughter, but something was up, she seemed excited, too excited, which caught Pinkie's attention. "Pinkimena, could you come up to see me and your father for a moment?" "Sure, why?" pinkie asked, following her mother up the stairs, bouncing of course. "Well, your father and I wanted to wait, but we have a surprise for you!" Diane said, adding a little tune. Pinkie opened the door and sitting there was her father with a box in his lap, he outstretched his old forelegs, Pinkie took the box and opened it, inside was a little tube with some stringy stuff. "What is it?" Pinkie asked confused, looking up to her mother. "Take it out then you'll see," her father said excitedly, which surprised Pinkie since she hadn't ever seen him so excited, not even hen he went to her parties when she was a little filly. Pinkie took out the tube and discovered it had a pull string, and that you were supposed to put the stringy stuff inside it, she followed the directions and pulled the string, the strings shot out in a burst of colorfulness that Pinkie hadn't ever seen, aside from that mysterious rainbow that she had gotten her Cutie Mark from. "Neat-O, I love it!" she said, still amazed by the colors, she grabbed her mom and dad for a hug. "Oh and could you cook this little critter up for dinner?" her father asked, pulling out a tiny alligator, who had no teeth and big purple eyes. "Why would I cook him, he's adorable!" Pinkie exclaimed, pulling the alligator from her father's hooves. "He's an alligator!" her father said, a little to loud. "Yeah, a baby, toothless alligator!" Pinkie said, nuzzling the tiny reptile. Diane looked at Pinkie's father, who sighed a big sigh and said: "Fine, you can keep him," Pinkie looked at the alligator and said, "I'm gonna call you Gummy!" "Ooh, my friend Rarity has close connections to Canterlot, so I got you two this!" Pinkie said, a piece of paper in her hooves. Diane read the letter aloud, "I, Princess Celestia of Equestria do hereby order that Diane and Roger Pie receive the area that used to be called Pie Rock Farms, in addition, I say that the Silo and farmhouse are to be rebuilt free of charge of the Pies," Diane and Roger just stared at Pinkie, an uncomfortable silence filling the room, Pinkie just lloked at her mother then her father. "Is something wrong?" Pinkie asked, but was nearly cut off ny a hug from her mother and father, and Gummy clamping on to her mane. "You got our old farm back," her mother said, crying tears of joy. "I've never been so happy!" her father said, getting a look form her mother that said 'What is that supposed to mean' written all over it. "Aside from our wedding day of course, and the birth of our kids," her father said nervously, rubbing the back of his head. "Well, let's have the most super spectacular Celestmas EVER!" Pinkie said, leading her mother and father downstairs, where her brother and sister were already waiting. "What's going on, why are you in such a good mood all of a sudden dad?" Greenery asked, looking at her father, who, for the first time in moths, had a HUGE grin that threatened to split his face in half. "Pinkie just got our farm back!" her father said, pulling them all in for a group hug. "Now way, how?" Greenery asked, intrigued. "Well, her friend, who has connections in Canterlot, put in a word, and the Princess followed through," Diane said cheerfully, her eyes still wet. "Well, we better hit the hay, it's getting late," Pinkie said with a yawn. "Before dinner, are you crazy!?!" her father said, receiving a laugh from all. The dinner they ate that night, well actually they just had a bunch of pies, bread, and cakes. All five of them, adn Gummy, enjoyed dinner but the best was yet to come. "Alright, I made this myself," Pinkie said, revealing an amazing looking pumpkin pie, it had a can of whipped cream literally lodged in the center of it. "As much as I just ate, I still have room for a slice of pie," Pinkie's father said, a slight smile on his face. "Alright anyone else?" Pinkie asked, receiving a hoof in the air from everypony. Pinkie sliced the pie into five and gave everyone a piece, but she gave Gummy some pie flavored Jell-o, he was a baby after all. "That pie was delicious," Greenery said, wiping her lips. "Yes ma'am, it was," her mother said. "mmm hmm," pinkie's father was still eating. "I loved it," Bleusome said. "Well, time to go to bed," pinkie said, with a huge yawn. "Okay," her father said, leaving the table with her mother. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Gosh Pinkie, that sounds like a pretty fun Celestmas, but I bet mine beats ya!" Rainbow Dash said, pointing a hoof at Pinkie.