
by Phoenix Pastel

500 Years Later... Part 1

The ball was sailing through the air. Screams of imaginary fans rocked in her ears. She reached out, tiny light-pink wings flapping as hard as she could flap them...Her gold and yellow mane was whipping around her eyes... And the ball was in her hooves! Now real screaming filled her ears! A colts voice cheered out, "She did it! We've won the game!"

More cheers rocked the air, along the collective "awws..." from the other team. The filly who had caught the ball did a celebrity fist pump in the air. "All right!"
A light-blue unicorn filly with a curly white mane ran up to her.
"You did it, Aurum! We won!" The filly gloomped her in a hug.
"I know that, Cloudie! You think I did that victory dance for nothing?"
The blue filly laughed. "Course not! What kind of friend is that?!" The two rolled in laughter.

"Aurum Sky? We need to leave now! Errands and whatnot!" A mares voice tinkled out. The two fillies turned around as a pink pegasus mare with a two-toned blue mane in a ponytail trotted over to them.
"Okay, Mama!" Aurum answered, smoothing back her two-toned gold mane, of which her mother promptly messed up again.
"Mama!" The mare laughed. She looked down at the other blue filly, and also ruffled her curly white mane.
"We have to go, now, Cloudcandy. I'll hope to see you soon," she said. Cloudcandy looked up.
"I'll see you soon, Mrs. Rosy Sky!" Rosy Sky smiled and walked away, Aurum in tow with her purple ball held under her wing.

"Where are we going, Mama? Didn't we already buy groceries last week?" Aurum asked, looking up at Rosy Sky.
Without looking down, her mother answered,
"We ran out of gold glitter, so I need to get more, and I also ran out of Cloud Paint, so we need that too."
Aurum looked down and answered,"Ok."
She smiled as she started to think. Her mother was a photographist, taking pictures and making her own frames out of art supplies and old frames she found at the Goodmare. She really had a passion for it, her cutie mark being a wooden photo frame with a dark-pink camera partially overlapping it.

Aurum silently sighed. While it wasn't uncommon for foals her age to not have a cutie mark, she still yearned for it badly. A few other foals in her class already had their cutie marks, and she did not feel like being the last in her class to get one.
oh, well, she thought. its not the end of the world.

The next day...

BRIIINNG! Went the morning bell, startling the half-asleep foals. The class went quiet as a bright-green earth-pony mare with a light-brown mane in a bun walked into the room, her cutie mark of 3 pencils clearly seen by the class as she walked behind the big mahogany desk at the front of the room. She spoke with a husky, gentle voice.
"Good Day, class." The fillies and colts responded with a big "Good day, Mrs. Greenrose!"
Mrs. Greenrose smiled, and looked down at the attendance chart. She frowned.
"Does anypony know where Soil Sport is?" The class looked at each other and shook their heads.
"Well then, I guess I'll-" Mrs. Greenrose only got that far until a brown colt with a messy, striped dark brown and green mane ran into the classroom, on his flank a trio of hoofballs that soon went up in the air as he tripped on his own hoof as he ran in too fast. The class giggled. Mrs. Greenrose sighed.
"Soil, why are you late again?" Soil Sport stood up and brushed his mane back, the scent of stallion's shampoo washing over the fillies sitting behind where he stood. They blushed as they caught the scent.

"My dad let me use his shampoo this morning. I kinda got caught up in my shower because of it," He said, smoothing his hair back again.
Mrs. Greenrose raised an eyebrow. "One more tardy and you will have a 30-minute detention, young stallion. Understand?" Soil nodded, and trudged back to his seat.

"Now then, on with todays lesson," Mrs. Greenrose started. "We will finally be starting our History Unit, beginning with the history of the Celestial Empire, which is of course the name of our fair empire. I will start this by telling you the beginning of our Empires history. I understand some of you may know this, but I will be telling this for the ones who don't know. Alright?" The class nodded.

"The Celestial Empire and the, ahem, Lunar Kingdom, Began 500 years ago when Queen Celestia and Luna had a disagreement, Queen Celestia wanted the improvement of magic and Luna wanting the improvement of technology. This started to grow as ponies took sides and fights broke out between the populace. This was too much for Queen Celestia and Luna and they snapped, having a fierce battle named the Great Battle. The battle lasted for 2 months and 2 days until the the landscape was no more and Mt. Equestria was the last monument standing. Neither side won, and the two sides ended with a truce, and both took the survivors that where still alive and the bodies of the dead and split Equestria in half. The Celestial Empire took the North, and we are still here today."

The class applauded Mrs. Greenrose as she finished. "Now, any questions?" A colt raised his hoof.
"What is Equestria?" He asked. Mrs Greenrose answered,"Its the name of the kingdom 500 years ago before it split after the Great Battle."
Aurum Sky was interested at this point, which was quite rare. There is another empire below us? , she thought. I wonder what its like?...