Rainbow Awks, Balks, Bawks, Blocks, Blocs, Box, Caulks, Chalks, Clocks, Cocks, Cox, Crocs, Docks, Dox, Faux, Fawkes, Flocks, Fox, Frocks, Hawks, Hocks, Jaques, Jocks, Knocks, Knox, Locks, Lox, Mocks, Ox, Pox, Shocks, Socks, Sox, Squawks, Spocks, Stalks...

by Super Trampoline

Rainbow Spocks

"Ugh, what's with all the fat dudes with pointy ears?" Rainbow huffed.

"Rainbow, those are Spock cosplayers! Spock is a Star Trek character. Didn't you do any of the preparatory research I told you to do?"

"You mean binge watch a cheesy old space opera show?"

"It's not just any old show! According to my research on Earth culture, Star Trek is one of the definitive media franchises of the Equestrian-speaking world!"

"English, Twilight. We speak English."

"Heh, sorry, right. Oooooh, there's a Romulan starship replica for sale over there!

"Boooooring.Why am I here again?"

"Because you're the only one who would drive me!"*

"Right. Remind me why didn't you drive yourself?"

"Because I'm normally a pony!"

"Oh yeah, duh. You guys probably don't even have running water, huh?"

Twilight frowned at her friend's ignorance. "Actually, Rainbow Dash, in some areas Equestrian technology is far superior to that of humans. How's teleportation going in this dimension, hmmm?"

Rainbow shook her head. "I swear, the only thing worse than an egghead is a smug egghead. Look, you go have fun wandering the convention. I'll just find a bench or something where I can not be a dweeb."

Twilight turned and grimaced. She was doing more of that than ideal. "No! I'm not going to let you just sit there and play with your stupid phone gadget all day. I bought your convention pass, so can you at least try to have a good time? I'll have you know that the pony version of you is a proud egghead!"

Rainbow gasped, possibly mockingly. "No, say it isn't so!"

Twilight grinned triumphantly. "Better believe it. Oh, wow, there's the guy who played Q, John DeLancie! He didn't have a lot of appearances, but he always stole the show with his unpredictable hijinks. Let's get his autograph!"

Twilight eagerly grabbed her friend's wrist and powerwalked towards said actor's booth, Rainbow helplessly trailing her. There were a few people ahead of them in line, but soon it was Twilight time. She was about to launch into a fangirling episode, but the man on the other side of the table preempted her.

"Twilight Sparkle, quite a surprise to see you here!"

Twilight's eyes widened and for a second she had trouble standing from the shock. "You know me?"

DeLancie smirked. "Oh, yes, you're quite famous throughout the Q Continuum. Fierce Twilight Sparkle, who slew the Jabberwocky with her vorpal blade. Wait, wrong universe. How about, fierce Twilight Sparkle, who's the biggest egghead in the history of Equestria. That's better."

Rainbow nodded in concurrence. Twilight glared at her a moment before snapping her attention back to the man in front of her. "But, I-I'm confused. How could you possibly know who I am. A-a-and about Equestria. That's supposed to be a secret! Who are you?!" She demanded, stepping forward and planting both hands on the table. A few fellow convention goers turned their heads at her panicky voice.

John smiled serenely. "You know exactly who I am, Twilight. And I must say, I'm flattered that you'd deign to pay me a visit. Maybe you'll come say hello a little more often back home, eh?"

"You're not answering my question! Who are you, Q?!?" By now she was half a foot from his face and steaming, and Rainbow began to nervously distance herself.

"Really, you haven't figured it out? Does my voice sound...familiar?"

Twilight instinctively raised a hand to her chin, almost losing balance in this foreign body configuration. "I mean, I guess you sound a lot like-- ." A lightbulb flashed above her head as she raised that same hand to cover a gasp. "Nooooo. No. No no no no no no there is NO way. This all has to be a cruel prank. Rainbow set you up didn't she. I know she likes pranking, it'd be her style. But... No! There's no way you're actually. I mean..."

John, or Q, or whomever he might be smirked and said--smugly as ever-- "Bingo. Now you see. I'd make yourself scarce, if I were you, Princess. Wouldn't want security to throw you out for assaulting one of the VIPs. But keep you're eyes peeled, and you just might spot me from time to time in the places you'd least expect. See you... out there!"