
by Twinkletail

Little Difference

Once upon a time, there was a young filly named Difference. She thought it to be a very curious name indeed, but she liked it nonetheless. Little Difference liked to run and play, just like other fillies. But there were some things she did that weren't the same as other fillies.

Little Difference never thought much of her little differences. It was just her, her mommy, and her daddy, and she didn't have much reason to think about them at all. Every night, her mommy and daddy would hug her and tell her the same thing. "You are our Little Difference, and you are special."

One day, Little Difference went to her first day of school. She was very excited to see what school was like and meet ponies her age. When Little Difference and her class went outside to play, a few ponies came up to her. They asked her why she couldn't run the same way they did. Little Difference didn't know what to say. She didn't think anything was wrong with her running. But the other children thought so, and would stop and watch as Little Difference ran. It made her feel very bad, and she went home feeling very sad. She didn't know why she ran differently, but she wished she didn't.

When Little Difference got home, she told her mommy and daddy that she never wanted to go back to school again. She told them what happened, how the other children talked to her. When she finished, her mommy and daddy hugged her close to them. They told her, "You have your little differences, but that makes you special. Just because you are different does not make you worse than anypony. You are just as good as anypony else, and never forget that. You are our Little Difference, and you are special."

The next day, Little Difference went to school again. Some of the other children still looked at her while she ran, but she would not let that stop her from doing it. She might not have done it exactly like the other ponies, but she was Little Difference, and she was special.