My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic. The Light at the End of the Tunnel.

by StormBreaker

Ch.3 Ramen is Best Pony.

"Ok..." I sounded, as I unlocked the door and invited the seven in. "What do you girls want to eat?" I asked them.
"Hay Fries!"
"Dandilion Soup!"
"Flower Sandwich's!"
"Apple Fritters!"
"I agree with Pinkie Pie," Riley pronounced. "Cupcakes with rainbow frosting!" He laughed.
"No." I replyed, closeing the door in his face, as he was the last one in.
"And girls," I said, turning to face the six. "Here, on Earth. That stuff isn't really that good for you."
"Oh..." Pinkie exhaled, but was soon replaced by a smile again. "Then what are we having?" Pinkie continued.
"Whats this?" Rainbow questioned as she picked up one of many stacks of papers. All being fanfics.
"Whats the title?" I asked Rainbow.
"Rainbow Factory." Rainbow said, begining to read.
"Oh no!" I said, quickly grabbing the fanfic out of her hands. "Beleave me, you don't want to read that." I continued.
"Wait in the entry way while I clean this mess up" I finished, pucking up the thirty or so fanfics, and throwing away the ones that weren't apropriate at all.
"Rainbow Factory, Cupcakes, 40 oz. Bounce, Big Adventures Tons of Fun..." I said to myself as I threw them away.
"Ok, you can come back in, I've finished cleaning" I said.
"So... what are we eating?" Pinkie asked again.
"Well, I'm not a very good cook. So..." I said as I thought. "You girls ok with ramen?"
"Ramen?" Twilight responded quizzicly.
"Noodles." I responded.
"Sure!" The six responded in unison.
"Ok," I thought to myself.
"How do you cook ramen?" Pinkie Pie asked.
"With hot water and a microwave." I replyed.
"What's a microwave?"
"A big box that heats stuff up."
"What next?"
"You dump the water out."
"Is this your house?"
"Gah!" I screamed, her constant questions were distracting me.
"Can you give them somthing to do?" I asked Riley.
"Like what? I don't know if you know this, but I'm not a very good entertainer." He replyed.
"Huh..." I sounded, turning to face the girls.
"Applejack, theirs a garden outsi-"
"Slam!" we heard as Applejack face-planted into the screendoor leading outside. After a second of fiddling with the handle, she pulled it open and dashed outside.
"Ok..." I continued. "Theirs a sewing machine over there, Rarity."
"Finnaly, I need to make a new outfit. This one's ok, but I need a few more choices than just... this..." Rarity responded as she walked into the room I pointed at.
"Riley, show Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash how to use a TV".
"Whats a TV?" Pinkie asked.
"Don't worry, I got this." Riley responded, grabbing Pinkie by the shoulders and steering her to the living room where we had the TV.
"Twilight, theres a library over there."
"Good! I've been wanting to do some research on humans, they seem very interesting!" Twilight exclaimed as she left to the room.
The girls were really fun, but they were a hand-full. "Good thing I asked Riley to stay over." I thought to myself as I continued to cook.
It wasn't that hard to make, but I had to do some problem solving. They probably didn't want to taste chicken or pork, being vegaterian.
"Um, hi... I was just wondering... If you had... you know... something I could do... maybe?" Fluttershy said.
"Oh! Sorry, I tottaly forgot!" I responded, continuing to think about somthing she could do.
"Don't worry about it, people usually forget me..." Fluttershy added.
Now I just felt bad.
"Don't say that." I said, continuing to think.
"Well, what do you want to do?"
"Do you have any pets?" she asked.
"I have an ant farm..." I answered. "Or you could cook, or watch TV with Pinkie and Rainbow." I suggested.
"I'll help you cook! I allways liked cooking!" She said excitedly.
"Cool," I continued.
For the next hour, I tought her how to cook and use the equipment. She allready knew how to, but I had to show her how to use her hands instead of her teeth.
It was fun to see how she reacted to all the things we take for granted.
"Well, were finished." I said as we finished.
"That was fun!" Fluttershy said.
"Come on everyone!" I pronounced across the house. "Time to eat!"
"TV. Is. Awesome!" Pinkie Pie and Rainbow said in unison as they entered the room. Soon fallowed by Riley.
"This book, It has so many bad words, but I can't put it down!" Twilight responded.
After everyone had gathered and sat down to the food, we started to eat.
"Dis is goob!" Pinkie screamed, threw a mouth full of ramen.
"Huh..." I groaned. The girls were eating with there hands, even Rarity couldn't stay clean.
"Here" I said as I grabbed some washcloths out of the kitchen. "Use these to clean off your face." as I threw the washcloths to each of the girls.
"And use this," I said, holding my fork up for them to see. "To eat" I said, showing them how to use it.
They all began to eat the way I showed them too, except Pinkie Pie, who was still shoving her face full of ramen.
"Humans or whatever are so confuzen." Applejack said as she tryed to master the fork.
The rest of the night went rather smoothly. I gave them some of my sisters old PJ's to sleep in the night.
"Here are the three rooms you six can share, Riley and I will sleep in the living room if you need anything." I said, showing them my room, the guest room, and my sisters old room.
"Thanks, I can't even begin to thank you for what you've done for us." Twilight thanked.
"No problem, just get some sleep and I'll see you in the morning." I replyed.
"Goodnight girls."
"Goodnight Jason." The six said in unison.
Somthing about hearing those words, hearing all of them say that. I just couldn't help but smile.
"Maybe I'll get a goodnight's sleep finally..." I thought as I walked over to the living room.
"Wild night huh?" Riley said.
"You bet", I replyed. "Well, goodnight".
"Goodnight" he replyed.
For the rest of the night, till I feel asleep, I could only think about the last five hours of the day.