//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 - A Big Announcement // Story: Fall Semester // by Yosh-E-O //------------------------------// “Good morning, friends!” a blue eyed, palomino mare announced cheerfully as she trotted into the classroom. “Are you all ready for another day of learning?” “Yes, Ms. Star!” the children in the classroom replied. “How wonderful!” she stated with a smile. “Before we do roll call and get into our groups, I have an announcement.” Pint and Bucky looked at each other with concern. “You don’t think she’s going to give us another reading circle assignment?” whispered Bucky. “I liked that assignment,” Pint replied quietly. “You would,” grumbled the yellow Pegasus. “Egghead.” “Hey!” cried the brown-spotted Unicorn. “Pint!” called out Ms. Star. “Friends don’t disrupt their fellow classmates from learning during class!” Bucky giggled to himself as his much shorter, yet nearly samed-aged friend embarrassingly replied, “I’m sorry, Ms. Star.” “Go move your pin down,” Ms. Star stated authoritatively as she pointed her hoof towards the back wall. Pint did as told and retook his seat. “Thanks, Bucky,” he grumbled. Bucky said nothing and smiled. “Where were we?” asked Ms. Star to herself. “Oh, yes. The announcement.” The children, who ranged in age from three to eight, had their eyes and ears focused on their teacher. They all loved how she looked and acted more like a big sister than a grown-up instructor. The way she kept her brown mane tied in bows and how she had a big, pink ribbon on her tail made her truly seem like one of them as opposed to just another adult who told them what to do and when to do it. “Next Wednesday is our Fall, ‘Bring Your Sibling to School Day’,” she said. “For those new friends in our class, it is a day where we encourage you to bring your baby brother, or sister, who will be starting school next year to come in and discover what it will be like to be a part of our class.” There were mixed reactions amongst the children in the classroom. “Do not worry if you do not, or cannot, bring your little brother, or sister, to school,” assured Ms. Star. “It is just a chance to help show how school is a fun and friendly place for those fillies and colts who will be starting next year.” Pint’s ears perked up. “I wonder…,” he thought aloud. Bucky heard his friend and nodded as he said softly, “Are you thinking what I think you’re thinking?” Pint completely forgot how upset he was with his friend for making him move his behavior pin down a level as he said, “Let’s bring Fall. Show her what it’s like to go to school with a nice teacher and nice kids.” “Okay, class!” announced Ms. Star as she moved towards her desk and picked up the attendance sheet. “Say, ‘here’ when you hear your name.” Pint nearly missed his name being called as his mind swirled with how wonderful it would be to bring Fall to school for a day. All he needed to do was make plans with Bucky to go by the orphanage after school for their daily meetup with Fall to get everything going for what would be a most wonderful day.