A Belle's Tale

by Leolionheart

Chapter 1 program initiated

("Why can't I stop thinking about that-") "ow!" My thoughts were interrupted when I accidentally put to much weight on my left hoof. Which didn't go unnoticed.

"Sweetie belle, you alright?"

"Yes ms. Cheerlee, just put to much weight on my hoof again."

*sigh* "Well, I'm glad your okay. So do you want to talk a little? We wont be there for a little bit."

I thought about this for a minute. ("Maybe I should tell ms. Cheerlee about what I heard earlier? Yeah, I'm sure she'll understand. She's ms cheerlee, One of the most understanding ponies I know!")

"Okay, Ms. Cheerlee?" *sigh* ("Well... Here goes nothing.")

"Yes, sweetie belle?"

"Do you know the meaning "you'll awaken" means?"

"I'm not sure what you mean? Where did you get that from?

"Well.....For some reason after the crash, I started hearing these strange sounds. Then all of a sudden, I heard this strange voice out of nowhere saying it?" After I said this ms. Cheerlee started getting this confused look for some reason?

"Hmmm....maybe you overheard sompony talking about something?"

"That what I thought at first Too, but I couldn't stop thinking about it. I tried not to but for reason, I can't! It's been bugging me all day!"

"Hhhhmmmm....I'm not sure what to say about, but maybe the reason why it may be bothering is that it could have something to do with what happened, or maybe something that happened before in the past, just.. Old memories just waking up after so long?" "That's probably the man reason. I'm not entirely myself, but you never know!"

"Maybe your right." "But it still bothers me!"

"I'm sure it will stop sooner or later!" "Like a passing feeling like maybe you forgot something, or you forget that date you wer- Uuuhhh I-I-I mean that exams that was s-s-supposed to graded! Yes that's it, exam...yeah...."

"What was that last part ms. Cheerlee?" I wondered,

"N-Nothing, nothing, why don't we stop talking for now, okay? Also, besides we're almost there." "Look! There's your sisters boutique right there! Let's hurry up shall we?"

As ms. Cheerlee said this she started speeding up for some reason? ("What's got her so worked up all of a sudden?") so me and ms. Cheerlee continued on our way to the boutique. When we got there, both me and Cheerlee entered. Ms. Cheerlee started looked around for my sister.

"Ms. Rarity? Are you here?"

"Coming!" After my sister called out to us we started hearing her come down the stairs, "welcome to carousel boutique where every garment is chic, unique and manifique!" That's when she noticed who arrived, "Oh, Cheerlee! It's nice to you here. Pardon me for asking but why...are...you....SWEETIE BELLE!" After she saw my bandaged hoof that's when one thought came to mind.


She ran past Cheerlee and started hugging me in a bone crushing hug.

"Oh sweetie belle, what happened to? Are you alright? Who did this to you?! Why, if I get my hoofs on them I'll-"


"Huh?" this got her attention,

"Ms. Rarity, I'm sure you're concerned for your sister but she's fine. It's just a small injury she got in a little incident with her friends on the way to school." "I just came to tell you about what happened."

"Oh, are you sure? Maybe we can-" she was interrupted for the second time,

"RARITY, I'm fine! Now can you please let go? I think I might become numb if you hug me much longer."

"Oh, sorry sweetie belle! I just became so worried when I saw your hoof, who would of known what might have happened and-"

"It's fine! Sure it still hurts a little, but it's fine. I'm sure."

"Yes, but maybe we could-"


"Oh alright! But we are going to the doctors office tomorrow to get that injury checked, and there's nothing that you can say nor do to say otherwise! Is that clear?" Rarity said with some seriousness in her tone, but still with a little worry.

("There's no getting out of this one.") "Okay."

"Good, now why don't you head up stairs to your room and get some rest, alright dear?"

"Alright." I said, as I made my way up the stairs to my room. ("Maybe some sleep could help me anyways.")


Meanwhile somewhere in the everfree forest.....

"Whaaaaaaaaa-oof! Ow, that was quite a fall." "Hhhmmm, now where did I end up this time?" After this I've started walking for a minute or so until I reached the edge of the forest I was in.

"Oohh... That's were I'm at. This might become interesting."



"I'm sorry but this has to be done. But if it might help?" "You literally won't remember one moment of this.......if your lucky.."

"P-please.......n-no........please...no more!"

"I'm sorry, but it has to be done.."

"No! Aaaaaaaa-"


"-Aaaaaaahhhh!" *heavy breathing* "W-what was that?" As I said this I looked around noticing something was off, "what a second? This isn't my room," I saw that I was in this sort of strange lab type of place, similar to twilights basement. "Where am I?"

"Sweetie Belle!"

"Huh? Rarity?" At the sound of my sisters voice, the whole place started falling apart. The next thing I knew was that everything went dark all of a sudden.


"Sweetie belle! Time to wake up!" "It's time for breakfast, your friends could be here any minute! Also I made pancakes!" She said, while that last part was said in a sing song voice.

"Coming!" After this I looked around, noticing that I was in my room once more long the that strang tingling feeling from yesterday is now gone. "That was a strange dream?" I then start making my way downstairs.

"There you are sweetie, I was beginning to think about coming up there to wake you up," she mentioned,

"Don't worry I'm fine, I just didn't sleep to well last night,"

"Why's that sweetie?"

"I don't know....I had this strange dream last night, it becoming a little fuzzy now trying to remember it."

"Hhmm....any visits from princess Luna?"

"No, I know I was there but that's the most I can remember, the rest of it is now a blur."

"Well whatever it was, I'm sure it's just a dream! Now come over here so we can eat some breakfast."

After we got started eating a thought came to mind..."rarity?"


"So, what did ms. Cheerlee told you?"

"Oh, she talked about what happened yesterday, also that doctors appointment I mentioned." "We decided that I will take you there after school, so be sure to wait for if I'm not there,"


"Plus, no more "crusading" with your friends for the rest of the day!"

"What! Why!"

"Because I said so, also because of that little stunt the three of you pulled yesterday!" "Somepony could have been badly hurt, and somepony did!" She said matter of factly, "do you know who this somepony is?" She said knowingly,


"Yes! So on you way to school you better let your friends know!" "Plus thee fact they to will be in trouble when they get home! If ms. Cheerlee hasn't told them yet!" "Got that Sweetie Belle?"

*sigh* "Yes rarity.." I answered sadly,

"Good now hurry up, you're friends could be here any minute!"

Soon after me and rarity finished our breakfast and I finished getting ready, we heard a knocking coming from the door.

"Coming! Ah, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom! It nice to see you!"

"Hi Ms. Rarity, is Sweetie Belle ready?"

"Why yes, let me go let her know your here."

"Sweetie Belle your friends are here!"

"I know, Bye Rarity! I waved to Rarity while me and the girls started on our way to school.

"Have a good day! Don't get into anymore trouble now!" Rarity shouted waving back to us.

"We won't!" I shouted back as we were just out of site,


*sigh* "so what did you two do after school yesterday?"

"We went back to the clubhouse and tried to think of how to get our cutiemarks, but we couldn't come up with anything?" "So we just went the library for "twilight time." "Besides, it doesn't feel right crusading without yah." Applebloom answered,

"Yeah!" Scootaloo added, "what about you? Did you get in trouble for what happened?" "I see the injury is starting to heal!"

"Injury? What are you-" I looked at my bandaged hoof, just barely remembering what happened to it, "oh yeah, I barely notice it hurting now." Then a thought came to mind, "hhmm...that's strange?"

"What's strange? Isn't it not hurting a good thing?" Scootaloo asked,

"Yeah, it's just I didn't expect it to not hurt so soon?"

"I'm sure it's nothin, why don't we hurry up so we can get to school on time unlike yesterday." Applebloom said,

"Ooh, that reminds me. Rarity said that I can't hangout today because of what happened." Also because she's taking to the doctors to check my injury after school."

"Well that puts a dent in our plans, I thought we're all were going to be able to at least go to twight time together today!" Complained applebloom,

"I also thought that you girls could see a new trick I learned on my scooter yesterday!" Scootaloo also complained,

This caused a glare from me and applebloom. "You mean the one that caused us to crash?" Applebloom said,

"N-no! I learned it after me and you went home!" It has nothing to do with the crash yesterday!" Scootaloo replied,

"You sure?" Applebloom asked once more,

"Yeah I'm sure! Just ask Rainbow Dash! She was there watching the whole thing!" "She even said it was awesome!" Scootaloo said sure of herself,

"Okay......anyways....why don't we hurry before-"

*ding* *dong* *ding* *dong* athe school bell started ringing.

"THE BELL!" The three of us shouted, as we started running the rest of the way,