Sky Ponies: Innocent Aces

by Cobra 1

InterMission 1 (Part 1 of 2): Blue and White

Author's Note:I will try it this way, cutscenes from the game will be seperate from the missions. Also included in each may or may not be a few things not from the game and I come up with myself. Anyway, in the game this cutscene has a breif little introduction by Orishina. It moves to a different scene and then background information on the war.

Blue and white stretches out before me forever. I am engulfed in light. I fly in the sky. Beyond this, I know nothing. That is why I'm in this war.
A lone fighter flies in the sky. As it dives, so too does a nearby falcon. It swoops to catch its' prey and then climbs.

On the road approaches a car, it had a tan body and soft convertable top. Its' radio was speaking of the days action.

"As a result, six Neucom planes, including their latest model..." came the female newscaster.

"That makes seven wins and fifteen losses." said Soarin'.

"They've been on a winning streak for awhile now. Doesn't look so good for us Neucom pilots." Gilda said.

"Ha heh, I guess it is up to us to pick up the slack, huh?!"

There are those who need war and those who supply it. As for me, the only reason that I can fly is because I'm part of that system.

They arrive at a small bar. In the front is a blackboard with the specials for the week.

"By the way, how do you think I did out there today Captain?" Soarin' asked.

Captain Spitfire took a swig of the hot coffee before replying "Well, not too bad." At this Soarin' got a cocky smile and nudged Gilda with an elbow before striking a pose with his arm out, showing off his muscles.

"But..." Spitfire began again. "I've noticed your left turns are a little slow compared to your right ones. You need to fix that before the enemy figures it out."

"Yes ma'am."

On a stand was a TV set with signs out protesting the war.

"Today, the anti-war demonstration in Ponysama, attracted more than 200 participants who joined in a march in the streets." Said the Newscaster.

"Bunch of idealists, aren't they?" Asked Soarin'

"It's just free publicity." Gilda replied


"When the sponsors get attention like this the company profits. And that in turn makes us happy campers. Am I right?"

"Yeah, I suppose. But I know if Snake caught sight of those protesters he would have a fit. But still..." Soarin' trailed off.

"It's payin' for the night club I've been dreaming of."

Soarin' then looked out the window at a lone aircraft.

A war between rival companies. A battle between hired hands, it had stopped for a few months. When they see us, people always think, good thing it's peaceful here. The war has no cause, so we make up our own, so we have a chance to fly. Add a lot of extra baggage, and it'll only way us down.

The lone aircraft outside the window was doing loops, it continued to multiple times.

"You're just as hard-nosed as you ever were. Ya know that? Don't you feel anything at all when you look up at the sky, huh Captain? Wha, Captain?" Soarin' was at a lost as, while he was rambling, Spitfire had got up. Gilda began to chuckle at Soarin's confusion.

Behind the two Spitfire was finishing up a conversation with a gray mail-mare.

"Thanks." Spitfire said, walking towards Gilda and Soarin'. "Sorry, I gotta head back early." She said, picking up her flight jacket and the bill.

"What's the matter captain?" Soarin' asked concerned.

"Don't worry." She replied, "You two take your time, there's no hurry."

"Yes ma'am..." Soarin' said.

"Sure, don't mind if we do!" Gilda added.

Spitfire had put on her jacket by the time she was out the door. She then stopped and looked up at the sky for a second before continuing to her red car and drives away.
But, I'm afraid that cause will one day disappear. The sky is just too big for that. We fly because...