Pimp Spike's Swag Vol.5: The Comeback!

by trahzo

Ch.21: Babes from a Faraway Land Episode 2: Princess Rarity.

"Who's next? I don't wanna read it!" Said Luna.

"Please Brak, read it for us."

"D'oh okay! Next is...Princess Rarity from G3, ooh back when everyone was as happy as me!"

"Begin the story, we're going for Aspirin." Said Luna.

Spike was running away, and hid behind a bush.

"Oh Spiiiiiike...*giggle* come back here fiance."

"(How'd it get so bad?)"


To ensure the ponies from the G3 kingdom do not visit the G4 kingdom, Princess Twilight & Princess Cheerilee came to an agreement where they promise each other's kids to one another. Twilight will regret having 'them' as In-laws, but if it helps her save G4 from G3, then giving Spike to a sorta Rarity could in theory solve the problem between Spike having a crush on Rarity, even if it is the wrong one. So Twilight & G3 Rarity were introduced to each other & Spike didn't like her at all. Spike didn't enjoy the wall put over his eyes. Though, he did pretend to like her. He was that guy, the jerk who smiles on one side, but looks disgusted the other. He didn't want to hurt her feelings until they day they both become adults. Then one day during adolescence, he made a huge mistake that'll make G3 Rarity's love for Spike become stronger.

"Ooh, Spike is going to love these matching flower crowns." The young Princess of Rainbows said as she skipped along the road.

"Okay Spike, you got this!"

"Hmm?" She wondered,

G3 Rarity heard Spike talking to himself and decided to follow the voice.

"Spike?" She whispered to herself.

"Okay Spike, your confession of love has to be perfect!"

"(He's practicing his confession for me? I thought he already does love me...well...he didn't exactly say it...)"

G3 Rarity looked back & realized, that Spike actually did never say I love you to her. NOw she sits & watches Spike practicing his confession of love...for G4 Rarity.

"(Okay Spike you can do it, you've made sure to not let that girl take your 1st kiss that I've been saving for a true woman like the true blue Rarity despite the fact the only blue on her is her eyes.)"

Spike took a deep breath, and once he exhaled...

"You are the greatest woman I've ever met, you make me smile whenever I see your smile shining in Celestia's son."

"(Ooh, that's so sweet.)"

"As long as I'm with you & you're with me, you are all I need. Your presence gives me meaning, we were destined to meet each other, fall for each other, be with each other forever."

"(You make me happy too Spike.)"

"You're so beautiful that you rival Princess Celestia in looks, you're so generous that you don't even need to pay for charity, they'll just get the money from you in the mail."

"(Thanks Spike, I like how you're generous enough to spend some of your own time with me. You're a looker yourself as well.)"

"You're the one I want! I cannot live if you don't accept my love..."

"(Come-on Spike, say it! These things you're saying are nice and all, but where is it?)"

"I love you Rarity!"

"(And there's my que!)"

Then G3 Rarity popped outta the bushes. "I love you too Spike!" Said G3 Rarity while charging at Spike.

"Gyah! Princess Rarity? (Crap she thought it was for her!)" Then Spike began running like bitch, or douche, you know what let's go with Markiplier's term: Bouche!

*Flashback over*

Spike then hid in the bushes.


G3 Rarity noticed Spike's tail sticking out of the bushes, then had a clever idea.

"Wow, that dragon can really run. Spiiiiiiiiike..." She then made her voice more & more lower until Spike thought it was safe. Then once Spike crawled out of the bushes, he got tackled! Just like Bayleef & Ash. And just like that, his 1st kiss was taken by the wrong Rarity.

"(NO! I was saving that for not this Rarity!)"

All of Spike's plans were all ruined because of this. "(Guess you'll have to do for my very own Rarity.)"


"Oh Kenbroath I never knew we had so much in common." Said G4 Rarity

"Why yes Rarity my dear, it is rather enjoyable to know." Said G3 Spike

Awkward silence as they stared into each other's eyes, then rushed to Rarity's bedroom to fuck!

"Whoa, what a twist!" Said Brak making his best M. Night Impression.

"I prefer Persona 4 & Persona 3 meeting." said Luna, while playing Persona Q.