//------------------------------// // Bandits, Hurt Hoofs, and Things Like Bits! // Story: The Great Pony Bandits (Or how Braeburn saved the day) // by DashiePon3 //------------------------------// Hup...yup....upp!" shouted Applejack as she was hard at work practicing stacking up bales of hay for the big upcoming Appleloosa rodeo. "Whoo Wee!" Exclaimed Applejack, lifting a hoof to wipe the sweat from her brow. “Good work every pony! If we keep this up we will be sure to win at the rodeo!" Applejack said to the other ponies that were helping her stack hay. "That sure is some mighty fine hay stacking there cousin!" said in a familiar voice that Applejack instantly recognized as the voice of her cousin Braeburn. Applejack went over to where Braeburn was watching her and greeted him with a hoof bump to which he writhed in pain a bit. "Ow ow ow ow." Braeburn said. "Oops, sorry there Braeburn. I forgot about your injury." Applejack said as she looked at his hoof wrapped up in a white sling. "It's alright cousin, I'm just glad that you are able to compete in the rodeo. I wish I could join you but as you can see." "Come to think of it Braeburn, how did you hurt your hoof exactly?" Applejack asked. “Well, it’s kind of a long story. Ya, see I was hot on the trail of stopping a runaway stagecoach!” Braeburn said excitedly. “Whoa, hold on there a minute sugar cube! You were trying to stop a runaway stagecoach!?” Applejack exclaimed in disbelief. “Yes, you see there was a bank robbery a mean rooting tooting group of pony bandits tried to make off with thousands, and thousands of bits! They tried to make a break for it by stagecoach! I just happened to be around when they tried to make a break for it! I saw the stagecoach zoom past me and I tried to go after it since I knew something was wrong. Stagecoaches don’t go by that fast here in Appleloosa unless something is wrong. So I took off as fast as I could towards the stagecoach and I was barely able to catch up. It was then that I took a leap and was able to hop aboard the stagecoach! I almost took quite a fall though.” Applejack looked at Braeburn with her brow raised “So let me see if I understand you right? You just happened to be around when the bandit ponies were making their getaway by stagecoach, and you were able to catch up with the stagecoach, and then hop on board?” Braeburn responded “Ya that is correct.” Applejack then gave another hoof bump to Braeburn on his injured hoof and said. “Well good going cousin! Sounds like you have become quite the tough pony!” Applejack quietly snickered because she knew she was causing him a little pain. She also knew that Braeburn was making up this fantastic story because she knew he probably hurt his hoof in a way less spectacular way then what he was making up. So Applejack decided to play along with Braeburn some more. “Owww, ouch.” Braeburn said as he winced a little in pain. “So Braeburn continue on with your story what happened next.” Applejack said happily. “So I had made my way onto the stage coach and I climbed up top and sneaked behind the bandits that were driving the coach. I knew I had to be as quite as possible because I didn’t want to draw any attention to myself. My plan was to see if I could get the bits in the coach out somehow and then jump of the coach myself without the bandits knowing. So I snuck into the coach without raising any suspicions and found a chest where the bits were being held. Luckily these bandits were none too bright and didn’t have to chest locked down. So I had to think quick and I ending up grabbing the chest and was able to throw it off the stagecoach. But the bandits heard the noise and knew something was wrong. When I tried to make my escape one of the bandits grabbed my hoof. Luckily I was able to get my hoof free and was able to buck the bandits off the coach. There was still one more bandit to take care of and he came right at me something fierce, but luckily for me I was able to doge him and he went flying off the coach. Only one problem though, no one was driving the coach anymore and the coach was headed straight for the side of a mountain! I tried to jump off but I didn’t make it. The coach slammed into the mountain, and I did as well hurting my hoof here in the process. The sheriff later found me and the bandits and was able to arrest the no good varmints and was able to recover the chest with the bits. So that is how good ole Braeburn saved the day.” Braeburn smiled with pride. “Well that it great cousin, glad that you lived to tell the tale!” Again Applejack hoof bumped Braeburn as he winced in pain while Applejack snickered. “Well Braeburn that was quite the tale you gave. Are you sure that is what really happened?” “Yes, I am sure that is what happened dear cousin. I wouldn’t tell a lie and shame the apple family.” Braeburn replied. “Well that is good cousin, that is very, very good! Good for you Braeburn!” Applejack again hoof bumped Braeburn as he winced in pain. “You got to stop doing that cousin! I know you are happy for me but my hoof has got to heal!” “I’m sorry Braeburn I’ll stop” Applejack said secretly snickering under her breath. “That was quite a story though Braeburn, wait until granny hears about this!” Braeburn quickly and nervously replied “I don’t know if you want to tell granny it might be too exciting for her and I don’t know if her poor heart can take it.” “Nonsense!” Applejack exclaimed! “Granny is strong and she enjoys excitement, especially if it involves her family.” “Applejack, ok, I have to come clean. I made that whole story up. I’m sorry.” Braeburn said feeling some shame. “I KNEW IT! WHOOO WHEE! I GOT YOU THERE BRAEBURN!” Applejack loudly exclaimed!