//------------------------------// // The Letter // Story: An Unexpected Love // by Lightning Bolt VA //------------------------------// Celestia quietly sat down. She was levitating Romeo and Juliet when she noticed Fluttershy's letter sitting on the coffee table. She then, levitated it up and began to read it. Dear Princess Celestia, I know you have been veary hesitant on the fact the Discord is reformed and aloud to have freedom and be out in the open, all over Equestria. I know I am very worried as well. I might be a close friend of his, and that is exactly why I have been monitoring him on what he has been doing. I have been keeping track of these meetings in a journal. From what I have seen Discord is learning how to manage being reformed. As a punishment for any wrong doings, I give him the stare. Well, it all depends on what type of thing it is and if it was meant to be harmless or not. Here are a few the recordings I have been keeping. Dear Journal, 5/7/15 At today's meeting with Discord he seemed a bit, how do I put it. Blue. I really don't know why he would be acting in such a way. I am very worried about my poor friend. I just hope he feels better. So, he has told me that he was going around Ponyville when a little filly trotted near him, looked, then screamed for him mom saying, "MOMMA! MONSTER! MONSTER! MOMMA!" Poor Discord, it makes me so sad to see him so sad. Something is up, Discord is chuckling...I can't believe him! He made scary monster faces at the poor little filly! Oh, poor thing! I can only imagine the horror on the filly's face! I have no choice but to give Discord the stare! He still must have a lot to learn about being a good person in the society! Something must be done. He can't do this forever. I won't let him. I won't let him be turned to stone again because he ruined Equestria. I. Will. Fix. This....I will fix him. Dear Journal 5/9/15 Discord has not yet arrived but I have set the most wonderful dinner for him and I. It's so I can show him how to act at a dinner party. I really hope this goes well. I have scones, muffins, chocolate milk in wine glasses (they're his favorite, you know c:), steak, potatoes (regular and mashed), turkey, salad, and sauces (barbecue and ranch). I really hope he likes it. The animals and I spent all night making the food and setting the table. Oh he's here! Time to see how this goes. I asked him how his day was. He is a bit hesitant, oh something's happened! I didn't want to have to do it this time, but I have no choice.. Oh no. He saw some timberwolves around my cottage! He hurt them so they would go away. He didn't tell me because he knew how much I liked animals so much! Oh silly Discord. I care about regular animals. Well, basically all animals, EXCEPT timberwolves. Just thinking about them just makes me want to SCREAM! Or squee. Plus it was also very nice of him to do that, he was worried they would hurt me since they're so close to my cottage. Should I use the stare on him? I mean, it's been powerful on him since we got to be good friends. Oh, I can't use the stare. I can't. Dear Journal, 5/13/15 Discord hasn't arrived yet. How strange. He is usually on time, if not early, since he loves coming over to my cottage to chat with me. Oh, I'm sure he's just caught up in something important. I guess I better go looking for him. I just really hope he isn't doing anything bad right now. But I will make sure I keep this in my saddle bag at all times from now on, unless he keeps on being late. Oh, I still don't see Discord. I can't imagine what trouble he's in right now. Oh I'm just so worried about him. Oh there's Rainbow Dash. I guess I'll go talk to her and see if she's seen Discord. She said she saw some pink clouds raining chocolate milk when she passed. In her words, "I thought I saw Angel hopping out in the open so I went down to get him when all the pink chocolate clouds got in my way. So I tried to go the other way, but that didn't work so I kicked them out of the way. I went down to get Angel when he turned his head and his face was like Discord's face.Then I jumped back then Angel started flying, then he flew away." I can't believe Discord. I thought these meetings were paying off. He knows I'm trying to help him, but he just isn't getting the fact that is he doesn't stop, he will be imprisoned in stone. AGAIN! I just wish things were different. I just don't want him to suffer again. I know I promised to never use my element against him ever again, but I might have to! I might have to pry them from the tree just so Equestria will be safer! That promise is the number one reason I am doing this! I don't break promises to my friends! Especially when it is about a matter of this size! I just wish Discord would think before he does stuff like that. He needs to learn to be more responsible with his actions. He might just have to go to kindergarden again to learn how to control his himself. Thank you for reading this letter, Princess. As you can see I am still worried about Discord. He isn't listening to me. I'm only trying to help him. But, I will not be discouraged. Discord will be fully reformed with no chaos whatsoever. Best Wishes To You and Luna in Canterlot, Fluttershy