Gryphon Problems

by Scootaleuz

The Search For The Source

“WHAT IS GOING ON HERE, RAINBOW DASH? AND WHY IS THIS PLACE FILLED WITH SMOKE?!” It was Twilight. How did she know I was here? I didn’t answer. I was too busy getting out of there, and fast. Twilight couldn’t know. It was enough trouble that Pinkie knew. Thinking back, I don’t know why I tried to hide it. I mean, it WAS pretty obvious. Eventually, Gilda caught up to me and convinced me to come back to the library. Gilda & I explained the whole thing to Twilight, who freaked out. “Why haven’t you told me this earlier, Gilda? And you, Rainbow. Why did you leave here so fast? And WHY in all of Equestria haven’t you cleaned up the mess in my library?”, Twilight angrily screamed, at both me and Gilda. “Isn’t Spike cleaning it up?”, I said. “Well, yeah, but……….. How about my other questions?”, asked Twilight, in an irritated tone.

After we answered the millions of questions Twilight asked us, we decided to get Fluttershy. “But Fluttershy can’t handle a dragon, can she? I mean, she’s very…... well,........ SCARED.”, I asked. “Well, she dealt with a dragon before, right? I sure she can deal with another.”, replied Twilight. Classic Twilight reasoning. I wish I was smart like her. We approached Fluttershy’s house, and knocked on the door. The second she opened the door, it was promptly closed. Must’ve been Gilda. We knocked again, and asked again for Fluttershy to open the door. We ended up just opening the door, with Fluttershy locked once again in her closet. I managed to get her out and explain to her the mission at hand. That…… didn’t really help too much, as this only made her more scared. “Ugh. Can’t she just GET OVER IT for once?”, I asked, agitated. Fluttershy’s a real scaredy-pony sometimes. All the time, actually. “Be more sensitive, Rainbow.”, said Twilight. “She’s just scared of dragons, that’s all.” “And spotlights, and the door, and her shadow, and Pinkie Pie, and the night, and leaves, and ME, and judgement, and apparently Gilda. Fluttershy’s scared of EVERYTHING, Twilight.” “Well, you can at least be more considerate about that”, Twilight said in a matter-of-fact voice.

After getting Fluttershy out of her house (which took a REALLY long time, by the way), we set off on our quest. Only to find that Fluttershy was back in her closet. Another long time of arguing with Fluttershy later, we started again toward the Lion faction, to do some (bleh!) *research* on the dragon near the two factions. As we learned, the smoke isn’t just affecting the two gryphon factions, it’s affecting a lot of Eastern Equestria, as well as areas outside of Equestria. “We need to stop this, right now.”, Twilight declared. “But we don’t know where the smoke is coming from!”, Pinkie replied. And Pinkie was right. We didn’t know where it was coming from, or from what dragon, or even if it was from a dragon. We kinda just assumed it was one, due to the similarities between this situation and the previous one in Ponyville. So began our search for the source.

“But we have to know where the source is by now! We’ve been all over Equestria looking for it!” The entire day had been wasted by searching, and no real progress was made. We were about to give up, until Gilda had a strange motion. “What if……… the dragon is OUTSIDE of Equestria?”, she suggested. That was it; at least, according to Twilight. She approved of searching outside of Equestria, and so did Pinkie & I. Fluttershy wasn’t willing to go, though. Of course. We dragged her past the border of Equestria. It was night, but it’s not like we had time to spare. We followed the smoke trail to, wouldn’t you know it, a cave. And inside was a dragon. Except there was something…… off. It wasn’t sleeping, but still creating smoke. Fluttershy eventually agreed to use her stare, but even that didn’t work. So, without asking, I resorted to my last resort; I kicked it as hard as I could, in the jaw. This decision would end up endangering both my friends, and the entire world.