Gryphon Problems

by Scootaleuz

A Knock on the Front Door

One pretty normal afternoon, I heard a knock on my door. I put down the 7th book in the Daring Do series and went to answer the door, contemplating who could be there, waiting for me. It might be Pinkie Pie. I mean, she had a party coming up, for Bon-Bon’s birthday, and I might come. Of course, if I’m not flying at the speed of sound, doing daredevil stunts in the air, or hanging with Tank, of course I’ll come! It could also be Fluttershy. She ALWAYS tells me what’s going on with Discord, or asking me to help with the animals. It could also b-GLIDA!!! What was Gilda doing here?! She’d left Ponyville ages ago, and I haven’t contacted her since. She’s not my friend, and will never be again. What could SHE possibly want?!

“Hey, Dash. I need your help with-”, Gilda stammered.
“I don’t wanna hear it!! I’ve had enough of you putting down Pinkie Pie, or anyone else! I’m not your friend, okay?!”
Gilda tried to continue. “But Dash, that’s not why I’m here! I need you to-”
BANG! I slammed the door in her face. I was still pretty angry at her for the way she left here without apologizing, or anything! I heard a few more knocks, but I didn’t answer. All I did was return to my bed, and pick up my book where I left off.