
by RarityEQM


Comfy. Cozy. Quiet.

The world was a secure, cozy place when Rainbow Dash blearily opened an eye and glanced around. Only half-awake, the little pegasus caught sight of Twilight, who served as an excellent pillow, and smiled softly. Twilight was cuddled up with Fluttershy, who was lovingly holding Rarity in her hooves. Pinkie Pie shifted in her sleep, snuggling up to Rainbow and Applejack, who gave a grunt under Pinkie. Rainbow felt a smile twist across her muzzle. Her friends. The best friends any pony could ask for, really. They'd been through so much together, and together they'd learned and grown and triumphed over all odds.

And now? Well, now it was time for a little break. It was an odd sensation for Rainbow Dash— the idea of sleeping in such a big pile of warm, fuzzy bodies, but in only a few minutes, she'd never wanted it to end. It was very different, but very very comforting. They were the defenders of Equestria— the six of them, bound together, forever, through friendship. Rainbow Dash had never, ever, felt so secure closing her eyes as she did with her friends surrounding her to keep her safe and warm. It was like the ultimate fort— nothing could reach her, not villain, nor nightmare, nor enemy. Not even herself. Depression kept at bay, sadness driven to the edges of her mind, the only thing she could feel was a warm safety she'd never encountered before.

This must be what heaven is like...

Rainbow Dash shifted her position, adjusting her head against Twilight's hip, and Twilight opened a single eye to glance back at the pegasus. They grinned at each other, weakly. She could feel it, too. The penetrating sensation of safety and security. All fears vanished and banished by the shield of love they all held for one another. It was the most relaxing sleep Rainbow had ever had, and easily one she might never get again. The problem, of course, with sleeping, was not being awake to be able to enjoy it. She wondered, in her sleep addled-brain, if she could convince Princess Luna to let them play with each other one night in their dreams. They could explore the heavens and Rainbow could show them the world of the clouds. It wouldn't be hard to fly if they were all dreaming, right? It would be paradise, right underneath their eyelids.

It was weird, that was for certain. Knowing everything was going to be okay, no matter what. Oh, you tell yourself that, every day. You believe it because you have to— it's the only way to press on, but this? This was different. This wasn't her telling herself things would be okay. This was knowing, in her heart of hearts, deepest and sincerely that everything would be alright. The world was alright. They were alright, and nothing would change that. Nothing could change that. Not here. Not now. Not in this place or at this time.

With the gentle flicker of a lazy smile, Twilight twisted around, careful not to disturb Fluttershy in her transition. She moved slowly, inch by inch, until she was positioned right underneath Rainbow Dash, peering up at her and blushing faintly.

Rainbow glanced down, her own cheeks pinkening ever so slightly. They didn't need to speak. They could both feel it— a warmth and security and a level of trust that was nigh supernatural. Slowly, Rainbow settled back down, resting against Twilight's neck with a gentle nuzzle. Oh, she liked this mare. A lot.

Something made a sound. Something far off and into the distance, but it was enough to put Rainbow on high alert. Like a cat, both her ears perked, and she lifted her head. What was that?! Something threatening her friends?! Something daring to intrude on this perfect moment of heaven?! Below her, Twilight offered another lazy grin, and reached up to pull Rainbow back down into the pony pile.

Mmmmph. No. You stay.

Rainbow couldn't refuse. As if she were going anywhere in the first place, but this set it in stone. That safety and security flooding back all of a sudden. What was she worried about again? It didn't matter— no, it couldn't matter. Not here, with all her friends surrounding her, warm and safe. And if it WAS something threatening, they could defeat it— like they always did before. Like they always would. Like they always had.

Rainbow drifted back to where she was, gliding along the blurry lines of reality and dream craft. Just listening to Twilight breathing was soothing in its own right, gentle, relaxed, slow. In. Out. In. Out. But if Rainbow tried hard, really hard, she could make out the gentle thumps of Twilight's heart. Rhythmic and heavy, it really was the perfect thing to fall asleep to, and Rainbow found she couldn't resist. She was already only half awake, but this was sealing the deal entirely. Any hope of rousing herself now was gone, and now convinced the mare wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, Twilight let her body go limp, relaxation flooding through her form as she joined Rainbow Dash, drifting lazily between dreaming and consciousness.

It really was a little slice of heaven. Some celestial reward for all the tough times they'd been through. A simple fifteen minutes of sleep, cradled by safety and comfort.

Rainbow gave a lazy smile and yawned, stealing one more glance around the room. Just to make sure all of her friends were still there, and everyone was still happy and content. Pinkie shuffled faintly, nuzzling into Rainbow's hip like a pillow, and pulled Applejack up and into her forelegs, holding her like a stuffed animal. Applejack seemed to snuggle in turn into Pinkie— the stoic farm girl dropping all her normal defenses for this one soothing squeeze. On the other side, Fluttershy was the pillow, and Rarity was lovingly leaning against her, dozing in comfort, while Fluttershy found herself resting against Twilight's side. Twilight smiled quietly and closed her eyes, and Rainbow did the same, stretching out with a little squeak. Life was good. Life was very, very good.