A Nightmare Knight for Luna's Night

by Deroc83

I.C.U. Visit

Over at the Canterlot Gardens, near the center of the area, Princess Celestia was sitting in the gazebo looking up at the moon and stars. Her head fill with mixed thoughts of Nyx accepting Luna’s offer and with the mysterious stallion.

Just then, a familiar voice was heard coming from behind, “Are you alright sister?”

Celestia then turned to see her sister, Luna coming up the steps into the gazebo. She could see a look of concern coming from her as she asked the question. “Yes and no dear sister.” Luna then sat next to her, also looking at the moon and the stars. “I’m happy that Nyx has agreed to be your student. I know she will learn a lot from you.”

“Yes. I quite agree. Though, she has a unique way of showing her appreciation. I thought she was going to choke me to death over all the excitement of being my apprentice.” Says Luna as she rubs her neck, still sore from the hug. “Who knew she has strong hugs. Ouch.”

Celestia chuckles as Luna gave her a glare while rubbing her neck. Just then, “Princess Luna, Princess Celestia.” Both turned to see the three familiar sentries that were assigned to take the mysterious stallion to the hospital. “We’ve returned from the hospital to report that the mysterious stallion was immediately taken in and is currently being treated as we speak. The commander has stayed behind to oversee the operation and will report immediately should anything new happens.”

“Thank you three for your hard work. You may go ahead and retire for the night.” Celestia gave a nod as the three sentries gave a salute and marched away towards the barracks.

Luna gave a sad and worried look in hopes that the mysterious guest will survive. Celestia saw this look and wrapped her wings around her, giving her a hug in the process. “It’ll be alright Luna. I’m sure he’ll make it through the operation and wake up to tell us who he is and he’s doing in Equestria.”

“I hope so Celestia. I sure hope so. Seeing him like that in front of us. It’s really hard to tell if he’ll make it or not.” Luna looks back up to the sky as Celestia lets go.

Just then, “Who will or will not make it Aunt Luna?” Both princesses became shocked as they turned around to hear LockOn speaking to them from behind. Standing in front of them was not only LockOn and his wife Sunset, but also Twilight and Nyx. Each of them has a stern look and was curious as to what Luna and Celestia were talking about. LockOn then looked at Celestia. “Mother, what is going on? You and Aunt Luna have been acting weird as of lately. You’re not your usual selves tonight. Did something happen?”

“He’s right Celestia. You have been preoccupied a bit as of lately. You even spaced out when we arrived to greet you.” Twilight took a few steps in front of Luna. “Has something happened to the both of you? Has it got to do with the throne room? We’ve noticed a barrier around the throne room and the guards won’t allow anypony access into the room.”

Nyx walked up to Luna and placed a hoof on her leg. Luna looked down at Nyx. She noticed a worried, and yet an almost sad look coming from her student. Luna placed a wing around Nyx and gave her a light nudge to assure her that everything will be fine. Everypony present saw this and smiled a bit. Celestia then placed a hoof on her sister’s shoulder. Luna looked up at her sister. For a few minutes there was silence, then Luna gave her sister a nod.

Celestia turned to her family with a straight look. “Your both right LockOn and Twilight. Something did happen earlier on today. Something that concerned both Luna and I. An event happened in the throne room before you arrived. Though it would be best that you get your friends and the other family members together and meet with us at the Throne Room. We’ll explain everything from there.”

Twilight, Nyx, Sunset and LockOn turned and left to get their friends and family from the ballroom leaving Celestia and Luna alone. About half an hour later, everypony was gathered at the door waiting for the princesses to arrive and explain of the events that took place before the Gala. Everypony was showing a mixture of expressions. Some confused, some worried, and some curious as to why the doors to the throne room was closed and sealed. Few minutes later, the princesses finally arrived at the throne room doors. Everypony present looked onto the princesses, curious as to what they are about to say.

“Thank you all for coming. I know you have questions as to why you were all called her. What we’re about to show you is only for your eyes only. No else know of what has transpired here. If you think you’re not ready and should not see what lies beyond these doors, you may go ahead and return back to the Gala and enjoy the rest of the night.” Everypony present looked at each other and then each one gave a nod to Luna and Celestia indicating that they’re ready for anything. Celestia then began to remove the barrier as Luna continued to speak.

“Shortly after the sundown, Celestia and I, as well as every other pony present, was startled by a loud noise coming from the throne room. What we discovered was something much unexpected to us.” As soon as she finished her sentence, Celestia completely removed the barrier and ordered the guards to unlock and open the doors. Everypony present watched with anticipation as the doors leading to the throne room began to open. As soon as the doors were opened, all feelings of anticipation was soon replaced with a feeling of shock as each pony saw the condition the throne room was in. Everyone walked into the throne room, observing the destruction left since after sunset. As soon as everypony entered, the doors were closed as to not let anypony see the destruction left in the room.

“Whoa. What in tarnation happened here?” Exclaimed Applejack. “It looks like a tornado hit this place.”

“Looks more like a meteor hit this place judging by the huge hole here.” Replied Lightning Dust as she hovers above the impact hole in the center of the room. Everypony then gathered around the impact crater, looking down to see how deep it went. Questions filled everypony’s mind as they continued to observe the impact crater.

“What a hole! What in Equestria could have caused this?” Minuette asks as she looks down.

Luna then responds, “Not a what, but who?” Everypony then looked up at Luna with a confused look as she continued on. “This impact was caused by a pony. He crashed through the ceiling and impacted here. Causing the tremendous destruction you see before you.” Confusion changed to shock as they heard that it was a pony that caused this destruction. Celestia removed the illusion spell just long enough to show the ponies the huge hole in the ceiling made by the pony. She then quickly put the illusion back up so it would not draw suspicion to the outside.

“You’re kidding right. No way a pony could have this much damage.” Rainbow Dash replied in a rebellious tone.

“And even if it were a pony that caused all of this. He would have to be big in order to create a crater of this size.” Rarity says as she measures the size of the hole with a magical measuring tape. “It’s at least about 4 yards in diameter.”

“Um. Where did you get that measuring tape?” ask Lyra.

“What? A fashion designer has to be prepared for any disaster. Thank you Spike”

“No problem Rarity.” Spike replies while blushing at her.

Celestia continued on as she walked past Luna. “As a matter of fact. The pony that impacted here was indeed big. He was as big as Luna and I. An earth pony unlike we’ve never seen before in Equestria.” Everypony was still in a state of shock as each of them try to process the information given to them by the princesses.

“So this was done by a male stallion earth pony?” Shining asks as Cadence stood close to him.

Luna and Celestia both nodded. “He was indeed an earth pony, but there was something different about this earth pony that gave us a feeling of fright and concern.” Celestia says as everypony stood there at the thought of a pony making even the princesses worry.

“What do you mean mother. What would this earth stallion do to make you and Aunt Luna afraid of him?” LockOn asks concerning both his mother and aunt.

Celestia continued on explaining as the others listened to the story. She told them of how the stallion had armor unlike any other soldier here in Canterlot. How he could shape and extend his mane and tail to the shape of a claw. Even the part of how his body changed right in front of them. Everypony was in a state of shock and confusion as Celestia continued on describing the mysterious stallion. Luna however was looking down, sadden as Celestia continued on. Nyx saw how sad Luna was and moved over to comfort her as much as she can. Luna smiled a bit seeing Nyx trying to make her happy. Multiple emotions ran throughout the room, but nothing could have put all of them in a state of shock and horror as Celestia told them of the condition the stallion was in when they first met him.

All mares present, except for the princesses, started to show tears and the males stood by, still in shock of hearing the details. Even Spike showed signs of sadness upon hearing the news. As Celestia spoke of how Luna took control of the situation and helped the stallion get medical treatment, Luna started to cry even more as she remembers the words spoken to her and how he collapsed in front of her.

Lemon Hearts and Moondancer, still shedding tears, noticed a huge stain on the floor. It coloration was different than the rest of the carpet. Lemon Hearts stutters as she asks, “Is t-t-t-this bl-bl-blood?” Every pony turned to the direction of where Lemon and Moondancer are standing. Looking down to see the huge stain.

“Yes. Yes it is. That is where he was when he collapsed.” Luna slowly walked up to the stain as Nyx followed close behind. “You should have seen him. Heavily wounded, barely breathing, almost unconscious. Is as if anypony had ever wondered how he’s still alive.” Everypony watched as Luna looked down at the stain. She then started to cry even more to the point that Celestia walked and sat next to her to give her a hug. “You should have seen his face. The way he looked at me like a wild animal at first. I didn’t know what to do. I was so frighten, but for some reason, I couldn’t let him get hurt any more than he was when we first saw him. He was on the verge of dying and yet, he still wanted to attack us because he didn’t know if we were friend or foe. When I talked to him, he calmed down and then collapsed.”

Nyx then sat next to Luna, giving her a hug as well to comfort her pain. Everypony started to show more sorrow at hearing Luna’s experience.

“Oh My. That poor pony.” Fluttershy comments as she continues, “And you Princess Luna. It must have been a real experience going through all that. I hope he’ll be alright. Where is he now?”

“The last thing we heard was that he was safely transported to the Canterlot Hospital and is being treated as we speak. Our commanding officer is there to oversee the condition of the pony.” Celestia stated, still holding Luna as she continues to cry. “But that’s not the only thing that frighten my sister. It’s what he said to Luna that made her frighten.”

“What do you mean Celestia? What did he say to Luna?” Twilight ask with a sad look.

“I’ll answer this one sister.” Luna then stood up and takes a deep breathe. “The stallion said ‘Please! Help Me! I mean you all no harm.’” Everypony became shocked to hear those words as Luna continued on. “After saying those words and collapsing to the floor, I stood there in the same state of shock as you are now. It was then, I noticed that every pony present at that time had confused looks.”

“Why is that Aunt Luna?” Cadence asks.

“It’s because no pony could understand what he said. He spoke a language that was completely foreign to every pony.” Celestia stated as sat, looking at Luna.

“Celestia’s right. He spoke a language that almost no one knew.”

“What do you mean almost no one?” Shining confused at the statement.

Luna took another deep breath and sighed. “I mean almost is because. . . I was the only one in the room that actually understood the language.” What she said there brought everypony’s emotions to a standstill.

Shocked to hear that Luna is the only one that could hear and understand the language spoken from the mysterious pony, a knock came from the door, startling everypony.

“Yes. Come in.” Celestia spoke out as the door opened up. A sentry entered through the door. He marched down towards the princesses and gave a salute. “Sorry to intrude your majesties, but I’ve come with a letter from Commander Sentinel.” He then pulls and levitates a letter from his satchel. He hands the letter over to Celestia and Luna.

“Thank you soldier.”

The soldier salutes, turns around and leaves the throne room. Celestia opens the letter and levitates in front of her and Luna. Both then begin to read the letter. A brief moment of silence fills the room as the princesses read the letter. As soon as they’ve finished the letter, both princesses looked at each other and gave a smiling nod. Celestia then walked forward and spoke. “It would seem that the surgery was successful and the stallion is now in intensive care.” A sigh of relief could be heard throughout the throne room.

“Could it be possible to go and see him?” Nyx asks.

“Not at this time my student. It’s getting really late and you’re all probably tired from the night’s festivities. We can go see him later on in the morning.” Everypony agreed Luna as each of them expressed a feeling of being tired. “I’ll notify your love ones that you’ll be staying here for the night. We’ll have rooms ready for you. After a good night’s rest and some breakfast, we all can go see this mysterious pony.” Luna says looking at everypony.

All agreed and accepted the offer to stay for the night. As each pony left the throne room and begun the head for their respected guest room, Nyx turned and looked at Luna. “Princess Luna. I may not have enough experience on handling tough situations like this, but I promise you. I will be there to help you not only as a student, but as a friend as well.” Luna looked down and gave a smile to Nyx. Suddenly Twilight took her hoof and wrapped around Nyx. Giving her a hug and says, “We’ll all help Nyx. It is the least we can do to help out a friend.”

Everyone gave a smile, agreeing to help Princess Luna with this predicament. Every pony then joined in and gave a group hug to Luna. Luna smiled knowing that her sister was right and that her friends and family are there to support her in anyway. As soon as they finished their group hug, each pony left with an escort to their respective guest rooms. Nyx, Spike and Twilight gave Luna and Celestia a wave goodnight as they headed off. Celestia then ordered the guards to notify the repair crew in the morning to come in and repair the Throne Room. With all things said and done, the sisters headed to their bedchamber for a good night’s rest.


Morning came and the sister’s performed their royal routine of raising the sun and setting the moon. Everypony was awoken to a good sunrise. After getting cleaned up and having breakfast with the princesses, they all loaded up onto multiple chariots and then headed off towards the hospital.

At the Canterlot hospital, Dr. CheckUp and Nurse Redheart are performing one last check up before leaving for the day. As they continued to the I.C.U. ward, Dr. CheckUp looked over at Nurse Redheart. “I’m sorry I couldn’t buy you dinner last night. I guess things didn’t turn out the way we planned.”

“It’s alright Dr. CheckUp. We didn’t expect quite an outcome we got last night. I’m just finally glad that we got him in stable condition.” Replied Nurse Redheart as they walked into room 2 containing the mysterious pony.

“It’s indeed a miracle that he survived this long. With all the injuries he took and constant blood loss, it’ll be a miracle if he wakes up at all. By the way, how many liters of blood did we use to save him?” Dr. Checkup picks up the status board from his bed and examines it while asking.

“We’ve used about 10 liter packets from the bank. We’re down to 14 liters. We’ve used more than expected due to the constant blood loss.”

“Hhhhmmm. We’ll have to have another blood drive soon or we’ll be having problems should anything like this ever happens again.” Dr. CheckUp signs the medical checkboard and places back on the hook at the end of the bed. Both then walked out of the room and started heading for the main desk area.

As they approached the main desk to sign out, Dr. CheckUp turned to Redheart, blushing a bit and asks, “If you like, if you’re not too busy or have anything scheduled later on this week. Perhaps you would like to try again and have dinner with me at the restaurant. It’ll still be my treat.”

Nurse Redheart looked at him and saw him blushing as he asked her. She then gave a little smile and replied. “I’d love to Dr. I have Friday night off this week. We can go then, but right now I would like to go home and rest. After last night’s event, I’m ready for a nice long snooze.”

Dr. CheckUp smiled. “Okay. Friday night it is then. I’ll pick you up at your place say around seven o’clock?” Nurse Redheart gave a smiling nod as they finish checking out of the work for the night.

Just as they were about to leave, the main door opens up revealing the five Princesses, their family and friends. The two almost bumped into the group. The two ponies gave a bow to the princesses as they came in.

“Your Highnesses! To what do we owe the honor of your visit?”

“We’ve received a letter notifying us that the Mysterious pony is in stable condition and is resting. We would like to see him please.” Replied Princess Luna

“Yes your highness. Right this way to I.C.U. Nurse Redheart, go on ahead and head home. I’ve got this. I’ll see you later on tonight.”

“Okay Dr. Take care and I’ll see you tonight.” Nurse Redheart replied as she bows and says goodbye to the everypony else. Heading for home.

Dr. CheckUp guided the Princesses and their friends to the I.C.U. ward and into the room where the injured pony from last night is healing. As they entered the room, they could see that he’s the only pony in the room. Every pony present were in awe as they saw how big he really is. He was lying on a custom made medical bed. It was custom designed in case any of the princesses were injured and brought here.

They all saw that he was covered in bandages in multiple places. His right fore hoof was in a splinter and was hanging in a sling, elevated by a pulley. Both his back legs were wrapped in a light cast molds to prevent sudden movements, further injuring his body. His left eye and head wound was patched up with gauze and bandages wrapped around his head. He could be seen breathing steadily with the help through a respirator. Multiple IVs and other meds were hanging on a bag stand next to him with hoses hooked up and inserted into his left fore hoof. Many little sensors have been placed throughout his body. Each one hooked up to med scanners set specifically to monitor his vitals.

All was quiet in the room as each pony looked on with a multiple emotions. The constant beeping from the monitors were the only thing heard in the room. Nyx then walked up to the bed and jumped up to the chair placed next to the bed. She takes a closer look at the pony as the others begin to look at each other.

“Is he going to be okay?” Nyx asks as she looks back at Twilight. Everypony then looks at Dr. CheckUp for the status on him.

“He stable at this point, though what his body has gone through, it’ll be a while before we can tell if he’ll fully recover and wake up.”

“What do you mean?” Sunset asks as she holds LockOn’s hoof.

“He has suffered multiple lacerations, 2nd degree burns, his right fore hoof was broken in multiple places as well as having fractures near his shoulder, bruises on his body. Through x-ray, he suffered multiple broken ribs, a punctured lung and has spinal injury along his back. Not to mention the tremendous amount of blood loss when he first arrived. The procedure was indeed tough, even with four medical professionals and a handful of nurses. We’ve almost lost him during the surgical procedure, but managed to bring him back to stable condition and finished with the surgery. We’ve patched up his eye and head wound as carefully as we could. As well as the 3” diameter gash across his chest. It took a while to patch up the hole, but we’ve managed to seal it. We’ve used up to about 10 liters of blood from the bank. All internal organs that are damaged have been patched up. He’ll be on life support for quite a while until his body becomes strong enough to survive without it.”

As he finishes his report, CheckUp looked up to see Nyx was about to cry and every other pony has a frown across their face. “OH! Uh! I apologize for that. I forgot that you are still a filly and you’re not use to seeing things like this. I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. I know you’re just doing your job Dr. It’s just…” Nyx was just about to finish her sentence, when Twilight walked over and gave her a hug. Just then, Twilight notice something shining coming from the stallion’s left hoof.

“What’s that?” Nyx and the others turned to see the object shining in the sunlight. Rarity walked over to the other side of the bed in order to take a closer look at the object in question. As she examines it closer, she could tell that it was well made.

“It appears to be a silver bracelet. Very well designed might I add and yet, it looks incomplete.”

“Why you say that sugarcube?” AJ ask curiously.

“It appears to be missing some gems.” Stated Rarity as she points out the indentations within the bracelet. The bracelet seemed to house five gems total, except that four of the five gems appear to be missing from their respected places. The only gem present is one in the shape of a dragon’s iris and made from pure obsidian. “It’s definitely in needs some repair. I could probably just take it off and…”

“I’m afraid that it is impossible to perform.”

Everypony turned around shocked upon hearing a voice in a corner of the room. The pony that spoke walked out into the light. He was a unicorn pony of great build. His coat was a mixture of brown with white spots on his nose, leg and back area. His tail color was pure black. He was wearing the traditional pony armor for a high ranking officer.

“Ah. Commander Sentinel. Thank you for volunteering to stay behind and keeping an eye on our mysterious guest. Tell us, why is it impossible to remove the bracelet?” Luna ask as she walks up to the commander.

“The bracelet appears to be somewhat imbedded onto his arm. The doctors had a hard time trying to remove it from him. They’ve tried using magic to remove it, but it had no effect. The bracelet appears to be magic resistant and when one of the doctors tried to remove it surgically, the gem glowed and sent out an electrical shock as a sign of defense. The doctor was sent back half way across the room. He only suffered a minor headache though.” Rarity backed away wide eyed from the bracelet after hearing at what the bracelet was capable of doing.

“Have you ever seen or heard of anything like this mom?” Sunset questions with a concerned look. Celestia shook her head left and right in response to having no answer. Sunset then looks back at the stallion in bed. “Wish we had a way to talk to him right now. He could tell us what we needed to know.”

Just then Luna had an idea. “There is a way.” Everypony turned to look at Luna as she walks up to the stallion. “I could enter his dream and find out who he is. Then possibly he could answer all the questions we have for him.”

“Your idea is indeed great princess, but are you sure you want to enter his dream? I mean, after your recent experience. Maybe it would be best if we would just let him rest.” Fluttershy asks while she twiddles her hooves.

Luna nods her head, knowing what she must do. A few pillows were placed near the bed in a makeshift bed position. She then lays on the makeshift bed and readies herself to enter the dream realm. Just then she felt a gentle hoof next to her, it was Nyx’s. “Umm. If possible. Could I enter the dream realm with you? I would like to see the world from your view.”

Everypony was surprised upon hearing Nyx asking to join Luna to enter the dream realm. Twilight walked up to Nyx. “Are you sure you want to do this? You just became her apprentice just last night.”

“I made a promise to help in any way. I’ll never break a promise.” Nyx replied with a serious look. This made several ponies in the room smile, including Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Luna then took her wing and wrapped around Nyx, pulling Nyx next to her. Nyx then laid down on the makeshift bed next to her teacher. Luna looked down at her, changing her mood to a little serious look.

“Now Nyx. What you’re about to see when you enter the dream realm, will indeed try to overload your senses. Just remember to stay calm and know that I’ll always be at your side. Should anything happen, I’ll use my magic to force us out of the dream realm. Okay, are you ready?” Nyx gave a nod signaling that she is ready.

“Be careful, both of you. We’ll be right here waiting for you to return.” Celestia comments as she sits next to Luna. Twilight also sat down next to Nyx assuring her that she’ll be there when she awakens.

Luna began to carefully guide Nyx on how to enter the dream realm. As soon as Nyx fell asleep, Luna used her horn and held it up to hers. Magic began to pulsate from the horn and soon, Luna too fell asleep. All the ponies can do now is sit and wait for them to return from their sleep.