A Nightmare Knight for Luna's Night

by Deroc83

Treatment and Announcement

All is quiet at the Canterlot hospital. Only a few ponies working the night shift tonight. Sitting at the front desk was a white mare pony with a pink mane and tail. Her cutie mark was that of a red medical cross. Her name is Nurse Redheart. Nurse Redheart was sitting at the front desk doing paperwork on today’s medical reports and expenses. As she’s finishing up the med reports, Dr. Checkup, a brown unicorn pony with a black mane and tail, was leaving in the break room, drinking a hot cup of coffee and carrying another to the front. He, of course, was wearing a doctor’s lab coat. His cutie mark was that a notepad with check marks and a blue quill. He approached Nurse Redheart while she’s performing the day’s paperwork.

“Would you like a cup Nurse Redheart?” say Dr. Checkup as he held the cup using his magic.

“That would be lovely. Thank you.” Replied Redheart as the cup was placed on the desk near her. She then picked up the cup and took a sip before putting it back down and continued working on the paperwork. Dr. Checkup took a look at the clock noticing that it’s about half past eight in the evening.

“It look like it’s going to be another normal, quiet night.” Dr. Checkup says as he takes another sip of coffee.

“That it is Dr. I’m almost done with today’s paperwork. Is it okay to get off of work early today?” Redheart asks in reply to the Dr.’s previous comment.

“I don’t see why not. All is quiet this evening and almost every pony is attending the Grand Galloping Gala tonight. The most recent patient was released this afternoon and there hasn’t been an emergency all day. I’m even think of calling it a day as well.” He then looks at Redheart with a blush and nervous smile, “I was wondering Miss Redheart”, he stutters for a moment. “Would you like to get something to eat? I know a new restaurant that just opened up in the northern side of Canterlot. Word has it the food is delicious. It’ll be my treat if you like. That is, if you don’t want to?”

Nurse Redheart looked up at him after taking another sip of coffee, seeing a little blush coming from his cheeks as he looks down and away for a moment. She then smiles at him and responds, “I would love to join you. Though, I hope you don’t mind if we stop by my place. I need to change outfits. I live just north from here anyways.”

Dr. Checkup looks up at her and blushes a bit more. “Sure. No problem. We can stop by on the way to the restaurant.”
Just then, the sound of hooves can be heard coming from the outside getting louder and louder. There was also a sound of a carriage being dragged from behind the trampling hooves. Finally, the sound stopped right in front of the hospital. For a moment, silence. Then a sound of fast marching hooves started heading towards the door.

“What in Celestia…” Nurse Redheart was about to ask the Dr., when she was cut short by a loud bang. The main hospital doors busted right open revealing three royal sentries and a commanding officer.

“This is a priority one emergency! Princess Luna is requesting an emergency medical treatment immediately!” Shouted the commanding officer in front of every pony present in the hospital. Dr. Checkup and Nurse Redheart both rush up to the lead guard.

“Commander Sentinel. What brings you here? Is Princess Luna injured?” Dr. Checkup asks with a serious look.

“Is she alright?” Replied Nurse Redheart

“The princess is fine. She’s requesting medical treatment not on herself, but on another pony.” The commander stated.

“Then if the emergency is not for Luna. Then who?” Dr. Checkup asks as he and Redheart look on confused.

Commander Sentinel signaled the other three to bring in the injured from the carriage. They turned about face and stepped out. The three sentries surrounded the figure in the carriage. Dr. Checkup and Nurse Redheart looked on noticing that the carriage belongs to Princess Luna. The sentries then lit up their horns. Removing the bind spell and begun carefully lifting the huge figure from Princess Luna’s Carriage. The two medical staff looked on with curiosity as the sentries carefully brought in the injured pony through the door. Their curiosity was then quickly replaced with shock and horror as the figure was brought into the light in front of them. It was indeed a pony, but an earth stallion of large stature. As big as the princesses themselves. It was nothing like they’ve seen before in all of Equestria, but the one thing that made the staff gasp was the physical state the stallion was in.

Just as quick as they saw the injured stallion in shock and awe, both regained their mental composure. “Quickly! Get a stretcher here immediately!! Nurse Redheart! Have one of the operation room ready! We need to operate on him ASAP!!” Dr. Checkup yelled out the order as two more nurses brought forth a roller stretcher.

“Right away Dr. Checkup!” replies Nurse Redheart as she’s running down the corridor towards the operation area.

“Careful now. Don’t drop him.” Dr. Checkup pulled up a medical pad and quill from his coat. He then began the procedure of a medical check on the stallion, writing things down on a pad, as the stallion was carefully placed on the stretcher by the guards on his side.

“Hmmm. Multiple lacerations, 2nd degree burns, front right hoof has multiple breaks and fractures in different locations, feels like a few broken ribs, lungs may be punctured, multiple bruises, broken jaw, a humongous gash approximately 3 inches in diameter straight across the chest, tremendous amount of blood loss, head trauma, pupils are dilated, possible spinal injury to the lower spine, breathing’s erratic, heart rate below normal. What happened to him? It looks like he came out of a warzone. It’s a miracle that he’s still alive up to this point.”

“We don’t know what happened to him, but Princess Luna has ordered that he’d be treated immediately and with great care.” Stated the commander to Dr. Checkup as they both looked at the stallion on the stretcher. The mysterious stallion was not moving at all on the stretcher.

“Yes sir. We’ll make sure he get the full medical treatment. Keep an eye on his vitals Nurse Patch. Nurse Vial, call Dr. Stitch, Dr. Scanner and Dr. Med in. We’re going to need their help with the operation. Also, retrieve a blood sample from the patient and find out what blood type he is. Once you retrieved the data, bring to the operation room several liters from the bank downstairs. Finally have a room ready for the patient in the I.C.U. ward.”

“Yes doctor!” stated Nurse Loli as she took a sample of blood from the patient and started heading towards the lab area.

Nurse Redheart then returned from the operations area. “Operation Room Three is ready Dr. Checkup!” Dr. Checkup turned to her.

“Okay let’s get this patient into x-ray to check for further injuries and into the operation room.” They started to roll the stallion down the hall into x-ray when all of a sudden.

“DOCTOR CHECKUP! His vitals are falling faster than normal. He not going to make it operations! WE’RE LOSING HIM!! ” Nurse Patch stated as she ran continuous magical vital checks on him. It was then Dr. Checkup notice that the patient’s breathing became even more shallow and erratic. He also began sweating and shivering as if he was running a fever. More blood began pouring out from the wounds and dripping onto the floor. He knew from this that the patient wasn’t going to last much longer.


The requested doctors showed up at that time, as well as the nurse holding several bags of blood in a cart and some with her magic.

“What’s the situation Dr. Checkup?” Ask one of the doctors.

“I’ll tell you on the way to operation room three!” All the ponies then ran down the hall along with the patient on the stretcher towards operations.

Meanwhile back at the Reception Room. The commander Sentinel turned to face the three sentries. “Head back to Canterlot and notify Princess Luna that we’ve arrived at the hospital safely and the stallion is being treated as we speak. Also, let her know that I’ll stay behind and keep an eye on things here if any changes happen during the surgery.”

The three sentries nodded at the order and began to head back to Canterlot along with the news of the mysterious stallion. As soon as they are out of view from the commanding officer, he turned around and went back into the hospital. He then sat down in one of the waiting chairs in the Reception room. While sitting, he turned his head and looked straight at the door leading down the hall, towards the operations ward. He then thought to himself: ‘You better survive mysterious stallion. There are questions you need to answer for. Especially, what you are and how you got here?’

Back at the castle, the night’s event had already gone underway. Ponies from all over Equestria are arriving to celebrate this joyous night. Not knowing of what has just transpired after sunset. Everypony that came were all dressed in an elegant design. Celestia, who was still thinking over the events that happened early today, was standing near the entrance to the grand ballroom. Each pony that came in, greeted Celestia in the normal, formal manner and she greeted them back by lowering her head. She continues to maintain her royal posture as each pony continues to pass on through the main doors and into the ballroom.

‘I hope Luna’s alright. The event earlier before was too much for her. Maybe she changed her mind and decided not to attend after all. I’d understand if she didn’t come down. I mean seeing her reactions after the mysterious stallion collapsed and telling me what she felt after he was sent to the hospital. I probably wouldn’t show either. Everypony would understand if I told them she was not feeling well and could not attend tonight’s Gala. I don’t know. Maybe she’ll come after all. I can’t believe that Luna can understand his language. What language is that anyways?’ Celestia continues thinking unaware that her special guests have just arrived and are walking towards her.

Arriving from the main gates of the castle, the main six had just arrived, along with Spike, Trixie and Nyx. Alongside them, was Princess Sunset Shimmer and her husband Prince LockOn. Their friends, Flash Sentry, Moondancer, Lightning Dust, Lyra, Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, and Minuette weren’t far behind. Each of them wearing their gala outfits from previous years. All of them excited of this year’s event as they continued down the walkway towards the ballroom.

“I can’t wait the see Shining and Cadence here tonight. This will be the best Gala ever!” Exclaimed Twilight with a huge grin across her face.

“I gotta agree with ya there sugarcube. It’ll be great to see the two lovebirds’ again.” Replied Applejack as they continued walking. “Especially when there’s a little one on the way.”

“Well I don’t know about you girls, but I’m just dying to see the new dresses, the princesses are wearing.” Rarity says with a fashion smile across her face.

“No offense Rarity, but any dress made by you will no doubt be the best ever made”, says Sunset as she and LockOn looks on with a smile.

“Oh, thanks darling. I just hope the princesses both feel the same way. Maybe I should have added some silver streaks on Luna’s dress or some additional gold on Celestia’s dress line.” Rarity responds with a worried look. Sunset places a hoof on Rarity calming her down.

“Rarity. Everything will be fine. Trust me. Your clothing designs are the best. They’ll love it.”

Rarity smiles back at Sunset as Fluttershy and Lemon Hearts continue on the conversation with LockOn. “How are the little ones doing? I know it must be hard to take care of four kids at once.” Fluttershy asks.

“Oh my yes. I almost didn’t think you’ll have time for anything, much less for yourselves.” Twinkleshine says confirming with Fluttershy.

“Don’t worry. Everything’s fine with our family thanks to you all.” replied LockOn. “Especially mother and Aunt Luna coming over from time to time helping to take care of our children and with Shadow’s help, everything in the household is fine. Oh Rarity. We must thank your sister and her friends for coming over and taking care of our kids while we’re here to enjoy tonight’s event.”

“It was nothing darling. Sweetie Bell and her friends were ecstatic when asked if they could babysit your children.”

“I hope they won’t be a bother to them. I hate to worry about what would happen while we’re away.” Sunset says with a little nervous voice.

“Don’t worry your sweet little head. They have BonBon with them and the Cakes are a just a block away for extra support.” Lyra says with a self-assuring smile making Sunset and LockOn feel more at peace knowing how helpful their friends can be. Sunset then walked ahead a little bit so she would be right next to Twilight and Nyx. “So Nyx. Are you excited about being invited to your very first Gala?”
Nyx looks at Sunset with a nervous smile. “To tell you the truth. I’m a bit nervous. I know the Gala is meant to be for adult ponies, but this is the first time a young filly like me got a personal invitation to this event. I don’t know if I’ll fit in well.”

“You’ll be fine Nyx. We’ll all be here for you should you start feeling uncomfortable or afraid. Okay.” Twilight replies as she places her hooves around her to gives her a hug. “Thank you mommy. That means a lot to me.” Nyx gives Twilight a hug back in response.

“So, who personally gave you an invitation to come tonight?” Minuette asks with a curious look. “Yeah who? It had to somepony important in order for you to come.” Rainbow Dash asks as she hovers above Nyx. Nyx was a little hesitant at first then Spike spoke out to the others in response to the question. “It was Princess Luna herself that gave the invitation to Nyx.”

“WHAT! REALLY!” All ponies spoke out surprised at what they heard.

“Spike!” Twilight looked at Spike with a stern look. Spike gave a sheepish smile and shrugged his shoulders. Twilight then rolled her eyes and smiled a bit. “It’s true. It was written in the letter that was sent to us days ago. Luna specifically requested Nyx to come here tonight. She says she has an important announcement to give to Nyx when she arrives.”

“I hope it’s not bad. I’m a little scared of what she wants to tell me this night.” Nyx stood at the base of the stairs with a frighten look. Twilight and spike both walked up to Nyx and gave her a hug assuring her that everything will be fine.

“I’m sure it’s nothing too serious Nyx. Of all the things you’ve done throughout the year with us, I’m sure she just wants to congratulate you on your achievements.” Nyx looked up at Twilight and smiled.

“She’s right Nyx. I mean look at all the friends you’ve made while being in Ponyville.” she then looked back behind Spike and saw everypony smiling. She then returned the hug back. “Thanks Mom, Spike. You’re the best mother and brother I could ever have.”

Everypony continued to go up the stairs towards the ballroom. Celestia still in heavy thought, did not realized that Twilight and other have just arrived and are now in front of her. They bowed and greeted the princess, unknowing to them that Celestia was not paying attention at all to them. Everypony then raised their heads confused as to what was on the Princess’s mind.

“Mother? Mother what is it? Are you alright?” LockOn asks concerned about his mother’s state of mind.

“Huh. What? Oh! I do apologize for not greeting you. Just thinking about some of the reports from earlier today. Nothing to be concerned about.” Celestia replies with a lie as she finally snaps out of her trance and regains her composure. “It’s wonderful to see you all here. Especially you Nyx. Luna is looking forward to speaking with you.”

Everypony smiled except LockOn who, in his mind, knew that his mother was not fully telling the truth. Of his years being a prince and living within the castle, he knew his mother was hiding something. “It’s a real honor being here Princess Celestia, but where is Princess Luna? Is not here? Is she okay?” ask Nyx curiously looking around for Princess Luna. Before Celestia said anything, a voice was heard coming from behind Celestia.

“I’m right here little one and I’m doing fine.”

Everypony looked behind Celestia as she herself turned around a bit to see Princess Luna standing behind her. Celestia smiled as she saw her sister walking up next to her. “I apologize for not being here sooner. Had a little incident with my makeup.” Everypony bowed again to the princesses as Luna stopped right next to her sister. They responded by bowing back. Celestia then leaned over towards Luna and whispers to her quietly. “I’m glad you came down dear sister.” Luna smiles at her sister knowing that Celestia was worried about her.
“Wow your highnesses! You look amazing in those dresses. You’ll definitely be the talk of Equestria.” Flash says as all are in awe at the dresses the princesses are wearing.
“Thank you Flash, but do be careful. We wouldn’t want to upset your fiancé now would we?” Celestia says with a little smirk as Flash then slowly turns his head to see Moondancer looking back at him with a mean, stern look. Everyone laughed at the look Flash was giving as he tried his best to sweet talk Moondancer from giving him a good scolding.

Luna turned to Rarity, “Thank you so much for the dresses and jewelry Rarity. They are simply wonderful. You really have outdone yourself in fashion.”

Rarity smiled. “It was really nothing your highnesses. It was the least I could do for helping me become my models for the latest spring designs in Manehatten. They ‘re all now the rage thanks to you.”

Twilight then turned back to Celestia and Luna, asking if Cadence and Shining have arrived. Just then a familiar voice was heard coming from the main doorway. Everypony turned around to see Shining Armor and Princess Cadence standing in their formal attire smiling at everypony. Twilight then rushed up to Shining and gave him a hug. She then turned to Cadence and hugged her as well. “It’s so good to see you two again Cadence. How’ve you been? Are you resting and eating well? Has my brother been taking care of you?”

“Twilight calm down. I’m doing fine. Shining has been taking care of me. You don’t need to worry.” Cadence replies as she tries to calm her sister-in-law down. “Granted everything been a little bit more difficult now that I’m with child, but Shining has proven himself to be more helpful than ever handling all the responsibilities of the Crystal Empire.” Shining then walks up to Cadence and gives her a loving nuzzle.

“Don’t worry Twilight. The promise I made to her at the hospital will forever hold strong and once I made a promise, I’ll never let it go unfinished.”

Twilight looks at him with a serious look. For a few moments, no pony said a thing. They looked on with blank stares waiting for Twilight to say something. Twilight then smiles at Shining, “Okay! Make sure you give her what she wants when she asks for it.” She smiles while walking away from Shining, leaving everypony present dumbstruck at the quick change of emotions given to him from Twilight. Few minutes later, everyone laughed, including Shining and Cadence.

After laughing at Shining’s little conversation with Twilight, Nyx then turned to Princess Luna. “By the way, what is it you want to tell me Princess Luna? In the letter, you said that you have something important to tell me.”

Luna turns to Nyx who is looking back at her with a nervous look. At this time, everypony fell silent, looking at Princess Luna and Nyx. Each looking on with nervous intent on waiting to hear what Luna has to say to Nyx. Luna then looks up at her sister. Celestia gives an assuring smile to Luna and nods. Luna then turns back to Nyx and take a deep breath. “Nyx. I know that you have been trying real hard to make amends over the years. Throughout that time, you managed to make many friends. Helped out around Ponyville and helped your mother and brother fix a very old spell that changed the destiny of the other Elements of Harmony. Because of that, your mother became the Princess of Friendship. You have accomplished so much over the years that it has not only made your family proud, but us as well. So it with a great honor that I, Princess Luna, gives you the honor of becoming my very first apprentice.”

Everypony became totally surprised at the announcement princess Luna gave. Nyx stood there in a state of shock, still processing the surprise announcement. “Really? You want me to be your apprentice?”

“Of course. That is, if you want to Nyx. The choice is and always will be yours.” Replies Luna answering back Nyx’s question. Nyx’s eyes began to grow and shine like starlight. Her smile grew huge across her face.

Without a warning, Nyx jumped up towards Princess Luna and gave her a hug so great, that she almost choked her. “YES! YES! YES!” Realizing what she was doing, Nyx let go of Luna’s neck and dropped to the floor. “I mean, of course I would like to be your first apprentice.” Nyx started to blush a little as she took a bow in front of Princess Luna.

Luna smiled at the response given to her by Nyx as everypony else began the cheer and congratulate Nyx on her accomplishment of being Luna’s apprentice. “Well what are we standing around here for? LET’S PARTY!!” Yelled out Pinkie Pie who is hopping around excitedly.
The Gala’s event continued on without a hitch. Everypony enjoyed the night more than ever now that Cadence is with child and Nyx’s acceptance to being Princess Luna’s apprentice. Halfway throughout the event, Prince LockOn and Sunset was dancing the night away when LockOn noticed that Celestia and Luna was nowhere to be seen.

“What the matter LockOn? You seem distracted.” Asks Sunset with a concern look.
“Its mother and Aunt Luna. I don’t see them anywhere.”

“Maybe they went out into the gardens or probably wanted to use the facilities?” Sunset replies as she too looks around for the princesses. “I’m sure that there is nothing to worry about.”

LockOn looks back at Sunset with a serious look. “I don’t think so dear. Somethings not right. You saw how mother was. Clearly she not her usual self tonight. I’m also sensing multiple spells cast near and around the throne room. Can’t put my hoof on it, but I know somethings wrong.”

“Then let’s stop dancing and look for them. I’ve learned that your hunches are always accurate when it comes to our family.” Sunset smiles and gives LockOn a kiss on the cheek. LockOn blushes as they walked off the dance floor looking for the princesses.

“Mom. Where are Aunt Sunset and Uncle LockOn going?” Nyx asks curiously as she and her mother watched the couple leave in a slight hurry.

“I don’t know Nyx. It seem serious. Let’s follow them and find out.” Twilight and Nyx followed Sunset and LockOn quietly as they left the ballroom and headed towards the throne room.

Sunset and LockOn were the first to approach the throne room. Surprised and curious to see why the doors are closed and locked by magic. They approached the guards who are assigned to guard the door.

“Soldier! What is going on here? Why is the throne room locked up?” Asks LockOn with a serious look.

“Sir! By order of Princess Celestia. No pony is allowed in and/or near the throne room for any reasons. The doors are to remain closed and locked until further notified by the princesses.”

Just then, Twilight and Nyx arrived. Curious as to what is transpiring. “What’s going on Sunset? Why’s the throne room’s doors closed?”

“We don’t know Twilight. The sentry says Princess Celestia has ordered the throne room doors to be closed and locked. She has also order the sentries to not let anyone in or near the room unless told by the princesses.” Reply Sunset as she turns towards Twilight.

LockOn walked back to Sunset and Twilight. Showing a serious expression across his face. “I don’t like this. Something is definitely wrong here and I’m going to find out what it is.”

“We’re going to find out what it is.” Sunset replies correcting LockOn last statement. “First we need to find the princesses.”

“I saw them walking away from the Gala and headed towards the gardens.” Nyx stated as she points a hoof towards the royal gardens.

“Okay Nyx. Let’s go and find out what’s going on around here.” LockOn, Sunset, Twilight and Nyx left the hall to the throne room and started heading towards the gardens.