Hi I'm a G4, and I'm a G1

by ahilty

Pinkie Pie Vs. Surprise

“Wow, that took a long time! Hi! Nice to finally meet you!” Pinky Pie smiled with her usual enthusiasm at her Gen 1 counterpart. The pegasus was also smiling. She didn’t really bounce but her grin rivaled Pinkie’s in wideness an enthusiasm. The only thing really unexpected about her was the hair. It kept shifting from yellow to a more yellow green. Every time Pinkie looked away then looked back it was different.
“Nice to meet you too!” Surprise said.
“Why is your hair strange?” Pinkie asked. “I thought it was supposed to be yellow.”
“Oh, it’s because the toy’s were yellow, but the tv show made it light green. I don’t know why.” Surprise shrugged. “I guess my hair is now on constant animation error.”
“Gee, that sounds irritating.”
“Well, it is a hit at parties!”
“I love parties!”
“I know! I love parties to!” Surprise nodded. “I love pranks too!”
“I love pranks…er…three! Or two…” Pinkie paused to contemplate her own silliness for a moment.
“I know!” Surprise laughed. “I don’t know why everyone else is so upset. I mean, yeah your fans say horrible things about us, but that’s hardly your fault.”
“Seriously, it’s like they are channeling some biased jerk’s dislike from other dimension or something. But that’s kinda silly, don’t you think?” Pinkie giggled. “Although I think there is something weird with Twilight’s copy of your show. It kinda smells funny, and I think I hear voices from it. Still, I don’t see why we can’t be friends!”
“Me either!” Surprise paused. “I…really don’t have anything mean to say to you…”
“Neither do I…and talking about our shows seems kinda boring to me. I mean the only thing I could talk about is humor, but humor isn’t as fun to talk about as it is to do.”
“So what do we do?”
For a second the two prankster ponies stared at each other, then Pinkie’s eyes widened.
“Oh oh oh! I know what we can do! We can have a goof off! I mean I know that Dashie wants to race Firefight…”
“Yeah, her, but this can be like, a pre race show! We can prank all of Ponyville and maybe even Dream Valley! Or Ponyland…which is it?”
“Either or, doesn’t matter! And that’s the best idea ever!...who is going to judge?”
“Oh oh oh! We can have two! One from Ponydreamland one from Equestria!”
“I know the best human for the job!” Surprise said gleefully.
“And I know the best pony for the job!” Pinkie laughed. “I’ll meet you in Ponyville Square in an hour!”
“You’re on!”
With a surprising amount of dust the two ponies vanished. It was unclear if they had used their hooves, wings, or Loony Tunes powers. A few minutes later two staff members peeked into the room.
“I know we’d never get them focus long enough to do the actual bit…” One said.
“As long as I don’t have to clean up after either of them.” The other said with a sigh. “The Bayformers are bad enough to clean up after…”

An hour later in the center of Ponyville, the two party ponies faced each other across the street. Several civilians had ducked in their respective homes and boared them up. Others had busted down the door of a certain brown stallion, convinced he had a magical blue box that was bigger on the inside that would shelter them. Neither was discovered on the premises. Some had simply decided to visit relatives in Manehatten. This left only the most daring of the populace to watch, and to participate, in the fun.
“Okay, we are playing by different rules today, there’s nothing worse then a repetitive goof off!” Pinkie declared. “We have until sundown to prank the entirety of Ponyville! The one with the most successful amount of pranks is the winner! Points will be given based on originality, fun for both the victims and the pranksters, and the element of surprise.”
“Well, I got you beat there!” Surprise smiled.
“Oh, we’ll see, grandma!” Pinkie smirked back.
The two judges stood to the side. One of them was a vary familiar curly haired stallion with a rubber chicken on his back. He had dispensed with the cowboy act for now, and instead of a pancho was simply wearing his own huge grin. The other was a human boy, about ten or so, who was munching on what appeared to be a bag of popcorn. The human offered some of the popcorn to Cheese Sandwich.
“You know, I have the distinct feeling you are going to be biased in favor of Surprise.” Cheese said as he took the offered popcorn.
“And you’re not going to be biased in favor of Pinkie?” Danny asked.
“You know, before we start, Pinkie, I’ve got something I’ve been wanting to tell you for a long long time, ever since you took my place here.” Surprise walked over to Pinky, her usual grin fading into an almost serious expression. Pinkie tilted her head and frowned slightly.
“What’s wrong?” Pinkie asked as Surprise got within a few inches of her muzzle.
Before Pinkie could react a cream pie had collided with her snout, covering her face in whipped and cream goodness, with a nice flaky crust. It tasted pretty good, but Pinkie couldn’t focus on that right now. Instead she wiped her eyes and blinked as Surprise ran away from her, looking over her shoulder and laughing.
“Hey! No fair!” Pinkie charged after Surprise, laughing as well. However, as her hoof hit a particular spot on the ground it erupted into a loud fart. Pinkie looked to find a whoopee cushion. She chuckled.
But now Surprise was in the air, flaying off somewhere to prank someone else.
“Ah, Pinkamina Diana Pie.” Pinkie said to herself. “You reeeeeaaaly should have expected that. But…” She smirked deviously. “I have not yet begun to prank!”

Surprise landed with a small thump. She looked around. This place was fairly unfamiliar to her. Still, she had some advantages. She could fly. Pinkie couldn’t, though the pink one did seem to have the power to warp reality. Aside from her animation error mane Surprise didn’t have that ability. Still, Surprise was older then Pinkie. Surely experience would win the day?
AS soon as she thought that something landed on her head and rolled off onto the ground. Surprise fluttered her wings, ready to fly in case this was a prank. Sure enough, it was a can, a plain looking blue can with the words ‘Open me’ written on the side. Surprise chuckled and kicked it away from her.
“Really, Pinkie, you’ll have to do better then that to get me!” Surprise stared to walk away from the rolling can, when suddenly Pinkie jumped at her from behind a bush. She was standing on her hind legs, and holding a small bucket.
“Heeeere’s Pinkie!” Pinkie had thought she needed her own call. The shout was accompanied by Pinkie dumping the contents of the bucket over Surprise’s head.
Surprise coughed a bit, then shook the bucket off her head. “Okay, that was good.”
“Juuuust wait.” Pinkie smirked. Surprise looked at her in puzzlement for a moment, then a horrible itching sensation started from the top of her head down to her hooves. She winched and yelped, rolling on the ground to get rid of the itch.
“You know, you shouldn’t have kicked that antidote down the street. But hey, if you hurry you might be able to get it! Have fun, Grandma!” Pinkie laughed and sped off.
Surprise growled and sped after the can of antidote. With a few half twitches and flutters of her wings she managed to dive on the can. Scrambling with her hooves she struggled to open in, mentally cursing her lack of both thumbs and bendable feathers. Still, she got it open, and dumped it all on her head.
Pinkie was right. It eased the itch.
It also turned her bright neon pink.
Surprise looked at her herself and laughed. “Now I really do look like her Granny Pie!” She studied herself for a second, then smiled and lifted herself in the air.

Rainbow snored happily in her cloud bed, Tank cuddled next to her. She was exhausted from her training, and she felt she didn’t have to watch the goof off. She had enough of those for a while. And she knew Pinkie would win. How could she not?
“Oh Daashy…”
Rainbow snorted and turned over in her bed. “Goway. Izzin’t cider season yet. Don’t havta.”
“Do you like cupppcakes?”
“Hwa?” Dash started awake to see a pink thing standing over her with a cupcake in one hoof and what appeared to be a bloody knife in the other. Dash yawned and sat up.
“Seriously…whatever your name is. Random Gen 1 pony? You’re a bit behind the times. As usual.”
“Oh, I know. I just always wanted to do that.” Surprise placed the implements on Dash’s bedside table. “By the way, do you like floral patterns?”
“Pffft, heck no.” Dash said.
“Oh, to bad. Have fun with that.” Surprise giggled as she turned and dived through the cloud floor. Dash yawned and sighed.
“Weirdos, right Tank…Tank! OH SWEET CELESTIA NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Dash screamed in horror at the terrible sight before her. Her beloved, awesome Tank’s shell had been painted a lovely yellow color, with little decorative flowers where the spots used to be. They appeared to be daises, with happy smiles like Cheerilee’s cutie mark. Not that Dash didn’t like Cheerilee, but her cutie mark didn’t belong on Rainbow Dash’s tortoise!
Tank looked up at his screaming, hysterical pony and yawned. He looked at one of his smiling flowers and grinned. It was very pretty.

The two fierce combatants stood in the middle of Sweet Apple Acres. Then sun was beginning to set, casting both ponies in red light. Pinkie was holding her Party Cannon before her, aimed at Surprise. Surprise had somehow found of the old Gismonk’s devices, as was aiming it at Pinkie. She had been restored to her natural coloration, and the device between her hooves appeared to be some of…thing. It had a barrel and a bunch of flashing doo dads. Pinkie assumed it was going to shot something at her. What that thing would be she had no idea. Still, she had faith in her Party Cannon. Pinkie tighter her grip on her Cannon’s trigger, and Surprise shifted to brace her own weapon better.
Pinkie and Surprise looked up to see Applejack, flanked by Big Mac and Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom was looking at them with wide eyes. Big Mac just looked like Big Mac usually looked. Applejack was frowning slightly.
“Now, Ah know ya’ll ain’t havin’ yer big goof off in the middle of my apple trees.” Applejack looked at Pinkie. “She might not care about cider season, but Ah reckon if Dash doesn’t get a mug this year, she might end up wringin’ yer neck, Pinkie. Mind takin’ it somewhere else?”
“Oh! Good point! Thank’s AJ!” Pinkie stowed the Cannon in her hair and started to bounce away. “Meet you back at the starting point!”
“Okay! Bye Applejack!” Surprise simply hauled her Gismonk device with her with a small hoof wave at Applejack and her family as she left.
“Much obliged, Pinkie, Surprise.” Applejack smiled and waved back as the two trotted down the lane back to the town square.

After a full afternoon of pranks, Pinkie and Surprise stood in front of the judges, both leaning in eagerly to hear the results. They had attracted a number of other ponies. Twilight Sparkle, who seemed to retain a funny little eye twitch from last time, eyed Surprise balefully. She was joined in this eyeing by Rainbow Dash, who was still rubbing Tank’s shell to make absolutely sure that Fluttershy had gotten all the floral paint off. Once she had calmed down she had to acknowledge it was pretty good. She just had to think of a way to get back at Grandma Surprise up there.
Cheese and Danny both held a pair of notebooks. How they had followed the pranksters through the day nopody or body knew, but the two of them had somehow managed to follow all of the action.
“Well, it was close.” Cheese looked up. “But the winner…is Pinkie!” He jumped up, a shower of confetti erupting from Hammerspace as he leaped.
“Wait? Really?” Surprise looked at Pinkie, who had gotten on her hind legs and was dancing around. It appeared to be the Moonwalk. “How?”
Danny shrugged. “Sorry Surprise. It was close though. She was just a bit more original. And…we did kinda have to dock points when you tried to mess with Twilight’s evil lab.”
Twilight twitched. “My lab is not evil! And if I find one misplaced beaker…” She glared at Surprise, who winched back.
“Okay…okay…I never actually managed to do anything…creepy…” Surprise shuddered.
“Hey, you’re still number one in my book.” Danny smiled.
“You’re right, and that just means I’ll have to step up my game for next time!” Surprise said.
“Next time?” Dash looked up from Tank.
“Oh yeah!” Pinkie said. “This time was so much fun…oh! Maybe next time we should just prank Ponyland! That’ll be super doper fun!”
“Hey! No way are you pranking Ponyland, Pinkie!” Dash zipped over and poked Pinkie in the chest. Pinkie stepped back, a sad look creeping into her eyes. Dash grinned and flared her wings. “Without me!” She crowed, and Pinkie grinned wide.
“Oh yeah! Four way Ponyland Prank Party!” Pinkie shouted.
“Four way?” Surprise asked.
“I’d take it Danny is invited?” Pinkie asked.
“Oh heck yeah I’m invited!” Danny pumped his fist into the air.
Twilight groaned and facehooved. “…guys…four way…context…” She moaned as the four idiots laughed happily. “I hate my life.”

Somewhere in the Void

A light brown alicorn with a white mane and tail appeared. He blinked, looked at himself, and smiled.
“Ah, finally!”
“Welcome to physicality.” Fausticorn smiled at him. “Now you can enjoy-“
“Your Welcome to Alicornhood Party!” Pinkie appeared with huge cake with the word’s congratulations written on it. She placed the cake in…space and erupted with confetti. “Hate to party and run, but I have a four way to get to!” She vanished.
For a moment both Creator Alicorns just stood there, wide eyed.
“She has a-” Bloomicorn began, but Fausticorn cut him off.
“Let’s just enjoy the cake!”