A Nightmare Knight for Luna's Night

by Deroc83


[/center]A Nightmare to Protect

The Lunar Night

A mysterious world, filled with magic and wonder. Full of creatures of Ancients told long ago through children’s tales. A world that is in tune with the forces of the elements. Where magic and science is the life blood of all beings. Where this world’s elements are one and the same.

A world still filled with mysteries. A world where balance is life. A world named “TESALORE”

Tesalore, a world once made by the Ancients. Combining the purest of gems with rocks and dust gathered from the cosmos. Throughout time, they shaped and forged the land to their specific design. Once the world was formed, all that was left was to add life, but not just any life. A life with meaning and purpose. So they created crystal that’ll house the life energy of all living beings. The crystal was forged by a supernova, to make it denser than any known element of the world. The Ancients then, infused the crystal with the base elements to create life. Water, Earth, Fire, Light, and Darkness. With all elements combined along with the crystal, they’ve created the “LIFE MANA”.

With the Life Mana now created and infused, the Ancients then embedded the crystal into the center of the world. Through the action taken, they watched as the crystal reacted to the world. It started glowing brighter and brighter as the world was finally taking life of it own. A sea of magma filled the center of the world creating a protective layer around itself. From there. Caves, crevasses, and chasms were formed. Water started to flow through openings in the mountains and crevasses, creating rivers, streams and oceans. Luscious greens and trees then started to grow creating a beautiful landscape. Desserts then formed in areas near and around mountains. Weather started to form around the world. Creating an atmosphere for which life can breathe and grow.

The Ancients watched on as the world was being made, but something unexpected came as they watched, the world was creating sections within itself and from within each section, became a realm that only one element can grow. A fire realm, a water realm, an earth realm, a realm of light and a realm of darkness.

A creation that was unexpected by the Ancients when they created the Life Mana. Though they’ve agreed to leave it be as it seems to create a balance within the world. Except that the energy was chaotic and was being released without control. It was then that they created a barrier around the crystal in order to channel the energy protruding from the crystal. They’ve then took the excess energy and created living being to live on the world created. They’ve created numerous wild creatures that can survive some of the areas of the world. Though it was a start, the Ancients then agreed to create beings with intelligence and freewill. Giving them the gift of survival on this world. A wonderful gift indeed except that to give a being freewill on this world will create chaos and possibly destroy the world they carefully created. So they gave all beings a sense of purpose in life, letting them know of life and death. By taking this action, the world was then complete.

They watched as the world grew and evolved. There were good times, but mostly there were bad times. War would constantly breakout between multiple species and/or tribes. It would breakout so bad that the Ancients feared that the being would find the Life Mana, use it as a weapon and destroy the world. To resolve this conundrum, they searched throughout the world for beings with pure hearts and the capabilities to spread wisdom to others.

They found six beings with these qualifications and gave them the quest to stop the never ending war. The Ancients watched as the chosen warriors journeyed all over Tesalore and with the experience gained throughout their journey, managed to stop every war on Tesalore. All accept one. A war was waging in the north. A war unlike any other. A war which decides the fate of the world.

A demonic being was ravaging the lands. Destroying not only living beings, but also through its special ability, destroyed the land as well. The chosen warriors managed to band together all tribes from each realm to fight this being. The fight with the demonic being lasted for months without end. When all seems lost and the fate of Tesalore was hanging in the balance, the Ancients then decided to give a gift to the chosen warriors. They gave them the gift of the elements itself. Each warrior has been imbued with an element of their home.

This give gave them the chance needed to defeat the demon. Together, they’ve defeated the demon. Though weak, they’ve realized that they cannot destroy the demon. So with the wisdom gained throughout their life and the power of the elements on their side, they’ve stripped all powers and sealed away the demon in a different dimension called “The Void”. With the final battle over, peace began to grow on Tesalore.

All tribal citizens of Tesalore cheered and voted that the warriors would become leaders of Tesalore. Though honored, the warriors declined the offer and headed back to their respected home realms. Years passed and the warriors grew old with wisdom and passion for their fellow man. When the time came for them pass onto the next life, the Ancients visited them with noble cause. The Ancients told the warriors that their time has come to die and evolve into sentient being. With that said, the warriors then began to change. Their bodies changed into the elements that were given to them when battling the demon years ago. They became Elemental Sages.

The Ancients then told the Sages to pass on the wisdom and skills of the elements to their fellow beings in order to maintain and grow the balance of Tesalore. The sages agreed to this quest with high honors and with that the Ancients left Tesalore. Never to be heard from again except in legend and historical folklore. The sages then began to spread the teaching of Tesalore to others.

For years, Tesalore was at peace with all living beings. The five tribes became the best renowned and respected villages of all of Tesalore. Each village has been gifted by the Ancients with the knowledge and skills of the elements located in each of their land areas. One of Earth, One of Fire, One of Water, One of Light, and One of Darkness.

With the power and vast wisdom contained within them, the sage continued to guide and protect their fellow being. Through them peace and balance is achieved throughout their homeland. Though wise in their own way, they always welcome new knowledge from each other. Once a year, the Sages meet at a hidden location and discuss to maintain and further progress the beings of Tesalore. Through their knowledge and compassionate wisdom, all life continues to grow and thrive.

However, peace can only last for so long before an ancient enemy would awaken and again try to destroy all of Tesalore. To ensure that does not happen. The tribes created their own guilds for which many can understand and train for any outcome that comes their way. The sages agreed and sought out new future warriors to continue on their legacy. Through many trial and errors, the sages came across five warriors with the same qualities as them. Possible of having found these future legend warriors, the sages endowed them the gift of the elements. The chosen warriors, now empowered with their gifts, band together and created “The Hunters”. Swearing to use their skills and abilities to maintain balance on Tesalore.

However not all the warriors were confident of the gift given to them by the sages. One of the warriors has shown little confidence as to consider the gift to be a curse. However the true fate of this warrior has yet to be shown. A fated path that will decide the outcome of Tesalore and one other world. A world that he’s about to take part in.

What happens then remains yet to be decided as the future holds many outcomes for these warriors and the fate of their home worlds.

-Chronicler Siegfried
10th Order of the Theo
Recorded- 12th day after Hallow’s Moon