We're a long way from home.

by RuaTheGreat


As I ran through a thick, dense forest the sound of yells caught my attention. I swivelled my head around but in doing so tripped on a tree root. As I stumbled to the ground I groaned in pain trying to pick myself off the ground but succeeded in stumbling to it instead. I spoke in a hoarse whisper to my holographic wrist watch and said my first words in hours.

"KITT You there, "I asked receiving no reply.
I tried a different tactic and tried to contact my other companion,

"How about you Allie"? I questioned in my mind, but yet again was met with no response.
My heart dropped as all my hope disappeared. I had no means of help, injuries riddled my body and worst of all I was outmanned a 100 to 1. I slumped to the ground in defeat, a sudden wave of fatigue taking over my body. I slowly let my eyes droop and let my breathing slow. Just before passing out I heard many loud voices fill the air around me before a bright flash of light lit up my eyelids, then nothing.

Meanwhile In the Everfree Forrest

As the sun rose over the magical land of Equistria an eerie silence fell over an area of the land. An area that filled the locals with dread: the Everfree Forest. The silence stretched on for miles and not even the early morning birds tried to break it. A disturbance had covered the forest and all the creatures in the Everfree could feel it. It was an unnatural, almost otherworldly disturbance. Time seemed to slow down as a light pulsing could be seen just on the edge of the forest, a pulsing that seemed to gain speed and energy every few seconds. Then with an almighty BANG and a bright flash of light the pulsing stopped. In its place a smoking crater was all that was left. Well that and a strange bipedal creature. The event went unseen and unheard by the locals. That is, except for one. A butter yellow Pegasus with a pink mane and a white rabbit by her side.

The sun peeked over the mountain tops, and a certain Pegasus was readying up for another regular day, or so she thought. As she removed herself from her warm bed she stretched out her wings and let out a yawn.

"Ok Angel it's time to go feed your friends," she said with a sleepy smile.
Her bunny companion just glared at her and rubbed his stomach furiously. Fluttershy noticing this sighed.

"I know you’re hungry but we should feed some of the others first, shouldn't we?" she asked in her usual quiet tone.
The bunny just responded by flailing his arms towards the other animals and rubbing his stomach so quickly it’s a wonder he didn't combust.

"Now angel how many times have I told you that you are not more important than your other animal friends" she asked.
The bunny seemed to ignore her comment. This small argument went on for a record of 2 minutes before angel came out as the victor. But before he could celebrate, an almighty bang shook the entire room. With a small ‘eep!’, Fluttershy hid under the bed shaking in fear. She sat there quivering in fear for what seemed like hours. As her head popped out from under the bed her entire body soon followed suit. With all the courage she could muster she took a peek. What she saw pulled at her heartstrings. A bipedal creature resembling an ape lay in a smoking crater outside. It was hairless except for a little tuft on its head. It wore a strange set of garments that were currently torn and appeared heavily injured.

"Oh my…" was all she could manage in a hushed tone.
She wanted to help it but she didn't know if it was danger or not. If it were dangerous she could get hurt but if she didn't help it could die. As she sat there contemplating it struck her.

"I know I'll go gather up Twilight and the girls and see if we can get help for that poor thing." she said with a rarely seen confidence.
Then with the speed of a hurricane she galloped out of the house in search of her friends.

As my senses returned, I groaned quietly. I tried activating my body damage counter (or ‘B.D.C’ for short), but it was for whatever reason disabled. Without my B.D.C I couldn't tell how badly I was hurt. I tried lifting my arm to contact KITT but upon doing so saw the extent of my injuries. Burn marks riddled my arm and there were no signs of my holographic watch. If the watch wasn't showing and my B.D.C was disabled there was only conclusion: KITT was inactive. With no known help to come, I tried my last ditch effort in desperation. As I started pulling it to my body I felt a sense of relief knowing it was still functional. As it re-joined I felt it begin the healing all my injuries with a comfortingly familiar numb and tingly sensation. But shortly after the process started, I was forced to stop.I immediately went limp again, as if I was unconscious. As the voices neared, I heard them go silent in what I could only guess was shock. I lay there for what seemed like hours before they spoke.


"What is that?" said a very tomboyish voice.

"Ah don't know but whatever it is it sure looks weird…" said a rather feminine, southern voice which reminded me of a cowgirl.

"Well whatever it is, its owners had a poor sense in fashion!" exclaimed a British sounding voice.

"But how would you know it has owners Rarity?" questioned the southern voice.

‘Rarity’ retorted "I mean, look: surely no creature would have the skills to make such tightly woven clothing."

"Well whatever it is I hope it likes parties!" squealed a very high pitched voice that hurt my ears.

"Pinkie, apes don't have parties." said a new voice, one that sounded more intelligent than the others.

"Oh I don't think it’s an ape, Twilight," replied a soft sounding voice.
"I mean, I have heard of some apes losing their hair, but this is different…" she said matter-of-factly.

"Well whatever it is, I've never seen one before in my life" ‘Twilight’ replied. After saying so, a faint noise sounded, followed by a rather loud gasp.
The girl called Twilight started talking but with a stutter "Bu-bu-bu-but that's not possible!"

"What's not possible Darling?" asked Rarity.

Twilight responded in a shaky voice "That Cr-Cr-Cr-Creature has no magical signature!"
I heard them all go so silent you could hear a pin drop.

"Then what do you suggest we do with it Twi?" questioned the Southern voice.

"I say we should kick it back into the Everfree. I don’t know about you, but it looks dangerous." replied the tomboyish voice suspiciously. I tensed at those words. Were they taking me back?

"But look at how injured it is!" said the softest voice louder than before. "Maybe we can just patch it up then send it back?"

"Now that I think about it… Sorry, didn't mean to upset you Flutters," replied the first voice. She continued "I mean even if it was dangerous it couldn't do much against us now."
I finally worked out what was going on: they were taking me back to the facility. This apparent confusion was all just to torment me. As stealthily as I could, I gathered some Telerium around my hand.

"Ah hate to interrupt but what’s it doing?" said the Southern voice
I felt all eyes on me, I honed my hearing. I heard one of them breathing heavily to my right.
‘That’s my target!’ I thought to myself.
I may not have KITT, but my reflexes were still above average. I let the Telerium stay in its liquid state so they couldn't tell what I was doing. Then my eyes snapped open and I lunged to the right at something yellow, solidifying the Telerium to form a blade. As I wrapped the blade around its neck I shouted a threat.
"Don’t move! Or I will be forced to kill her!"