The War of 1002

by Fireheart 1945

Chapter 57; Northern advance

The success of the battle had a massive effect on morale. In addition to another freed hive, the allied forces now had another base of operations, as well as a significantly shortened supply line. Queen Camilla had successfully managed to hide a lot of foodstuffs and preserve them. The number of soldiers available had virtually doubled, as Camilla raised her army from scratch and armed them as best as she could. Mostly, her forces had spears and armor, but it was better than nothing. Furthermore, the newly freed hive could send agents of their own to the other hives, doubling the news of the successful revolutions and adding additional weight.

James sat down inside the underground metropolis next to a building. There was little damage to most of the structures, as the enemy had largely been surprised and overrun in the streets. Already, cleaning crews had cleaned up what little had been damaged, and the dead had been cleared away as well. The wounded had been seen to immediately, and quick action by Queen Camilla had prevented retaliation against Chrysalis' surviving servants.

It was two days after the battle. The first major event since then had been a mass ceremony in respect for the dead. Camilla's hive had suffered losses, but nothing close to that of the enemy. Even so, the Changelings showed great respect for their dead. The day after that was marked by major celebration; there were dances in the streets, cheering crowds, a parade, and a general sense of euphoria.

It was all well and good to celebrate; James had seen the celebrations, and here and there had eaten sweets the Changelings had hidden from the occupiers. But the enemy was still out there, and they had to be fought and defeated. This victory, while freeing Camilla's people from a cruel occupation, did not topple the tyrant queen, nor did it unbalance her in and of itself. The rogue queen could only be dethroned by defeating her in battle, and that might not be easy. And even then, James felt uneasy about the results of that battle. Did Chrysalis have a successor, one who might ultimately be relied on to heal the wounds her mother had caused? Or was there no successor, and the whole hive would fight to the death rather than give up? If the latter was true, how could he justify the loss of one of the Changeling hives?

I'd be a murderer if that happened. They'd be fighting me all the while, but not because they chose to do so.

He sincerely hoped that would not happen.

"Got a whole lot of work to do before that happens," he murmured.

"Hey, new guy, why' ya no' joinin' in tha merry makin'?"

James turned to see a Changeling standing there. The pony-sized insect was clutching a bottle, though not threateningly.

Please don't tell me this guy is drunk.

His suspicion was confirmed as the Changeling suddenly reeled, and was unbalanced for several seconds before righting himself. "We'll a be a lickin' 'um all by this time ta'morrow. They ain't a nothing ta be-" He collapsed on the sidewalk before he could complete the sentence.

James grunted uncomfortably. This was one of the reasons he'd made his vow of abstinence, though he'd been more worried about injuring or killing people on the highway. It wasn't always easy to hold onto, but things like this made it easier to withstand the temptation.

He dragged the drunk Changeling and hauled him into the building he had been sitting next to before placing him on a sofa that was inside. It probably wasn't the big insect's home, but he doubted any harm would come to him while the alcohol wore off.

He went back outside and sat back down. He didn't know just how the future was going to turn out. Assuming the rogue queen was defeated, he'd go back to fighting the griffons, who had the advantages of technology to augment their feudal government system. They would have new surprises in store, he knew that. Whether it would be enough to stop the Equestrians and prolong the conflict was doubtful, but losses on both sides were likely to be heavy.

He sighed. He didn't know what the future held, and it was fruitless to try. The future would become the present soon enough. Now he had to push the campaign forward, and defeat the current enemy before worrying about the next one.


Camilla and Metamorphosis stood on a small ridge just to the north of the hive. Both were looking northward. Both had been standing there for several minutes. Neither had said a word.

Then Camilla broke the silence. "Whadya think, this gonna go the way we wan' it ta?"

Metamorphosis sighed. "You know I can't predict the future, C." She paused for a few seconds. "I think we can win, but who knows what sort of surprises that witch has in store?"

"Dunno. All I know is we'll fight 'em ta victory or extinction."

"Perhaps not the words I'd use."

"We canna tolerate anotha o' the seven past years. There'd be none o' us left by then!"

"We'd have suffered horrible losses from starvation and mistreatment, yes. Assuming we won, though, could we really make things be the way they were before it all started?"

"We'll give it a damn good try."

"But the world's changed, at least for us. The ponies now know where our hives are located. And they'll soon know where the rest are. We won't be able to operate in the secrecy we used to hold dear."

"We can move."

"You know that's impractical. It took us centuries to build what we have, to become used to our environment and learn to live with it. No doubt, when the war is over, we'll likely be receiving delegations from other powers. If we continue our isolationist policy, we risk being swamped by those who would like nothing better than for us to disappear."

"They can try."

"You've always been a fighter, C. And I can't help but admire that. But our future is at stake, and not just regarding the direct outcome of the war. Our way of life is likely going to have to change, however much or however little, to accommodate."

"Our traditions'll triumph in the end."

"Tradition can only go so far. This war has unleashed technology on a level as yet unforeseen, and all too likely it will get worse in that department. We can't win a battle against what has become the conventional Equestrian army, not with the magic and tech they have to throw our way."

"We are no' gonna win this war just ta become puppets," Camilla answered vehemently.

"And I'm not advocating being doormats," Metamorphosis insisted, which calmed her fellow queen down. "I'm just saying that to prevent that outcome, we'll need to change our approach."

"Och," Camilla grunted unhappily.

"Not your preferred ending to the epoch, I know."

"Let's just think 'bout crushin' Chrysalis, shall we?"

"All right." Metamorphosis wasn't against changing the topic by this point.

"We have all the numbers ta get the job done."

"True. The question is how to win without losing enormous numbers of our own subjects doing it, and without destroying the hive we'll be fighting."

"Aye. It'll be a bit hard ta do tha when they'll be a fightin' us to tha death, won' it?" Camilla said in a voice with more than a hint of sarcasm.

"We can't wipe them out without becoming the beast we're fighting to overthrow." Metamorphosis sighed. "We know approximately where their hive is, but not where all the secret entrances are. If we try to besiege them, we'll face surprise attacks from the rear, and they'll still be able to sneak food and energy in, while keeping us out."

"Aye. Gettin' in ain't gonna be easy. Course, we migh' come on 'em unawares..."

"I'm hoping that happens; it will save us from a lot of troubles we'd have otherwise. But we can't count on that. While no threat worth speaking of has approached Chrysalis and her hive in living memory, they take patrolling seriously; there are hundreds of patrols sent out, on land and in the air, by day and night, or so my subjects who have had the misfortune of having to go there have told me. It's highly unlikely that we'll take them by surprise, given those circumstances."

"Could just scour this bloody excuse for a desert till we find an entrance."

"And how likely do you think we'll be able to find one, given the lengths we go to hide our own?"

"Gotta try somethin'."

"And we will." Metamorphosis sighed again. "I just don't know what."

There was a short period of silence.

"Might as well go back to camp and see what Celestia and James can add to that topic," Metamorphosis said. "We'll need all the help we can get."

"Aye," Camilla replied, nodding. "Let's go."


The next day, the allied forces began to pack up. Tents were packed up and carts loaded with supplies and equipment. Artillery was limbered and shells carefully packed.

James packed up his possessions; he made one more sweep around the tent, making sure he'd gotten everything before helping to pack the tent itself.

After all that was said and done, Celestia emerged from her own lodgings. She nodded to James before approaching a large group of soldiers. Clearly, she was about to make a speech.

"Brave soldiers of the alliance," she began, "you have won two major victories here in the Badlands, and freed two city-states from the oppression of our enemy. Now the true contest will begin, as we go to face the enemy directly. The coming struggle will by no means be easy, but it is necessary for freedom and peace to take hold on the world. I know that it is all too likely that some of the faces I see here may not return, and some of the survivors may return maimed and crippled. Most will no doubt carry horrible memories their entire lives. However, the end of this war is at hoof, and we cannot waste the chance to put an end to the evil queen's reign. Once we have gained the victory, our peoples can live together in the peace that will flourish. For our children and our own future, we must, and shall, win!"

"Our enemy," Metamorphosis said, having appeared without James noticing, "will be fanatical in defense of their home. They have been twisted by their ruler and will be willing to go to extremes and efforts we cannot. However, the tyrant's forces cannot match for Equestria and two Changeling hives. We will make the supreme effort and in so doing reverse the effects of the past seven and a half years. I will not allow my subjects to suffer under a monster's rule ever again; we will win this campaign and restore the independence of our fellows who are still under the hoof of our enemy, and in so doing ensure our future. Kreeeeee ko rak!"

The Changelings in the army cheered, and the Equestrians followed suit. "What did she say?" he asked an insectile warrior standing nearby.

"She said, 'Victory or death!'" the pony-sized insect replied.

James nodded. The Queen was taking this seriously. As did her fellow Changeling ruler, who stepped up to speak as well. However, she started of speaking Changeling, which, although her own people could understand, left the Equestrians looking at one another in confusion. To her credit, Camilla realized what she had done; she coughed in mild embarrassment and cleared her throat. "Aye, we haveta win. Canna have et any otha way. An' we can win; with twenty thousand and more, how can we not?"

James went through the numbers in his head; about two thousand, four hundred well-armed ponies, ten thousand Changeling drones from Metamorphosis' hive and fifteen thousand from Camilla's, over twenty-seven thousand in all. Against the tiny number who had been fighting in western Equestria, that would have been like dropping an anvil on a cockroach. Against Chrysalis and the combined forces of her hive, though... it might be more like dropping an anvil on another anvil. He also wasn't sure that the other hives would free themselves, even if news of the revolt spread. He expected to face between five thousand to ten thousand defenders, not counting possible support from other hives still under their control.

I just don't know how this will turn out. All I can do is pray and hope for the best... and do my best.


The armies began marching later that day. Long lines of black chitin and multi-colored coats marched northward, their equipment and artillery towed behind them. There was much talking amid the ranks, and not all of it was conversation between members of the same species. Wheels and axles groaned under the loads their wagons carried; pegasi flew overhead, trying to scout out the land and protect against enemy scouts. There hadn't been any sightings of the enemy yet, but none of the military commanders and monarchs were taking chances.

The advance was at a decent pace. James approved of that. However, the Badlands was hardly a good place to look at; even the desert would be an improvement. The springs here were generally unclean, and what water could be found had to be filtered before it could be drunk. Edible plants were in very short supply. Dead and withered trees were everywhere. As a result, it was difficult to be joyful, or to portray the advance as a glorious triumph. Of course, glory wasn't the reason the allied forces marched, but James was someone who liked to put things in the best and most honest light.

For the first two days, nothing of note really happened. It was better than James had hoped. He began to hope that the march would catch the enemy by surprise.

On the third day of the march, James had just sat down on a rock and begun to drink when a tan pegasus landed in front of him. "General, sir, I bring a message from Prince Shining Armor."

"Yes?" James set down the canteen and looked up.

"He say's he's about an hour away, and that he'll be joining us in our attack to the north."

"Ah. Good. Give the General commanding my compliments." James picked up the canteen again and stood up."

"I will, sir. Good day." After saluting, the pony flew away, back toward the south.

James was still worried about what his friend would have to say when he found out that most of the force heading northward were Changelings. Doubtless it would stir something in him. However, James knew that the firepower Shining's force was bringing would be most welcome, and any reinforcement out here was a plus.

He yawned; he wasn't tired, just bored. He didn't like being bored, but being out here made it hard to not be bored.

James began walking to where the Princess and two Queens were discussing something. Apparently, they hadn't gotten the message.

"Oh, James," Celestia said, raising her head and noticing him. "What brings you here?"

"I have just received word that Shining Armor is approaching from the south; apparently they are about an hour away and closing."

"That is wonderful news. The reinforcements will increase the odds in our favor."

"Hmm," Metamorphosis hummed, rather discontentedly. "Will he accept us? I know that Chrysalis impersonated his bride-to-be, and he might harbor... suspicions."

"He will not move to harm you," Celestia reassured her. "I sent messengers to him to inform him of recent events, and while hardly thrilled, he promised he would not do anything foolish. I will also accompany you when we go to greet him, if that helps."

"That would be-"

Whatever Metamorphosis was going to say, Camilla cut her off; "I ain't afraid o' no one. No thank ya. We ain't babes needin' a watcher."

"What if we just appear together, no one leaning on anyone else for support?" Metamorphosis asked her.

"Sounds alright ta me. Jus' don' baby me an' I'll be fine."


James watched as two thousand of the troops he had left when he had set out on his campaign approached. His own army stood, watching them as well, some already cheering.

At the head of the two regiments was a white unicorn stallion wearing purple armor. James smiled. It was good to see his friend and fellow commander again; he wondered what business had called him away to the distant north. He expected to catch up on that, as well as coordinating efforts against Chrysalis and her hordes. He stood there waving his hat with everyone else as the friendly force approached.

Finally, Shining and his army reached the place where the Princess, the Queen, and the human advisor were standing. He took off his helmet and bowed to Celestia. "General and Captain of the Guard, reporting as ordered," he said as he did so.

"Greetings, Prince Armor; it warms my heart to see that you have arrived unharmed."

"Likewise." Shining smiled and placed the helmet back on his head. "Your safety has been the main concern on my mind over the past week. I'm glad to see you and James are alright."

"We're both doing quite well. The campaign has succeeded beyond what any of us would have expected." Celestia paused. "Can I introduce you to the Changeling Queens Metamorphosis and Camilla?" she asked, gesturing with a hoof toward the two Queens.

"Charming," Metamorphosis said, bowing.

"Wotcher," Camilla said, and didn't.

Shining nodded to both of them in response. James wasn't sure, but he thought the smile slipped. "We'll have to discuss our plans for the coming fight," he said.

Everyone present nodded. "I'll take a few minutes alone with you to catch you up on everything that's happened," the Princess said. "If you'll come with me..."

Shining started after her, then paused and turned to James for a moment. "I'd heard you had success, but I never thought you'd drag... Changelings into the fight."

"Everyone of them who fights for us subtracts from the enemy and adds to our cause."

"Even so. I'll catch you later." Shining continued following the Princess.

"He seems nice," Metamorphosis said quietly, "but I could sense his anxiety. Underneath that tough exterior he's nervous about something, and I'd say its us."

"Why?" Camilla said, in honest puzzlement. "Not like we're with her anamore."

"And most ponies think of the Changeling people as a monolithic empire with dreams of global domination," her fellow Queen replied. "The news of the truth hasn't spread yet. And no doubt some of those who hear of it and read of it in the paper will think their media has been mind controlled by us or something. In fact, if I had to guess, that's probably what the Prince was worried about, that we were controlling the Princess the same as he was controlled by Chrysalis."

"And we resemble her how?"

"Oh, let's think; big holes in our bodies, large, Princess-sized stature, the fact that we're Changelings... any of that ring a bell?"

"Och," Camilla grunted with a tone of reluctant agreement.

"He'll warm up eventually," James injected. "I'm sure that Celestia has some way of convincing him that she isn't brainwashed or anything. And with the reinforcements, we'll have the necessary firepower to break into their hive."

"Yes, but can we?" Metamorphosis asked. "Can we do it without wiping them out, I mean," she quickly corrected. "We have to win, but I'd prefer to do it without slaughtering the entire hive."

"A lot o' our subjects wouldn't give a damn," Camilla answered. "Considerin' what we suffered, it's hard not ta see othawise."

"True, but that doesn't mean they're right. And would you like being responsible for that sort of... genocide?"

Camilla shivered. "Notta chance. Don't solve tha problem o' what ta do, though."

"...No, but we'll find a way to do it."


Shining glanced approvingly at the artillery park that had been set up, as well as the many, many stacked boxes full of supplies, food, and equipment. It was always good to see that the army was well organized.

He followed the Princess into her tent, where she sat on a large pillow and invited him to sit on one across from her. Considering that he was wearing armor, that would have been uncomfortable. "No thanks, Your Highness."

"Ah. Well then, I'm sure you have some concerns about the current state of affairs."

"Yeah, considering that out of every being I've passed, only about one in five, if that, is a pony."

Celestia nodded in understanding. "And you're worried that I may be under mind control, or something not far off from it."

"Well, yes, considering how quickly you took to them."

"You expected... otherwise, I take it?"

"...Princess, you know what they did to us. You saw what they did to us. To me and Cadence. To Twily and her friends. I don't understand how you could like them so soon, so quickly, and so easily after all that, not to mention the loss and pain we've suffered from their war, unless you had a spell put on you."

Celestia nodded once more, this time sadly. "I recognize what our enemies have done to us, and what our people have suffered. I know what you and Cadence went through. If we look at everything from that point of view, we do have a lot to be angry for. I also know that hatred is not what I seek for my people - for any people - and I believe in forgiveness. I also know that these two Queen and their hives were involved in the war against their will; indeed, the occupation they underwent underscores that fact, as well as illustrating that we must be victorious here. The Queens, once their subjects were free, joined us of their free will. In fact, they wanted to join."

Shining stood silently.

Celestia sighed. "I'll prove to you that I am not under foreign influence. The day you entered the Guard, you were so anxious to make a good impression that you kept fumbling with your spear as I walked among the new recruits, you included. Furthermore, your first meeting with Cadence involved you tripping over her hooves as you were carrying a platter of cupcakes for the officers."

Shining nodded, but said nothing.

"The Queens I met are not like Chrysalis whatsoever. They are both deeply grateful that our army liberated them from her control, and have cooperated without any hint of intent to dominate."

"Doesn't mean they don't steal love, though."

"It's something they need. And, unlike Chrysalis, they don't go out to replace ponies to get it." Celestia paused. "Have you heard of Red Nose, the famous comedian?"

"Well, yes, but what does that have to do with-"

He stopped talking as the Princess waved a hoof for silence. "He keeps crowds laughing at his clown-like antics for hours on end without let up, and has a reputation for being intensely friendly with everypony."

Shining nodded. He'd been to one of those performances, and he could confirm that everything Celestia said was truthful. Red Nose was funny, and ponies loved his shows.

Celestia continued, "Metamorphosis has informed me that he his a drone from her hive in disguise."

Shining let his tongue scrape against his lips in discomfort.

"He gathers the emotional energy of the crowds and delivers it to her hive for consumption. They get the food they need, and we get a boatload of laughs. It strikes me as a good exchange. I see no reason to be hostile to the entire Changeling race for the acts of just one hive. If we're successful, we'll never have to worry about an attack like that the one that took our beloved capital ever again, and it won't be a hostile, enforced peace, but one that all parties cheerfully agree to. Wouldn't you prefer that outcome over the destruction or permanent occupation of one race over the other?"

Shining didn't want to give in, but he could agree that was the peace he would have liked, and reluctantly nodded.

"Can I trust you to work with them?" she asked.

He thought for a few moments before nodding again. "I'll follow your order, Your Highness."

Celestia studied him for a moment before nodding in turn. "Alright, I trust you. Unfortunately, I find that I cannot remain with the army much longer, for duty calls even for a Princess, and Luna will need my help."

"I thought you were going to stay until we won here?"

"I was, but I've been told that a lot of work had been piling up in Canterlot, and I'm needed there as much as the army is needed here. And I know the army will perform well, with you and James in charge. The two Queens are also capable, from what I've seen, and I think we can expect a victory."

"I'll perform to the best of my ability," he said, saluting.

"I have no doubt you will."


James watched the Princess and the Guard Captain emerge from their tent. He sat down and drank some water under a tree. It looked as if things were going better now, and that Shining would be able to get along with the Changeling Queens.

If we can finish this quickly-

He never finished that thought. He stood up and glanced at the sky, at a small group of black dots that were coming southward. It looked like a patrol, but something felt... off.

A patrol of Changelings and ponies from the allied camp arose to meet the newcomers. The oncoming troop met them in midair, where they apparently exchanged words. One of the new Changelings suddenly blasted one who had come with the ponies.

"Enemy patrol!" James shouted. He quickly unholstered his pistol.

Up in the air, two of the enemy held up the allied patrol while the others swooped down on the camp.

Uh oh. This can't be good. Especially if... He glanced toward the Princess, who had just become aware of the danger and was turning her head to look.

Something must have caught the eye of the enemy Changelings; in any case, they quickly identified the Princess and dived toward her.

"No you don't, you bastards!" James aimed quickly and pulled the trigger. The gun roared and kicked against his hand.

He wasn't the only one shooting at the attackers. Ponies were taking up arms; unicorns were blazing away with spells, while pegasi took off, clearly with the intent to intercept the enemy before they could get a shot at the Princess.

Three of the enemy were hit and fell out of the air, spiraling as if they had been aircraft hit by flak and machine gun fire. The last one came on, firing green jets from his horn in a desperate attempt to hit Celestia.

His shots did no good. Celestia might not have expected an attack on her person, but she reacted quickly; she cast a force field around herself and began retaliating in kind. One of her spells hit the mark, and the enemy Changeling suddenly stiffened and fell, crashing to the ground just a few feet to the left of Celestia's shield. He groaned in pain and attempted to recover.

He never got the chance. Half a dozen ponies and Changelings tackled him before he could move more than a few inches. He struggled in vain against them; within moments, an alert pony got some rope and used it to tie up the attacker, leaving only his mouth free. Not that it was fully free even then; his muzzle was tied, too, in a way that whoever held the rope could use it to jam his mouth closed if he tried anything.

James looked around. The two Changelings who had tried to slow the allied patrol were both dead, killed in the air; they had fallen to the ground several hundred yards away. The three who had been hit in midair were also down; one still moved feebly. He sighed with relief. Hopefully, this had been an overeager squad without backup.

One of the ponies who had gone to stop the enemy patrol had been wounded, though not fatally. The allied Changeling, though, was dead; he had been shot in the neck, and the wound there made it clear that he wouldn't have lived even if he had survived the initial blast.

He looked at the Princess; she had lowered her shield, and was now looking curiously at the prisoner.

"Let me deal with this," he offered.

"I wish to question him," Celestia responded, looking up. "I intend to know the intention for this attack, especially when it could not have succeeded against the numbers that are apparent here, as well as to know how much they were previously aware of our presence, if at all."

"They were trying to get you, Princess, and it's a blessing that you're still alive. He could still zap you if you give him half a chance."

"With all due respect, Princess, I think he's right," Shining agreed. "If you're determined to do this, please be careful."

Celestia gave no sign of hearing either of them. "How much do you know?"she asked.

The Changeling spat at her hooves.

"Answer her, whelp!" said an allied Changeling, shaking him.

"I do not answer to scum and traitors," the captive hissed.

"You will now, fool," said a Guard who was standing there, brandishing a spear.

"There was no call for that," Celestia said sternly, before turning back to the captive.

"Weaklings and dust, traitors and mud! Her Glorious Majesty shall destroy you all!" the enemy drone screeched before she could speak.

"Take him away," Shining said, disgusted. "Unless you wish us to... coerce the truth out of him?" he asked, turning toward Celestia.

"No. Definitely not. Add him to our roll of prisoners. Perhaps after Chrysalis is defeated he may give us answers."

With that, the Changeling who had shaken the captive pulled the noose tight around the prisoner's mouth and, with a group of friendly troops, led him away.

Celestia sighed. "We've had no luck in Canterlot at getting them to speak anything other than curses and threats at us."

"You can't really expect anything better," Metamorphosis said, approaching. "They take after their Queen, and they'll never talk unless their Queen permits them, which she obviously won't."

James heard the Changeling they had wounded groan loudly. "Oh, please," he heard the injured insect moan, "let me live."

"Hmm," Metamorphosis hummed. "There are exceptions to the rule, of course. I think this may be one of them."

She walked over to the wounded enemy, followed by everyone else. James knelt down, but kept his gun handy; the Changeling might be faking, though he doubted it.

The Changeling watched them; a clear sense of fear radiated from his face, and he curled up, whether in pain or to ward off potential blows James wasn't sure. He was sure that it was his own bullet that had hit the drone, though; the injury didn't look like one that would have been inflicted by an Equestrian rifle or matchlock.

"Yeah, he's not connected to the... hive-mind, I guess you'd call it," the Queen said. "That should mean something." She turned to the enemy Changeling. "We don't wish to harm you further, we just want you to answer our questions."

"I'll... I'll... I'm still loyal..."

"I know. But please... why did you attack this camp when you had no chance of wiping it out, instead of just going home to report what you had seen?"

"Because the group leader... said to. He said... there were... sightings of... an army... coming here."

James felt something inside him drop. "There goes the element of surprise."

"Perhaps not all is lost." Celestia turned back to the Changeling. "How did you know this?"

"Scouts yesterday... thought they saw... big line... drones from satellite outposts... less responsive.... denied it."

"Satellite outposts?" James turned toward Metamorphosis.

"Chrysalis designated the other hives as such," she replied. "No doubt to reinforce the belief among her subjects that there is only one Changeling hive, spread out all over the place." She frowned. "No doubt the members of our hive who were sent to continue the deception tried to deny the existence of our army in order to protect us. I hope they'll be safe..."

"We just took out their patrol," James said, thinking out loud. "They'll be expecting it to return, and when it doesn't, they'll know something's up. And from what you've told me, its impossible to try to infiltrate the hive by disguising yourselves as them, because they can tell whether or not a drone is from their hive, right?"

"Right," Metamorphosis said, deadpan. "All we can do is move quickly."

"Won't do... any good," the wounded drone mumbled.

"Why not?"

"Cause... Drone 1101 stayed back... to watch... no doubt... he's going back even now. Won't... catch him."

James swore viciously under his breath. The element of surprise was all but gone, and Chrysalis would know of the revolt soon enough. "Bind up his wounds," he ordered. "See that he is treated well, and that his wound is healed. Make sure to keep him separate from his hivemates, and make sure that they come to know none of this."

Several soldiers and medics of two species moved to obey. An Equestrian medic bandaged the drone, then helped him to stand. The drone leaned heavily on the medic, but he was able to stand on his own power, and limp slowly away with help.

Damn, now I feel bad for shooting him. It wasn't that James regretted protecting Celestia, but the notion that he'd permanently injured the drone, one who wasn't just a carbon clone but a being with a fully independent thought process, cut him to the heart. Did what I had to, he told himself, but it didn't give him any sense of conviction or comfort.

"Well, the jig is up," he said out loud. "We must move swiftly to make up for this setback."

"I agree," the Queen said. "Speed is our only advantage now. If we move fast enough, we can cut Chrysalis off from her own hive. Without effective communication with their leader, the defenders will suffer a considerable amount of confusion, making for a less sturdy defense against us." She turned to face one of her subjects. "Tell everyone to make ready to move, at once."

"Your Majesty," the drone said, bowing, and raced away.

"That goes for us, too," James said loudly. "Pack up and ready yourselves for a double quick march. Everyone is to keep his weapon loaded and ready at all times. Get going."

The Equestrian soldiers went to obey his orders. He turned toward Celestia. "Sorry for the danger you were put in just now."

"Its not your fault," she answered. She shook her head. "It seems the conflict has gotten harder. I expect you and Shining to give this your best. If we succeed here, we knock a dangerous enemy out of the war and "

"We'll succeed or die trying," James replied.

Celestia jerked slightly. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that."
