//------------------------------// // The Cutening // Story: The Cutening // by CoverArt //------------------------------// Fluttershy and Discord walked through Fluttershy’s backyard. Her backyard is where most of her animal friends liked to play and some, like the chickens, made the backyard their home. As opposed to one of their usual walks through the backyard, Discord and Fluttershy were searching for a pet for Discord. While Discord didn’t see the point in finding a pet, Fluttershy told him it was he best way for him to learn about friendship. Discord grudgingly agreed to do it, not wanting to risk loosing Fluttershy’s friendship over something silly like a pet. “Oh! How about a beaver, it seems like a good match,” Fluttershy said picking up one of her beavers to show Discord. Discord looked it over. “Hmm I suppose its alright, provided I can make some much needed changes,” With that Discord snapped his fingers and the beaver grew two antlers and wings, “Oh its absolutely adorable now!” “Discord! You change him back right this instant, you can’t just go around and change animals natural cuteness,” Fluttershy scolded Discord. Discord sighed looking disappointed. “Fine, you never let me have any fun,” Discord moped as he snapped his fingers again, changing the beaver back to normal, “Let’s just go and find me an animal perfect for me.” No matter how many animals they tried however, none of them suited Discords preferences. The Squirrel was too fragile, having broken his leg multiple times over the last year, the flamingo was too pink for him, the cat didn’t like Discord, Discord didn’t have any place to put the whale, Celestia knows how Fluttershy got a whale there. Nothing seemed to fit for Discord, and this was only proving to annoy Discord. After about an hour of searching he decided enough was enough. “You know what, I’m just going to create my own cute little animal and it will be perfect for me,” Discord huffed. Fluttershy shied away nervously as Discord snapped his fingers and a plume of smoke appeared a few feet away from them. After a brief coughing fit due to the smoke they looked to see what appeared. They gasped at what they saw. There standing before them was a baby Fluttershy. However the Fluttershy looked like how she looks in the present day. It was absolutely adorable. While Fluttershy was a bit creeped out at the fact Discord thought she was cute she couldn’t help but ‘D’aww’ right along with Discord. “I say I’ve quite outdone myself this time.” Discord said excitedly as he moved closer to inspect the small Fluttershy, “And what’s your name little one?” Instead of answering with words however, the small Fluttershy growled at Discord and pounced on his face. “AHHH! Get it off! Get it off!” Discord screamed. Fluttershy dashed to Discord trying to get the small Fluttershy away from him. “Get off of him!” Fluttershy screamed, as she is able to rip the baby Flutter off of Discord. The baby landed softly, with a menacing scowl on her face. “Who do you think you are?!” Fluttershy scolded, “Well… you, actually” Discord replied “Not funny Discord” “What you asked? Quickly use the stare!” Fluttershy, without hesitation, used the stare on her baby counterpart. Baby Flutters then used her stare right back at her, but with a devilish grin. Fluttershy, having never encountered the stare before, collapsed at the sight of it, with Discord spawning a fainting chair Meanwhile, Rarity creates a dress. She notices that the colors on the dress completely clash with each other. “Oh dear, this is the worst possible thing!” She begins to faint and lands on the ground. “Where is my fainting chair?!” Asked Rarity enraged, “SWEETIE!” Back to our duo, Fluttershy and Discord tansported themselves to Celestias chamber to tell her of the situation. “Discord, What have you done now!?” Said the princess, very annoyed at Discord. “Well your Sunbuttfullness I sort of created a pet that will probably ravage Ponyville and eventually Equestria.” Celestia gave a huge sigh and said “Not again, this is the third time this week” Celestia, Fluttershy, and Discord all transport back to an abandoned Ponyville, with only the baby Flutters in the square. “There it is, the creature” Celestia gave a huge laugh that lasted a while until she replied, “That’s the creature you created” Celesista walking up to the toddler continued “ thing couldn’t even hurt a fly” Celestia bends over to the toddler and asks ”Hello little one and who are you” “I WILL DEVOUR YOUR FLESH AND USE YOUR BONES AS TOOTHPICKS, THEN MAYBE I’LL TAKE A NAP ON YOUR CORPSE!!!!” The Little flutters said in a demonic voice. Celestia paused for a moment, bug eyed at what she had witnessed. She then slowly walks away until she eventually starts running to her carriage “GO GO GO” screamed Celestia. She quickly jumped into the carriage and it flew off in a flash. “Welp… she was helpful wasn’t she Fluttershy,” Discord asked his yellow companion. “Discord? Why don’t you just magic it away like you magicd it here?” Fluttershy asked finally realizing he could. Discord laughed. “Oh Fluttershy I can’t just poof it away just li- oh wait I can.” With that Discord snapped his fingers and in a puff of smoke the baby Flutters disappeared. “Well… that was anticlimactic now wasn’t it?” Discord asked. Fluttershy nodded and they started to walk away. Suddenly a huge explosion of fire and smoke appeared behind them. They quickly turned to see the Baby Flutters rise out of the ground, “I CANNOT DIE!!!!!” Discord looked at Fluttershy and asked, “This is the perfect time to run isn’t it?” “Yes, yes it is.” “Ladies first” “Why thank you. AHHHHHHHHHH!” Fluttershy screamed as she and Discord ran. They hid behind a bush that was a fair distance way from the demonic Flutters. “I don’t understand, I never gave it demonic powers. I made it a perfect copy…of…you…” Discord said as he looked over to Fluttershy. “I had problems growing up ok!?” Fluttershy pouted. “You think?” “That does bring up a question… what did you give her Discord?” Fluttershy asked. As soon as she did the bush they were hiding behind exploded into flames. They looked around the flames to see the baby Flutters firing lasers from its eyes. “Lasers?! Really Discord?!” Fluttershy exclaimed. “What? It seemed cool at the time.” Discord shrugged, “also, where is Twilight when we need her?” Meanwhile at Twilights castle, Twilight lays on her desk, wiped out from the amount of studying she did the past night. “Oh Princess Celestia, of course I will be your daughter. What do you mean other parents, you’re all I need.” Twilight says in her sleep. Discord and Fluttershy now hide inside a building just on the outskirts of town. “Ok so we escaped the baby Fluttershy and after being chased for a bit we made our way here.” Discord explained. “Um…. I know Discord, I was kind of there.” Fluttershy said confused. “Oh yes you know, but I need to provide some sort of explanation to the readers.” “The who?” “Never mind, it isn’t important. But now that I think about it I do think I have an idea about how we stop this thing.” Discord snapped his fingers and they transported to a cave along with the baby Flutters. There was a loud but quick rumble as the ground shook, then again. They all looked towards the entrance of the cave. Out of the shadows came a huge dragon. Immediately Fluttershy fainted cueing Discord to use the fainting couch again. Rarity’s cry of anguish could be heard all the way from Ponyville. “WHAT?! NO!! MY ONE WEAKNESS!!” Baby Flutters yelled as she shot lasers from her eyes the dragon. The lasers pinked off the dragon’s thick hide. The dragon shook his head slowly and raised his leg. Discord dragged the fainting couch out of the way as the leg came down and crushed the baby Flutters. Once the dragon walked away Discord split himself up. The multiple Discords surrounded the baby Flutters and began to circle her and chant. “NO! NO! I CANNOT DIE!!!!” Baby Flutters hissed as she slowly started to sink. The Discords continued to chant and eventually the baby Flutters was banished to Tartarus. Fluttershy, who was hiding under the fainting couch, poked her head out. “Is…is she gone?” She asked. “Yes, Fluttershy, she’s gone.” Discord replied offering a hand to help her up. She took it and when she was out Discord snapped his fingers and they teleported to Ponyville where they were greeted by many of the residence of the town. Discord looked at their worried faces and he smiled. “The baby Fluttershy is gone!” He announced. He was met with cheers and celebration. However, Discord began to laugh as a thought came to him. Fluttershy asked him what was so funny as everpony looked at him. “That wasn’t the cutest thing in the universe, if you want I can quickly poof it in so we can see it,” He asked genuinely. But quickly his mischievous smile turned into a disappointed frown, as he was met with a collected “NO “Oh none of you ponies are fun,” Discord said. Everpony laughed at this as the day came to a close.