//------------------------------// // Chapter 8 // Story: Chronicles of the Prince // by ebonelbon //------------------------------// I wake up to a massive headache and a loud bang as I sit up groaning. "Wow boy that stunt now feels like a fit of tequila and an ass kickin'." I look over to Author who's sitting in one of the chairs at a large table. "How would you know how I feel Author?" "Cause I can feel everything you feel." I begin to look around seeing a very large spacious room. Inside the room placed about were: a large table with 10 or so chairs, a full kitchen including fridge, freezer, and the such, a coat/hat rack with my belt and weapons hanging on said rack, a couple of chests one baring my mark and the three others baring marks I haven't seen yet, and of course my bed that I am currently laying in with a nightstand beside it with my sunglasses on top. "Uh Author where are we?" "We are in your cabin, or more specifically a pocket dimension that I created inside the cabin giving you ample room plus I added a few spare rooms." He gestures to the single door that I hadn't noticed. "Let's not go in there just yet its not time." I shrug and slowly get out of bed holding my head the entire time and walk over to the chests against the wall. "So Author I see my mark but what are the other three?' "All in due time my boy, all in due time." I groan and facepalm at his cryptic words and walk out the door summoning my glasses as I walk or and stop suddenly and look around. We are no longer in the clearing that I had passed out in, but instead a large empty market place with the other gypsies setting up tables and setting out wares to sell. "How long was I out and where the heck are we?" "About three days we were starting to get worried. As for where we are, we are in a town just outside the dragon kingdom." I turn to look at my sister who had appeared beside me. "So where are mom and Jasmine?" "They are off looking at the other stalls." "Why?" "That's a secret I'll never tell." "You suck sis." "Yeah yeah now let's go explore and look around before we have to start preforming and working." We head off to wander around the market as the stalls open and people start come out of their homes to begin their shopping. We wandered further and further into the market soon realizing with a sense of dread from my sister: we were lost. "I can't believe this is happening. We could be kidnapped, stolen, sold into slavery...." I finally started to get annoyed by my sister's nervous rambling and grabbed her face. "Trix calm down." "How can I we are lost, we may never get back." I look at her with a deadpan face and extend my wings. "Oh right you can fly." Trixie looked down at her feet to hide her obvious blush of embarrassment as I began to chuckle "Wow Trix you're kinda cute when you're all flustered." She looked at me with an open mouth and a shocked expression before punching me in the chest. "Ow you know what fine I'll leave you here." I flew off leaving her with a look of confusion that quickly turned to panic. "Drakeal? Drakeal!?!?! You best get back her before I tell mom!!!!!!" She bagan to shake as the realization of being lost alone set in. Suddenly I swoop down and pick her up under the arms flying as fast as I can away from that spot. "Drakeal where were you why did you leave me alone like that!?!?!" I throw her up into the air as she begins to scream. I angle myself so that I'm directly under her as she lands on my back. "You're gonna wanna hang on sis." "Why?" "I kinda made some new friends." She looks back seeing three dragon teenagers chasing after us screaming death threats and other unspeakable things. "No Trix do not even ask I'll probably explain later." I begin to speed up as trixie wraps her arms around my neck. I dive sharply and pick up speed as I weave through the people in the market trying to lose the dragons. "oh shut up will you i cant concentrate with you screaming like that." she instantly shut up and i spied a young dragon kid and swooped over to grab him as we all three were suddenly back at my place. "thanks for the save there mate." i turn to the kid and stand up. "no problem kid why were they chasing us anyway?" "well they were chasing you cause you saved me from them when they were gonna beat me up. other than that ive got no idea, the names dracor by the way." "well kid i'd get out of here before they come looking for you. if they mess with you again just come looking for me." "thanks mate youre a friend for life if you ever need anything you just tell me." he runs out of the cabin and disappears into the crowed.