Fade Away II: To Glory

by JoeBobWhitney


I'm sorry, I just can't do this anymore. I lost interest in this story quite a number of chapters ago. I guess, it was mostly just a "heat-of-the-moment" thing but I really cannot try and continue this for any longer.

When I first discovered inFamous, I felt a spark and I instantly fell in love. There were so many amazing qualities and details about the game that made it an unique open-world sandbox game compared to the likes of say, Assassin's Creed or Grand Theft Auto. Cole was an awesome protagonist that you felt for after playing as him. All his losses and sacrifices built him from just a simple paper courier to what he became. A hero.

But now that "spark" is just... gone. And of course, just any spark lost in a marriage, we've gotta split or it'll kill me. I truly am sorry for those who were enjoying this.

So, what now? Well, Elder Scrolls: Equestria and Bound by Destiny call for me, in the distance.

I hope you enjoyed the story in the meantime but now, it's now time to say "goodnight" and lay it to rest.