//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: The Proposal // Story: Playing the Price // by Gear Grinder //------------------------------// Winter was always a difficult time of year to deal with, especially for Pegasi. It normally took a week or so to get every part of Equestria ready for winter, including moving snow clouds, clearing up fall's leftover leaves, helping build homes for animals going into hibernation, etcetera. This year was rather... different, though. Nearly every part of Equestria was supposed to be covered in an even, relatively shallow layer of snow. However, Ponyville was suddenly and heavily covered in about eight feet of snow five days ago, causing many ceilings and small buildings to collapse under the sudden weight. Many homes were totally inaccessible, save for some who had holes in their rooftops that many used as a means of entry. Homes had to be shared among the entire town due to the massive amount of destroyed architecture, and as many as five families huddled together in the ramshackle homes just to keep warm. Many businesses were shut down entirely, including Rarity's Boutique and even Sweet Apple Acres. It was fortunate that many townsfolk were out in other parts of the world when the snow fell, but now there was no way to return home safely due to the train tracks being completely smothered in a thick white blanket. All the while, the Pegasi of Cloudsdale were dealing with the fallout of the whole event. The city was nearly deserted as hundreds of Pegasi were drafted into the Weather Team, going to all parts of Equestria to balance out the chaotic levels of weather related anomalies. Tornadoes started to form in the San Palomino Desert at the sudden clash of hot and cold winds, others parts flooding as waves of freshly melted snow poured in from the east and rapidly melted in the heated sands. Many ponies from town had to make a long trek out towards Canterlot under emergency Royal Escort to provide temporary housing, and the Weather Team had to make sure the area was cold and solid enough to walk on but not too solid as to turn into slippery ice. Every tunnel in the base of Canterlot Mountain was filled with snow, but the snow was raised high enough for ponies to literally walk uphill into the illustrious city on all sides. Rainbow Dash wandered around Pinkie's room in Sugar Cube Corner, worried out of her mind. She wanted to be out there helping everypony, but she knew she'd be hunted down the moment anypony saw her. For a few days after the "incident", nopony had known it was her that had completely destroyed the weather factory. She had hoped to keep all of this under wraps, but she had forgotten one key factor when she had led her exhausted tortoise around the facility in her assault: the security cameras. After the guards were done reviewing the footage, her name was spread around all of Cloudsdale and even to Ponyville and Apple Loosa. She was a criminal; a vandal no less. She had intentionally gone out of her way to sabotage the weather itself, causing hundreds of thousands of bits in property damage and dozens of ponies to be harmed in the process. No matter what the reasoning was, it was still a crime, punishable by incarceration. For how long, nopony could guess. She had fled Cloudsdale in a fit of panic, immediately running to Twilight. Against her better judgement and solely thinking of her friend, Twilight had made a plan with the girls to help out Dash. Once a week, Rainbow would stay at someponies house. After that week, they'd move her to another location. This first week was at Pinkie Pie's room on top of Sugar Cube Corner. The Cake family had been out visiting relatives when the snow had encased the town, so nopony knew or could disapprove of Dash's stay. The girls weren't around either, due to their responsibilities given to them by Princess Celestia. Pinkie had to help pass out food and supplies to ponies in Canterlot, while Applejack did the same in Ponyville. Rarity went in-between the city and the town to hand out fashionable weather appropriate clothing, bringing any material she could salvage from her home. Fluttershy went into the Everfree Forest to help save any harmed animals, with Zecora's help. Twilight had to help oversee reconstruction of the town, as well as help stave off the Royal Guards that came every day to search for Rainbow Dash. The cyan mare laid herself out on Pinkie Pie's bed, doing her best to relax. She felt lower than an ant under a fat Manticore's paw. She was stuck in a house with nopony to talk to and nothing to do. She wandered downstairs into the store, surrounded by nothing but darkness and silence. She lit a candle and carried it in her hoof to illuminate the store. It was barren, with the walls creaking and groaning under the pressure of the snow. The kitchen was no better. She placed the candle down on the counter and sat down in the middle of the floor, putting her head between her hooves. She knew she was doing the wrong thing, but she didn't want to go to prison! Her beloved tortoise, her Tank, would emerge from hibernation in just a few months. She had come to accept that thanks to her friends, but she knew nopony else would take her seriously. A crime of this magnitude would put her away for a long time; longer than it would take for winter to end and to meet up with Tank. She couldn't have that, and so fleeing and going into hiding was the best option at the time. Rainbow laid on the floor, her tail curling around her in sadness and defeat. So much for the most loyal pony in Equestria... The warm tears flowed from her eyes as they dripped onto the floor. She wanted to sob aloud, but the noise would probably attract a wandering ear into the store. The only way in was through the second floor window, and that had been partially destroyed in the snowfall. Pinkie did her best to repair it, but using cinnamon sticks as wood was both an admirable and meaningless effort. She wiped her face with her hoof, raising herself up and walking back up the stairs. A loud creaking was emanating from the ceiling of the building. It sounded like the snow was being blasted off of the roof, as the sagging ceiling righted itself with a thankful groan. Dash ran into her hiding spot: the large wardrobe next to Pinkie's bed. She slowly closed the creaky doors behind her, making herself as small as possible. From the darkness, she heard the window be gently pushed open. Hoof steps echoed in the room, sounding heavier than a normal ponies. Is that Bulk Biceps? the Pegasus thought. She shook her head slightly. No way. It may sound like his hooves, but there's no way his little wings could get rid of that snow. She listened more closely. She was slightly taken aback when she heard the metal clinking of... shoes? No pony wore horseshoes in winter! The cold would make them too uncomfortable to wear. "Rainbow Dash?" A voice softly called out into the supposedly vacant room. She tensed, panicking slightly. Somepony knew she was here! She was ready to zoom out of the closet and bolt right out the window without any hesitation or remorse. Her heart beat like a mad drum in her chest, and sweat started to form on her brow. She opened her eye suddenly when the voice called out her name again. It was strangely calming and powerful, like a thunder's boom in the middle of a rainy night or like a cat purring on your chest as it slept. She relaxed slightly despite her fears, and it caused her to make the door creak. She tensed up again, afraid her mistake would be her undoing. The hoof steps grew louder and closer. Rainbow tensed her hind legs, ready to spring out from the doors. The door opened gently, revealing a white muzzle with a golden crown upon it's head. The mane that flowed with every color of the sunrise flowed in a windless room, and the violet eyes stared into hers with some disdain. Rainbow bowed before Princess Celestia instinctively. She suddenly realized her mistake, then rose to flee. Celestia held her in place with her magic, making every part of her stiffen up like a mannequin. The ruler of Equestria walked around the cyan mare. "So..." she began, "this is the mare who brought about this massive catastrophe." She tutted as she came face to face with Rainbow. The princesses' eyes showed no pity, no forgiveness. They were cold and thoughtful, completely unlike the voice that had caused her body to melt before. She inspected Rainbow like a wolf would when it's prey was backed into a corner. "Your highness, please, listen to me-" Celestia raised a hoof in a slicing motion, almost literally cutting the words Rainbow began to say as the tip of her metal hoof shoe touched her nose. "Listen to you? To you? A wanted criminal responsible for causing hundreds to go homeless, to nearly starve? You, who brought about winter weeks ahead of schedule in a bout of thunder, snow and chaos?" She visibly gagged when that last word left her mouth. "I expected much better from you of all ponies, Ms. Dash." Rainbows eyes began to water in sorrow. She knew she was right, but being told so in person from her monarch was what drove it home hard. Celestia continued her walk. "I know why you did what you did." Rainbow began to speak, but was once again cut off with "I have very reliable sources that told me everything both from second and third hand accounts, as well as the footage from the factory." She paused, giving Rainbow a moment to contemplate. Rainbow's eyes darted about the room in contemplation. Nopony she knew would tell her secret, especially to Princess Celestia! Everypony was busy anyways, so there was no way they could tell her. AJ was stuck in town, Rarity was running around like mad, Pinkie was in the city, and Fluttershy was in the forest! Her face grew hot with rage when she narrowed down her suspect. Some friend Twilight is! Rainbow thought furiously. Or rather, WAS. Celestia once again lifted her hoof to Rainbows face, lifting her muzzle. "Yes. It was indeed Twilight who told me of your location. You're lucky she told me and not one of the guards. They have orders to bring you to me, but they can be quite... unprofessional. Shining Armor's been working on getting them in order, but being so far from his watchful eye just makes their minds wander and blood boil." Rainbow felt the magic around her head easing up slightly. She was able to move more of her face, and it contorted into one of both sadness and anger. Celestia smiled slightly, coldly. "Tell me, Ms. Dash. Why didn't you turn yourself in? You're the Element of Loyalty, which means loyalty to your homeland and your ruler." Rainbow Dash spoke. "I wanted to, I really did. Every day since it happened I've been wanting to beg for your forgiveness, do anything I could to undo the damage I did." She nodded towards to window Celestia had entered previously. "Nopony out there wants to hear what I have to say, and I don't blame'em. I ruined their homes, their business, their lives! Ponies are starving and homeless because of me. Families can't come home because of what I did!" She lowered hear head in shame. "All because I couldn't bear to let my pet hibernate for a few measly months. I couldn't bear to let him go. I love him too much, your highness." Rainbow raised her head again to see her Princess looking away from her towards the window. The moon had risen, and it was full and bright. Moonlight poured into the room, making her face appear all the more majestic. A very fine streak was under her eyes, which Dash took note of. Suddenly, her head snapped back towards her in annoyance. "Still, a crime is a crime. As you said, many are suffering because of what you did." She softened her expression slightly. "Thankfully, you're at least aware of your crimes and appear repentant." Silence flooded the room as Celestia looked into Rainbow's tearing, rose eyes. After a few minutes, the binding around Rainbow Dash was released, her bones creaking from being held in place for so long. Her first instinct was to flee. Flee Ponyville, or even Equestria. Maybe Gilda would take her in for a while? Anywhere but here would suit her fine. She stopped when she realized that one of the most powerful creatures in all of creation was going easy on her, despite her open confession. She knew she wasn't out of the woods yet, but perhaps there was a way to possibly lessen her punishment? Dash coughed, immediately getting Celestia's attention. "P-Princess? I... I know I messed up, and I'm SOO sorry about it. I really am. I know it's not enough, but it's something, you know?" She said her next words very, very carefully. "I know you've handled situations bigger than this. You've saved Equestria dozens of times, from evil monsters like Discord and Chrysalis to..." She choked on the next word. "to... even your own sister." Celestia's coat stood on end in rage, but Dash had to continue. It was too late to stop now! "But, you've given most of your enemies a second chance! Princess Luna's reformed after a thousand years, and Discord's reformed from even longer than that! Granted, it was me and the other elements who got them to where they are now, but it's by your patience that they're allowed to be where they are now!" She pressed on, getting bolder. "You waited a thousand years when you banished Luna to the moon, right? Well I want to be there when my turtle wakes up from his hibernation in two months, but I can't do that from a prison cell." Celestia clearly wanted to say something against Rainbow's point, but she held her tongue. Okay, I'm getting to her. Now to drive it home. "Like I said before, I'll do anything to repair the damage I did. I just can't be stuck in a prison cell then my tortoise wakes up and sees nopony was there to greet him. You were there for Luna's return; let me be there for Tank's return." Once again, silence conquered the room. The monarch of the Equestrian society was as silent and still as a statue, the only part of her moving was her eyes as they looked all over the Pegasus' face. After a solid ten minutes, Celestia began to chuckle. "So, you'll do anything as long as it's not be stuck in a cell?" Dash nodded, absolutely no apprehension in her decision. Celestia stamped her golden clad hoof on the floor. "Very well. Since you want to reclaim your right to live as a free mare so badly, I'll give you the opportunity." She raised a hoof when Dash began to pump her hoof. "However, it's something that you have to earn." "Whatever it is, I''ll do it!" Rainbow said, ranting adrenaline fueled words. "Fight a dragon? An army of dragons? Wrestle with an Ursa Major? I'll take on whatever you-" "You must win a race." Dash stopped, confused. A race? That's it? She scratched her head with a hoof. "Um... sure? That's simple enough, I suppose." She stopped again. It's too simple. "If you win this race, you'll be absolved of all crimes related to this incident. I'll also publicly announce to all of Equestria that I forgave you of the crimes, and you'll walk away totally free." Dash's brow raised skeptically. "And if I lose?" "You'll have to do every single job for Winter Wrap Up by yourself for the next three years." She said calmly. Rainbow reeled, sitting on the ground in complete shock. All of W.W.U.? For THREE years?! ALONE?! It was an outrageous stake, sure. But her ego and confidence urged her to press on. She was the fastest flier in all of Equestria! She broke the COLOR barrier with sheer SPEED, for Celestia's sake! Confident, she nodded. There was no way she could lose this. "Can you guess who your opponent will be, Ms. Dash?" Celestia said coyly. She didn't pick up on the sly notion, pondering in her head who or what she could race against. Well, it'd have to be fast. Fast and powerful. And probably big, too. A manticore? Nah, too bulky. Phoenix? They're a good match, I guess. Griffon's are too slow, and no pony can match me, soo... Dash shrugged, at a loss of ideas. "Me." Silence. "Wait.... what?" Dash said after a while. "Did you say that... you'll race me?" "I didn't stutter, did I?" The princess said with a smug face on her muzzle. Rainbow didn't know whether to laugh or cower in fear. On one hoof, beating royalty in a race would be a great way to earn her reputation back and then some! On the other, she had never really seen Celestia fly before. She knew she was carried around by chariot a lot, or even teleporting to places with her magic. Rainbow had absolutely no real way of knowing just how fast the Alicorn princess was. That gave her a thought. "What about your magic? You could easily just poof to the finish line or something and win!" Celestia raised a hoof in defence. "I assure you there will be no "poofing" of anypony in this race." Clearly Rainbow was unconvinced. Celestia rolled her eyes. "Very well. If it bothers you so much, I'll.... I'll have Discord temporarily remove it." Dash reeled again, shocked by the offer of such a handicap. Celestia was willing to be rid of her magic? For a race? She wasn't sure whether to be shocked or honored. She nodded her head, agreeing to the terms. The monarch nodded as well. "Here are the terms of our race." She teleported them into Twilight's castle, the Cutie Map already out and revealing every part of Celestia's domain. Rainbow Dash was incredibly tempted to call out Twilight in anger at the mere sight of the castle's interior, but this was far more important. Celestia pointed her hoof at the desert, small tornadoes circling around large dunes while water flooded around them. "We'll start our race here." She said, pointing the the furthest corner of the landscape. Her hoof glided over to the opposite corner, which was all the way in Manehattan. "And we'll end here." "That's not too bad, I guess." She slapped her hoof over her mouth. Why do I have to talk before I think? "Oh really?" said the Princess, getting confident. "Well, since it's not too much of a problem, we'll make Manehattan the... halfway-point." She slid her hoof again to the desert. "Once you reach the furthest corner of Manehattan, then you turn around and travel all the way back to San Palomino." Dash gaped. "Across the entire continent? Twice?" "If it's too much for you to handle, we could discuss the terms of your.... imprisonment?" She shook her head furiously. "No way! I can handle that!" Celestia nodded. "Good to hear. See you tomorrow morning, Ms. Dash!" Rainbow started to speak, but Celestia was already rearing up for takeoff. The princess of the day turned into a streak of pure white, sending a shockwave of light to rattle the entire castle. Rainbow was visibly shaking, nearly chattering in fear. This would be a tough race, indeed. A voice called out from somewhere behind her. "Rainbow Dash? What're you doing here? And what was that rumbling? You're supposed to be at Pinkie's place this week and..." Rainbow stood and turned around. It was time to finally settle this matter with her... friend.