//------------------------------// // 2 // Story: Unorthodox Love // by Eternal Enchantment //------------------------------// I couldn't keep the grin off my face. This was actually happening. My brain was taking a long time to process this information, but my heart was way ahead of it; racing at a million miles an hour and happier than Twilight when she first went to the Crystal Empire's library. I wasn't around at the time, but since I had inherited my father's powers, I used them to see all the past events that had transpired among the Elements of Harmony before I was born. It had taken me the best part of a week, but I now knew everything that had happened in the lives of my mother and her friends, even before they had met each other. I'd seen Rainbow Dash fly for the first time. I'd seen the first beauty pageant that Rarity had ever won. She'd gone on to win many more, but of course, the first is always the most cherished, the most special. I'd witnessed Pinkie Pie's first word, which was, unsurprisingly, "cake". I'd seen Twilight read for the first time. I'd seen her growing up. I'd seen her moving to Ponyville from Canterlot. I'd seen Applejack buck her first apple. I'd been witness to the creation of her biggest secret. I knew the secret well, and she didn't know that I knew. And I'd seen my own dear, sweet mother as a filly. Bless her heart; she was so fragile and adorable. I paid very close attention to her life, and I learned things about her that she was too scared to ever tell anypony. Even my father. But I suppose, having all the same powers, he had probably done the same as I had. Although he never said anything, or acted like he knew. All of their firsts made them so happy - almost as happy as the day they got their Cutie Marks. Cutie Marks. I began to feel, as Pinkie would put it, nervousited. I was still ecstatic to be here with Circuit Boost, and nothing could ruin that, but anxiety was clawing at the corners of my mind now that I remembered that I had no Cutie Mark. It hadn't really mattered to me when I was at home. Everypony knew who and what I was. Blank flanks weren't uncommon, even at my age. Although the only friend I had who had also been a blank flank had finally gotten her Mark, just two days prior to my journey. I didn't know if I even had a special talent. Everypony was supposed to earn a Cutie Mark during their life. More often than not, it'd appear before the age of five. By eighteen, there was no doubt that a pony would have a Cutie Mark. It was something weird and magical to do with pony biology. I was seventeen, and I was no closer to getting my Cutie Mark than I had been ten years ago. Princess Celestia had said that she didn't even know if I would get a Mark. Despite being a pony, the fact of the matter was, I was born of a Draconequus. And since the Draconequus in question was Discord, the master of Chaos and all things deadly, evil and unholy, his magic may have tampered with a lot of my biology. That explained my yellow eyeballs. I was surprised at how Circuit could look at me like it was nothing; like it didn't bother him in the slightest. Then again, he was my best friend for a reason. He was warm, kind, friendly and sweet. Not the least bit judgemental. He was by far the nicest and most wonderful pony I had ever met. And of course, he was intelligent. That was getting harder and harder to find these days. An intelligent pony with whom one could converse about anything, be it the news or the stars, or anything in between. "I'm hungry. Are you hungry?" I smiled at the sound of Circuit's voice. "A bit, yeah..." I replied, quietly. "Have you had breakfast?" "Nope. You?" "Nah, me neither. Let's go get something to eat, I'm fucking starving." We trotted off to find somewhere to eat. We were spoiled for choice, as there were a lot of food joints around. I let Circuit lead the way to wherever he wanted to go. After all, it was his town and he knew best. "You alright, Velvet? You've been really quiet for the last minute or so. Everything okay?" Circuit's voice yanked me back to reality. I'd zoned out for what felt like only a few seconds while thinking. I guess I was hungrier than I had initially thought. It did have an annoying tendency to distract me and lower my brain's processing power and speed. "Yes, I'm fine, thank you. Sorry, I just..." I shook my head a little to clear it. "I was thinking. I do that a lot... I'm sorry..." I scratched my left foreleg with my right forehoof awkwardly. "Awh." He smiled at me. "That's fine. Kinda cute." I blushed at that and made a sound halfway between a whine and a squeak. That just made his smile a little wider, and I smiled back shyly. As awkward and shy as I normally was with pretty much everypony, it was hard to stay that way around him. Circuit Boost was unlike anypony else I had ever met. Actually, unlike anypony else, full stop. He felt different to the rest of the world, and he made me feel different. I mean different as in... Better. Not like myself. He made me feel strong. Confident. The pony I always wanted to be. And most of all... He made me happy. I nudged him gently, unable to voice my affections at this exact moment. He nudged me back, and I knew that he understood. "You're cute. Not me." I replied. He growled in a friendly, joking way. "What? You are!" I giggled. I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back just as tightly, reminding me that he genuinely cared about me as much as I cared about him. "Now, how about that food?" He said, grinning at me. "Sounds good. We'll starve to death at this rate." "Well, try to stop being so damn adorable then." He responded brightly. "I should say the same to you!" I said, giggling and blushing bright pink. He turned to me with a serious look, before cracking that amazing smile again. He winked at me, and for a moment, I felt my legs buckle a little. That was kind of hot. "Here we are." He announced as we arrived at the doorway of a small store. "Come on." I nervousitedly followed him into the shop.