The Third Diary

by Nameless Narrator

Love And Advanced Weaponry Is All You Need

[Blazing's Entry]

Nothing I could write would explain how much I missed having somepony to cuddle at night so I'm not going to bother. Cromach is here and that's all that matters. We're gonna mess around a little for the remainder of the month, probably have a look at what's on the other side of the mirror, and then go home.

Speaking of which, I'm mopping again, yaay!

It's been two days since Crom arrived and my power has been recovering at a much faster pace than before. The feathers on my wings don't show any signs of coming back though, not that I care that much but I'm hiding my power from the griffons so with no magical plumes I look like a plucked chicken.

Good development - my chest and face healed quite well and I can now walk without wearing bandages. It still itches from time to time but the fresh, carpet-like, short coat actually feels really nice in the morning air. As far as my horn goes, I managed to file it down so it doesn't look broken and cracked but simply a bone a part of which has been cleanly cut off.

I'm feeling better and better and Luna's words returned to me on the second night coupled with Rock Candy's and I realized my previous guess wasn't wrong. I... believe I really might be the alicorn of Hope and the knowledge that Crom is here by my side without hating me is giving me my power back.

[End Entry]

My shift is done and, slowly becoming used to working again, I don't keel over as I put my cleaning tray away. This also means that I'm finishing my rounds sooner and sooner so I can't just walk to the courtyard to watch the morning practice so I just sit down on the wide stairs leading out of the building and breathe in the cool almost-morning air.

It's unbelievable how bright the stars are out here. As somepony born in Manehattan and living most of my life there or in Canterlot I haven't had many opportunities at stargazing and, finally able to think about it, I haven't missed much. The sky is pretty but that's about it, no movement, just complete stillness everywhere besides directly above the fortress where the stars seem to wobble a little as if obscured by hot air coming from a chimney.

Are the cooks getting started early today or is it just my damn eyes playing tricks on me?

I could wake Mistake up but I prefer him sleeping for now and enjoying the opportunity to clear my head and think my own thoughts without having everything I go through endlessly examined for, well, mistakes. Looking at the strange sky, I come to the conclusion that the visual effect is too wide to be caused by just one chimney. To cover such area all the chimneys in the fortress would have to be fuming constantly. None of the sentries on the outer walls seem to be bothered though so I just walk back through the halls of the fortress to the top floor.

There is only one exit leading to the roof and, luckily, I have the key. Quite less luckily, the door is open.




Strange anomaly hovering over the roof. The door that should be locked tight is open, and-

And the dark spot in the corner is definitely not marmelade. I get it.

Any ideas?

A sharp stab of pain in my head is the sign that Mistake is going through my memory of tonight with far too much speed to be gentle.

Not really. Go check out the corner and I'll be watching.

Trying to make as little sound as possible, I walk to what proves to be a puddle of blood smeared with paw marks. The door to the closest turret doesn't budge as I push against it but it doesn't seem locked.

There's a body on the other side.

So, there's somepony inside the fortress who killed at least one of the sentries. Considering none other noticed they might be dead as well. Go wake up Cromach, tell him to do what the usual procedure is or something and then to meet me at the teleport mirror. My best guess is that whoever killed the griffon came from there.

I have to guard you.

No, you have to guard him. There's no real point in guarding me if the only griffon making life worth living is gone.

He knows better than to argue and disappears. For now I'm almost blind, can't see around corners and behind me. The best idea would be to stay put so I stand up and go straight to the storage room. Strangely enough, the only interruption comes when I open the door and a minotaur aims a pistol at me. She quickly salutes and I take a breath of relief that she's okay.

"Rocky, did something or somepony come from the mirror?" I nod to the magical item.

"Nope, Prophet, all clear."


"Is there a problem?"

"Yes, somepony killed a griffon sentry and there's something weird going on above the fortress. I thought it had something to do with Cromach's mirror world smuggling case but..."

I drift off as my mind catches up.

What are the mirror world inventions I've seen until now? Husk, medical prosthesis, better train, crystal energy source, AND A GIANT FREAKING AIRSHIP CAPABLE OF HOVERING SILENTLY ANYWHERE. Who is to say that there isn't a mirror technology capable of making it near-invisible?

Okay, so the theory goes - somepony is flying above us, invisible and at the best time to infiltrate a place. There's a dead guard and presumably he's not the only one. Somepony is coming for more blueprints tonight probably. I wish I had something more to go on than just guesswork.

Is the mirror a dud, a false clue then? Doubtfully.

"Rocky, I'm going out. If anything comes out of the portal then shoot first, ask questions while shooting. I think we're under attack."

The sneaking griffon who attacked me must have been important. I'm sure that killing guards would have made this place impenetrable if it happened before I came so I believe this is a step caused by the encounter with me.

Mistake will be protecting Cromach who will wake the entire fortress up as soon as he can. What can I do to help, go there as well? Nah, I've never really worked well in a group. Time to go on the roof and see what is to be seen.

By the time I get to the stairs leading up various alarms start ringing from downstairs, giving me the cover to make it to the roof...

... just to dive back when a platoon of griffon soldiers use me as a practice target. The bullets denting the iron door make a strong argument for running the hay away and I don't think twice.

Unfortunately, neither do the soldiers and the steps followed by angry shouting are right behind me.

Galloping through the outer square of halls, I reach one of the corner staircases leading down. Strangely enough, even with the soldiers not too far away I'm not being shot at anymore. That's probably not a good thing. Nopony has ever wanted me alive just because they were nice.

"Blaze, HERE!" I hear Crom's voice from the left. It seems he made it to the mirror room fast enough.

Aaaand we're back.

What's going on?

We're under attack by about fifty griffons. All guards outside are dead. Hamilton is leading the defense, he's Black Ops just like Cromach.

Fifty? That should be a breeze for the guys stationed here. Are they immortal like the corrupted ones in Golden Sands or something?

No, just insanely well equipped. They have got guns that can easily pierce armor while their armor stops all bullets. That's not the worst part.

I ALWAYS love to hear somepony say that.

It's not just griffons. There are also unicorns out there.

Mirror world weaponry coupled with magic. That's just my luck...

With invisible Mistake keeping an eye out on the hall, I hide with the others in the storeroom. The soldiers don't run round the corner fast enough to see us go inside.

"Blaze, the fortress is-" starts Crom.

"Mistake told me everything."

"What do we do?"

"You're asking ME? I never have a plan, I always just wing it."

"And succeed. Also, I have no idea. The guys downstairs have barricaded all access from upper floors and outside when they heard the enemy could come from the roof. We're alone up here."

"I don't know, barricade the door?"

Without a moment of thought, Rock Candy pushes a large crate in front of the door-


-and a red beam melts through the lock, the box, and Rocky's side, instantly cauterizing the wound. Rocky falls over.

Yes, making a noise with a bunch of armed soldiers running past was a smart idea.


"Crom, throw her through the mirror. I don't know what's on the other side but it sure as hell can't be worse than dying here."

The mirror cracks slightly as Cromach slams Rocky's head into it.

"Got a small problem!" he says, almost drowned out by the increasing steps outside.

Did I guess wrong what the mirror was?

No, it sure is magical. Perhaps it needs some sort of magic to unlock it?

You're the mage in these parts, GET ON IT!

Right, right, right.

"Crom, Mistake is working on the mirror. I'll try to hold them off as long as I can. When you get a signal just jump in with Rocky."

He looks skeptically at the small mirror of barely enough size to reflect his entire face.

"It's a bit tiny for that. Are you sure?"

"It'll just, I don't know, suck you in or something. Just be ready."

Finally, the preparations of the soldiers are complete. I get the message from the wooden door shattering into pieces.

Pieces which turn to ash when they hit my fire wings. A short moment later the floor sizzles with tiny pools of melted lead.

The soldiers stop shooting.

"Strange alicorn encountered. Requesting orders!" mumbles one.

My wings hiss out and the fire plumes turn to black ice which shatters into tiny pieces floating through the room. I doubt the soldiers know what it means but if they try to rush inside they'll know firsthoof what it feels to be inside a blender.

Without aiming their weapons, three armored ones walk inside, followed by-

You know? Sometimes I wish I wasn't always right.

-a griffon in well-fitting black jacket and pants. What makes him recognizable are the rapier, the dagger, the pistol hanging on his waist, but mostly the several fresh scars crossing half of his face.

"One wrong move and you're strawberry jam," I growl and the levitating shards of my wings move in the air.

Why not do it now and save you some trouble?

I have barely enough strength to control even this little divine power. All I now have is the illusion of strength and a ton of hope that they don't find out.

"I strongly believe you would have done that already if it was in your power, mister janitor. Seize them!" he points.




I manage to assemble a small ice wall giving us a second of time to push groaning Rocky close enough to the mirror which slurps her down with a fairly creepy noise. Crom immediately jumps through and as soon as the weak flash signalling the translocation is over comes I follow.

Do you know why I hate flying? Mostly because of the fact that when you fall your stomach seems to be running away through your nostrils. Teleportation, unfortunately, feels fairly similar. Thus, I now hate teleportation as well. At least it's quick.

"BEHIND YOU!" I hear Cromach and reflexively buck back with both my hind legs.



The scream fades and I hear a wet slap from the floor which upon looking turns out to be a griffon arm wrapped in the sleeve of a black jacket. A quick blink reveals the mirror my kick shattered lost its magical properties.

Unfortunately, another look around reveals the three of us landed in a large room full of tables, chairs, food, and most of all... griffons and ponies sitting around, suddenly not eating.

This place is a cantine built in a very similar fashion to the one at Ironclaw. The inhabitants aren't soldiers though. Despite them looking fairly fit none of them is wearing armor. In fact, all of them are wearing white robes with differently colored belts.

A tall, grey griffon apporaches us. No, my left eye tells me different when I blink, not a griffon. A changeling disguised as a griffon. A changeling from whom I can sense immense amount of power.

"Who might you be?" he asks carefully.

"Before I answer, can somepony look at Rocky's wound?" I nod towards our minotaur friend with part of her torso charred.

The disguised changeling quickly turns his head and then calls upon a group of unicorns at a nearby table.

"Take care of her," he says simply.

As Rocky is being levitated away I smile at the 'griffon'.

"Thanks, I didn't expect to be greeted so warmly, especially from a change-"

Left, now!

I narrowly dodge a fast jab aimed at my face.

"What?" I hear Cromach's yelling and the snapping of the harness holding his battleaxe.

The changeling/griffon doesn't relent and since he apparently expected me to dodge the first blow he just swings his outstretched arm, clipping my head.

Block this one.

The wide swipe of his other arm is blocked by my disfigured one. He's strong but not overbearingly so. I have to stay focused on the changeling because his movements sure as hell prove he's good at close combat.

What about Crom and the other?

Crom's fine. We're surrounded but nopony is moving. You know, we could stop now and talk it through- KICK!

The changeling turns on one hind leg and I barely lean backwards to avoid the roundhouse kick. It's not enough though as he stretches his leg mid-movement and gains the short length needed to less kick, more push me on the floor.

Sure, we COULD, but I'm in a mood for serious asskicking.

As the changeling jumps at me when I'm on my back on the floor, I don't try to roll away but just kick up with my hind legs.

"Ooof!" the air leaves the changeling's chest as he's bucked upwards but he lands on all fours with no trouble and stands back up, arms at the ready, talons outstretched. I match his movements.

He waits for me to blink before moving but as soon as my eyes close he rushes at me and I have to avoid a flurry of quick punches. Thanks to my 'blind' eye I'm not too bothered by the move but his speed is alarming in any case.

Left, right, left, left, right, left-

With Mistake's input flowing directly to my head, I'm able avoid every blow and eventually weave a punch in. Since I have at least one normal front leg, I use the hard hoof to politely tell to the changeling to crawl on the floor and stop bothering me.

He disagrees as the punch makes him stop his assault and stumble backwards but not fall. I immediately follow with another blow of my arm which is diverted by his quick block and once again it's up to me to defend myself.

Left punch, left punch, right punch, KICK, jump kick-

A blow of both his arms straight to my face sends me to the floor. My ears are ringing from the force but I can hear the dull 'thud' of something hard hitting flesh from above.


The changeling is recovering from the blow of the handle of Cromach's battleaxe, clutching his chest. He doesn't hesitate for long and lunges at Crom, getting as close as possible for him to be unable to use his weapon effectively. As Crom tries to push him away with the handle held in both arms the changeling grabs the handle as well and-

A biiiig mistake, trying to outmuscle Crom.

-brings both his hind legs to his chest and, while Cromach stumbles against the combined weight of his weapon and the changeling hanging on it, kicks. Letting go of the weapon, Crom flies, crashing into a table nearby. The changeling throws the axe away and rushes towards Crom who is coughing and groaning.

The world goes red.

A shard of black ice shatters the floor between the changeling and Cromach. Both of them look at me and while Crom looks worried the enemy's expression turns from carefree to serious for the first time. He nods at me and steps away from MY griffon. The power of Death inside me subdued, I exchange blows with the changeling again.

The world spins and something hits me in the back. It's the floor.

The griffon puts a paw of his hind leg on my chest and one talon to his beak.

The heck was that?!

I... I have no idea.

Truth be told, everything felt fine up to the point when I was flying and subsequently slammed into the floor. I was predicting the changeling's movements with no real trouble, I knew what was going to happen and I moved to avoid the kick to my leg dropping me off balance.

The thing is that I was in no position to do so unless I was made of jelly.

Breathing heavily and not moving, I come to the conclusion that the changeling led me move by move into a position where my prediction ability would be useless because my body wouldn't be able to react at all to his next attack.

I lost in a martial arts duel. I may have landed two or three mostly just disorienting blows but that was it. If I was a normal pony and if the changeling wanted me dead then I wouldn't be here right now.

"You win, mister-" I groan.

He narrows his eyes.


He smiles and I get what the problem was.

"My name is Antares," he bows politely as I get up, "I'm the grandmaster of this school."

"School?" Crom joins me, holstering his axe on his back again.

"Well, a monk temple, but I just consider this a place where anypony can learn discipline and self-control."

"Where are we?" I ask.

"Since you so obviously came from a magical portal," Antares grins and looks at the wall where...

...the mirror we came through USED to be.


I pat him on the back.

"Don't worry and just expect the worst. It happens to me all the time."

"And what would 'the worst' be?"

"A small army of griffons attacking this place from where whoever stole the mirror hid it."

A gong rings through the 'school'.

"Well, for now it's time to lock you up alongside your minotaur friend. Go quietly and we can talk later. A new day is starting and we have a routine to keep."

"Thanks for your... hospitality."

"I could punch you again."

"No, thanks."

"Good," Antares smiles calmly.