//------------------------------// // 12:30 AM- Upper Right Hallway // Story: Survive the Night // by WRLB //------------------------------// Twilight slowed down a little, expecting to be breathing heavily. Usually, when she ran great distances, she would be left wheezing like no tomorrow. The fact that she weighed several hundred pounds more than usual wouldn't have helped either. But she soon noticed that she wasn’t breathing heavily, or, for that matter, breathing at all. She had taken it for granted before, but now she couldn’t help but question if she was even alive at all. She stopped in her tracks and lifted her right hoof up and tilted it up slightly. She then lifted up her other hoof and placed it on top of it. No pulse. She then put her hoof in front of her face. She opened her mouth wide and tried to breathe, but to her surprise, she couldn’t find the strength to breathe air onto her hoof. She tried with all her might, but all she got was a little squeak that sounded like it came from deep inside her. Her mind started racing. The only evidence Twilight had to prove that she was alive was that she was still completely sentient. What Am I? She thought to herself, looking at her two heavy hooves. The only thing she knew was that the figure could be catching up to her at that very moment. So at a brisk pace, Twilight trotted down the long hallway. A little while later, she came across what she recognized as the room that she had just come from. She looked around and saw that it was as empty as ever, but now there was a long length of rope hanging from the ceiling. Brushing aside the fact that the mysterious figure could still be behind her, she walk towards the rope. When she got nearer, she looked up and saw that the rope was hanging from an open space in the ceiling. Odd, she thought, but maybe I can use this to escape! She grabbed onto the rope and tugged at it. She then realized that she weighed too much, when the rope came falling down. Attached to the rope was what looked like a giant metallic hook. The hook gave out a loud clang when it landed on the floor. Uh, oh, thought Twilight, realizing the sound might have attracted her predator. With that, she galloped quickly, but quietly out of the room on the other side. This place is a maze! Twilight thought to herself. A little while later, she came across a plaque on the wall which read: PARTY ROOM:GUESTS ONLY! A place to hide! Twilight thought in relief. Next to the plaque was an opening which Twilight deduced was the “Party Room.” She took one peek and froze with fright. If she was alive, her heart would have definitely skipped a beat. In the left corner of the room, beyond the tables and chairs, was what looked like her friend Pinkie Pie, except her eyes were glowing pink! Twilight then realized that the figure had not noticed her. The pony-like creature was instead looking at a box that was slightly above her. Twilight slowly backed away, but then with a sharp, mechanical twist, the figure stared at Twilight. Twilight imagined herself gulping really hard. The figure’s bright pink eyes glowed and made Twilight feel uneasy. It was as if they were looking directly into her soul, if she had one. The figure’s eyes illuminated her big, skin-curling silver smile. The figure violently started running around the tables and chairs and was quickly heading straight for Twilight. Not again, Twilight thought to herself and ran down the hallway as fast as she could. She reached the corner, but the imposter Pinkie Pie was not faraway. Twilight ran down the second hallway again, barely noticing the metallic pony skeleton lying on the floor. She dodged it and continued going down the path. I’m going nowhere! Twilight realized; she had been running in circles the whole time. She had just run past the same slips of paper she saw before. As she was running, she saw another opening she never saw before. She turned and saw a flight of stairs going down. Hastily, she trampled down the stairs. When she’d finally reached the bottom, there was a door in front of her that had a plaque on it. The plaque read: Parts and Services: Maintenance Personnel ONLY! With great determination, she grabbed the door knob, only to find that she’d ripped it clean off. Clang, clang, clang, clang! As quickly as possible, she opened the door and closed it. She heard the metallic clanging of the Pinkie Pie imposter through the door. Twilight waited, and waited, and waited some more. Finally, after some time, the figure left. The sound of its hooves faded away, and faint, eerie laughter lightly sounded along with it. Twilight imagined herself giving a sigh of relief. She thought about opening the door, but she felt she should stay a little while longer-at least until she was certain it was safe to go out.