A shell, a spell, and...wait, what the..??

by MrWriterWriter

Mini-Chapter: Mother & Son

Spike watched Twilight as she trudged off to go and pack after her last attempt to get Celestia to change her mind about the Nightmare Moon legend, "Isn't that kind of extreme, Mom?" He asked, "I mean, Twi wouldn't act like that unless she really believed it was serious enough."

"I know, Spike." Celestia replied, "She's doing this only out of legitimate concern, but the legend is just that." She sighed and poured herself a cup of tea, "She spends so much time in the library nowadays. You're just about the only one who can get her to leave the library at times, but when you're occupied with your own studies...I-I just don't want what happened to Starswirl to happen to her."

Spike blinked, "Starswirl...? You knew Starswirl the Bearded!?"

"Back when I was still a young mare." A thoughtful expression crossed her face, "We were colleagues at the magic academy. Like Twilight, he loved to study and research arcane formulae. As time went on, though, he became more and more absorbed in his work. His growing asocial nature caused what few acquaintances he had to pushed away." The thoughtful look morphed to a regretful one, "I tried many times to get him to talk to other ponies, make a friend or two, or socialize some at the very least. Sadly, it had the opposite effect and it wasn't long before we drifted apart as well; the last time I saw him he decided my newest attempt to convince him was the final straw and he yelled at me to stop with 'this friend foolishness' and leave him be." She looked at the cup in her hand before putting it back down on the table, " I've lost count of the times I've wondered if I should've tried a little harder, been more persistent. Twilight deserves the chance to avoid that path."

Spike looked back to where his friend had gone, "I...I guess that kinda makes sense." He glanced back at Celestia, "I'm still kinda uneasy about this, though. I know she's not a foal anymore, but..."

Celestia had no trouble understanding what he meant. It was no secret how close the two were. It was this knowledge that helped her make her next decision, "Then I suggest you hurry and get packed as well."

He just looked at her for a moment, "What?"

"I think it's time you got out and expanded your horizons and met ponies outside of Canterlot, and Ponyville will be a good start."

He immediately brightened, "Seriously!?"

She smiled, "Seriously. And while I'm thinking about it, you'll need this." Her horn took on its familiar yellow glow as she lightly touched it to his.

"Whooooo..." Spike blinked rapidly for a few seconds, "What was THAT??"

"I've set up a transmission link between us. This way I can send messages to you and Twilight and you can send them back as well, no matter where you are-oof!" She was cut off by the hug she quickly received from her son.

"Thanks, Mom!" He grinned before heading off to pack as well

"Take care of her, Spike." Celestia said as she watched him leave.