//------------------------------// // Chapter 10 - Friends in the Dark // Story: Night Fall - Conclusion // by Yosh-E-O //------------------------------// Moonlight shined through the open windows in the common room. This dim light was just enough to make out how the colt, Moonside, was doing something with another locked door. “Rawhide,” a filly whispered intently. “We have company.” The red mane of Rawhide became visible as he approached Pint and Bucky. “Beat it,” he hissed. “You’ll ruin everything.” “What?” Pint asked softly. “Got it,” stated Moonside. “Now don’t mess up, Silent Shadow.” FWISP Bucky and Pint watched as the doorknob became covered in a grey lightand turned. “Now it’s your turn, Spittles,” said Moonside. THWUP THWUP “There’s got to be more to my special talent than making spit wads,” stated Spittles. Rawhide sneered towards Bucky as he said, “You’re lucky, chubby. If we didn’t have to be so quiet about this I’d pound you into a pancake for getting my friend in trouble.” “Your friend,” replied Bucky. “Was about to hurt my friend.” “Fall?” asked Rawhide. “She’s your friend?” “And she’s mine, too,” added Pint with a tense look on his face. “Shh,” hissed Moonside. “Do you want to get caught?” Rawhide turned, stuck his rump in the air towards Pint and Bucky, and approached the door in which opened both slowly and quietly thanks to Spittles’ effort to ‘grease’ the hinges as Silent Shadow used her Unicorn power to carefully open the door. “Okay,” said Moonside. “We’re in. I’ll stand guard while Rawhide, Spittles, and Silent Shadow use the restroom.” “Don’t forget me,” said another colt who appeared from under a pile of blankets. “Right,” said Moonside. “Silent Shadow. Use your magic to place the blankets along the floor so that our hoof steps go unnoticed. “You’d all be nothing without me,” stated Silent Shadow as she levitated the blankets and placed them in such a way that lead to the sinks and the stalls. “And you wouldn’t be outside without my ability to pick locks,” stated Moonside. “Now get in there and use your magic to light up the room for Spittles and Rawhide. Then use that spell you figured out so they can wash up without anyone hearing the water pouring.” Pint and Bucky were in disbelief of what they were witnessing. Up until this point all the colts and fillies seemed so mean and single minded. But, right now, they were working as a team without any sign of dislike towards each other. “Can I go in, too?” asked Pint as he approached Moonside. “Shouldn’t you be in a diaper down on the first floor with the other foals?” snapped the colt with the black coat and white mane. “I’ll have you know,” growled Pint. “That I’ll be seven in just-” “-Fine,” stated Moonside as he put his hoof to his lips. “Just wait for Rawhide or Spittles to get out first.” Spittles exited the bathroom. He smelled a lot better and trotted proudly back into the bunk room. “Follow the path,” stated Moonside. “Do your business and do exactly as Silent Shadow tells you.” Pint complied as Bucky approached Moonside. “You,” scowled Moonside. “Me,” replied Bucky. Moonside glared towards Bucky and stated, “You got me in trouble.” “You got yourself in trouble,” stated Bucky. Rawhide exited as Bucky and Moonside shared words. “You want me to give him the once over?” the green Pegasus asked. “Not now,” stated Moonside. “Tomorrow, then?” asked Rawhide with an evil grin. “Yeah,” replied Moonside. “Now get back to bed.” Bucky and Moonside were equally matched in size with the exception that Bucky was far more muscular from all the walking and outdoor play he did with Pint. “What’s your problem?” asked Bucky. “You,” stated Moonside. “You and that False Foal you brought with you and how you defend that miserable twerp, Fall.” Bucky extended his wings, allowed his body to show its full size, and glared at Moonside and snarled, “There’s never an excuse for bullying.” “Quiet down,” stated Moonside. “You’ll get us all-“ “-What?” asked Bucky as he raised his tone. “What you deserve for being cruel to an innocent filly?” Moonside knew he was backed into a corner. Bucky was bearing down on him and he firmly believed the yellow Pegasus when he threatened to ruin what he and his team of companions had worked so hard to achieve. “Fine,” he said. “Just calm down.” Bucky lowered his wings, relaxed his muscles, and faced Moonside. “You and all the others owe Fall a big apology,” he stated. “For what?” asked Moonside. “She ruins everything.” Bucky raised his hoof in preparation to stomp it fiercely down upon the floor. “Wait,” gasped Moonside. “Don’t do that,” “Then you better promise me you’ll all apologize to Fall and start treating her better.” “But…,” groaned Moonside. Bucky positioned his body so that his back was facing the wall. He then prepared to smash his back hooves as hard as he could against the wall. “Okay,” said Moonside. “Just don’t do that.” “And what are you going to do?” asked Bucky as he remained in his bucking position. “Apologize to Fall,” said Moonside. “And for what?” persisted Bucky. “For…,” he stammered. “Being so mean.” Bucky returned to his standard posture as Pint walked out with the biggest smile he probably ever had in his life across his face. “Silent Shadow is amazing,” he said. “She even said she’d-“ Pint noticed how tensely Bucky and Moonside were facing each other. “What’s going on?” he asked. “Moonside and I were just waiting our turn to use the bathroom,” replied Bucky. “Weren’t we?” Moonside wasn’t taking any chances. Bucky had already gotten him garbage duty and the yellow Pegasus was definitely not intimidated by him like the other fillies and colts were. “Yeah,” he said. “That’s it.” Pint made his way back to Fall’s bed as Bucky, Moonside, and Silent Shadow finished cleaning up after their nocturnal activities. “And remember,” said Bucky as he looked Moonside straight in the eyes. “I’m not afraid to do anything if you ever try to bully Fall, or any other kid, in this place. Got it?” Moonside gulped upon being put in his place for the first time in his life. “Got it,” he replied with the most sincerity he had all evening. As Spittles, Bucky, Silent Shadow, the unnoticed colt with the blankets, and Rawhide all returned to their resting positions, Moonside worked to lock the doors they had opened and returned to bed as well.