Life Gives You Apples

by TheVulpineHero1

1) Plugged In

Plugged In

"Why," Rainbow Dash asked, "am I not surprised that you farm ponies fail at electricity?"
Applejack scowled from under the brim of her (slightly scorched) hat. All she'd wanted was one of those new-fangled electric fans.
"But seriously, lovin' the hairdo. Who knew that 4,500 volts made such a great stylist?" the pegasus snickered.
The brim of the hat was five inches above Applejack's brow, supported by a new and voluminous afro.
"Remind me: why're we friends?" Applejack glared.
"Because you love me almost as much as I do. Duh."
Almost. But with Rainbow Dash, almost was more than enough.